Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900


Be inflamed by the fire of love. 


Red for courage shown by St Emilie de Vialar, the foundress of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition.  Sisters from the order established Christ the King School in 1903. 

  • Fleur-de-lis
  • Fire
  • Passion

 De Vialar 

De Vialar House was named after Sister Emilie De Vialar. She was the foundress of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition.  The congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph was established in 1832 in France and from here 42 houses of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition were establish throughout the world including Australia.   Four French Sisters of the Congregation of St Joseph of the Apparition arrived in Fremantle in 1855. (The Swan River settlement was then just twenty years old). 

With the turn of the century, the congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph was well established and as further expansion took place the sisters began teaching at Beaconsfield in 1903, walking there and back each day from the central house in Fremantle. However, as it was time-consuming and tiring it was later decided that they should stay at Beaconsfield during the week (in rather primitive accommodation) and return to Fremantle at weekends. These sisters were the founders of Christ the King School.  

Red was chosen for De Vialar House for the courage shown by Sister Emilie De Vialar as she followed God’s calling and established the congregation despite many difficulties and setbacks. The fleur-de-lis signifies her heritage which is French. The triangle in the background represents the spirit of unity, obedience and simplicity to which Emilie De Vialar always perpetuated.  

The motto of De Vialar House is: Be inflamed by the fire of love.

De Vialiar House Prayer Service- School Hall on Wednesday 7 September. 2.30pm.


Code of Conduct



The Executive Directive – Code of Conduct establishes minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision-making to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members within the CEWA community. The Code of Conduct also shows us how, as a community our behaviours are a collective work that each day builds social justice into the life of our schools. Pope Francis insists that “true social justice is impossible if the human person is not the centre of concern

  • The Code of Conduct requires that an individual respects the dignity of CEWA Code of Conduct Statements

 First Three Actions.

  1. You conduct yourself in accordance with laws, agreements, policies and standards relevant to your relationship with the school community.
  2. You respect the dignity, culture, values and beliefs of each member of the school community.
  3. You treat personal information about members of the school community as private and confidential.



The impact of attendance vs non-attendance

School attendance:

  • is strongly related to increased academic development
  • provides students with opportunities to develop social competence and relationships, be in a language-rich environment, work with others, and learn skills like problem-solving and persistence (Kearney & Graczyk, 2014).

School non-attendance:

  • negatively impacts students’ academic achievement in the current year but can also

impact subsequent years

  • is linked to increased social isolation for the student
  • has a greater negative impact on young people’s outcomes when it is an unauthorised absence (Hancock, Shepherd, Lawrence, & Zubrick, 2013)
  • is correlated with leaving school with fewer qualifications which in turn can lead to

unemployment, mental health issues, drug and alcohol problems and poor life outcomes.

Causes of non-attendance

Causes of non-attendance are complex as they are often due to multiple causes, and these causes can overlap (Wilkins, 2008). Causes of non-attendance are also unique to each student and need to be understood in context. Reid (2013) suggests that students tend to have one clear reason why they start to miss school, but these reasons multiply over time. The factors that cause non-attendance at the individual, family, school, and community level are expanded below.


Brian Dobbie
Assistant Principal

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