Celebrating the Charism of Donovan
Wednesday 23 of March, saw a whole school celebration to honour the memory of Fr Edward Donovan, S.M.A. Fr Donovan’s order is the Society of African Missions, the same as Fr Keating. Fr Donovan served the Church in Nigeria, spreading the good news there before being posted here as Parish Priest of Christ the King in 1969.
Fr Donovan went on to serve the parish and the wider community until his retirement in 1995. He remained living in the Presbytery which is situated where the new hall is now and returned home to Ireland in 2002 and passed away soon after.
Donovan House motto, inspired by Fr Donovan, is “Strong in Heart, Mind and Body”. Throughout his time here at CTK, Fr Donovan demonstrated these qualities in his dedication to God and community, hard work and example to others. His spirit lives on particularly through the namesake of Donovan House.
We particularly pray to ask God to guide all of us to learn from Fr Donovan’s example. Wherever we go and whatever we do, help us to live peacefully, work hard and serve others and above all, to “spread the Good News”.
Harmony Day in Action
Thank you to our wonderful P&F and their volunteers for the delicious cupcakes. The children loved them. Thanks also to our Year 6 Communications Team for helping to serve.
NAPLAN- 10 May- 20 May
Year 3 and 5 students sat the national literacy and numeracy assessment Practice Test on Thursday morning. This is a system test and not individual student test. The real thing is occurring between the date listed above in Term 2. An information letter has been sent home on Thursday to parents and carers.
We have received a complaint about parking on Caldwell Street. It’s clear on both photos that the ‘No Standing’ signs are visible. Parking around most schools is a ongoing problem that there is no easy solution to. In this situation two values apply. Common sense/common knowledge” is something that everyone is usually aware of. “Common courtesy” is something everyone should do. Children’s safety and well being comes first and their safety and well being is everyone’s responsibility. Please make common sense choices when parking your car around the school.
Brian Dobbie
Assistant Principal
Talking to Your Child About Dramatic News
Given the current state of the world over the last few years, we have been witnesses to a daily barrage of news from around the world and closer to home, some of it being quite traumatic.
Between the constant stream of information through news, social media, other kids and from adult conversations, your children are probably more aware of what’s going on than you realise.
During times like this, your child might have many questions, feel confused and scared. As their dad and father figure, it’s your role to try your best to provide clarification, context and safety.
Top tips to talk about it with your child
- Be aware of their viewpoint and provide context. Young children can have difficulty with time, space and perspective. They may see something on the news and think it is happening right outside their home, right now.
- Check in on what they have seen or heard. Ask them what they are hearing or seeing? How are you feeling about this? Talk about their concerns.
- Reassure them they are safe. The information you give them should focus on letting them know they are safe. “We are/will be safe because …”. If they still have concerns, let them know you are there to talk about it, at any time.
Community News
Attached is a flyer for the local junior football club within your area for students wishing to participate in Auskick for season 2022 can get access to this information.
For parents to register a more user-friendly registration system as well as a QR code taking them straight to the club’s website is available.