Code of ConductCommunity |
The Executive Directive – Code of Conduct establishes minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision-making to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members within the CEWA community. The Code of Conduct also shows us how, as a community our behaviours are a collective work that each day builds social justice into the life of our schools. Pope Francis insists that “true social justice is impossible if the human person is not the centre of concern
- The Code of Conduct requires that an individual respects the dignity of CEWA Code of Conduct Statements
First Three Actions.
- You act safely and competently.
- You give priority to students’ safety and wellbeing in all your behaviour and decision making.
- You act in accordance with the values of the Gospel.
This week, STARRS PRODUCTIONS presented to our Year 3- 6 classes;
THE CYBER BULLY A play about cyber bullying. Zoe and her cousin Edward have a lot of time on their hands. They are always online. One day Zoe discovers she can torment the girls she doesn’t like in her class using her favourite social networking sites and her mobile phone. She and Edward let loose thinking its harmless fun. Neither realises the impact of their actions. Things get a little crazy and Zoe starts suffering text-iety, post traumatic texting disorder not to mention post text depression. Eventually Edward and Zoe face the consequences of their actions. The Cyber Bully is an entertaining play that explores the serious issue of cyber bullying among young people. The play looks at the misuse of texting, social networking sites and unauthorized use of pictures and footage. There will be a de-brief session offered after the performance where the actors will address important issues that are raised during the play and occur due to cyber bullying.
STARRS also presented ‘YOUNG MARY’ to the Kindy – Year 2 classes;
St Mary MacKillop was determined, compassionate and steadfast even as a child. This play introduces us to Young Mary and we participate in her many fun filled and spirited childhood adventures. We have lots of fun playing games with Mary, and hearing about her pet cow Borak and her dad Alexander. Then, as she grows, we bear witness to the determination of a hard-working young woman who sets out to eliminate poverty and provide a fair education for all. The play is funny and entertaining and involves the audience in lots of acting and moral decision making. Young Mary’s humour and compassion helps the audience enjoy and understand St Mary MacKillop, whilst appreciating her famous quote; “Never see a need without doing something about it”.
The P&F association would like to invite the
Dads of Christ the King School
To breakfast with your children
Friday 2nd September 2022
7:30am – 8:30am in the school Hall
Come along and enjoy an egg and bacon roll and other refreshments with our school community
We hope you can make it!
Email a photo of the kids with their dads to
For catering purposes, please RSVP by August 26th your attendance by visiting
(link can also be found on ctk parent and carers fb page)
If there are any female caregivers in our school community willing to help out with cooking and serving, please contact Sarah on 0425 125 221
Father’s Day stall
The P&F will once again be running a Father’s Day stall to give the children an opportunity to purchase a little gift for their Dads and Grandads
Gifts will be priced between $2 and $5 and the children are able to purchase multiple items.
The stall will be held on Monday 29th August for Kindy- Year 6
Tuesday 3oth August for Pre-Kindy.
A few helpers are required to run the Thursday stall from 9am-12:30pm.
If you are available to help, please contact Angela on 0422138113