Welcome back!
It has been wonderful to welcome all our students and staff back to Christ the King for the 2023 academic year! There was much excitement as new students commenced, while old students returned to become reacquainted with school life once again. Inclusivity is important in our community and it was evident that this was experienced throughout the first few weeks of school!
Staff have been working extremely hard to ensure classrooms were ready to go for the year ahead. All classrooms are looking spacious, clean and bright and we thank our dedicated staff for all of their hardwork and preparation!
Parent Information Evening
Our Parent Information evening was a huge success. Thank you to those parents and families who were able to join us to hear our CtK Vision for 2023 and to listen to their child’s classroom teachers.
Whole School Crunch and Sip
Crunch and Sip is a primary school nutrition program, developed to increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and water being consumed by Western Australian children. It is an easy way to help children stay healthy and happy during class time! It is essential for all students to have a small container of crunchy fruit or vegetables everyday for a Crunch and Sip snack. Classroom teachers have communicated with their class, when this will take place. Participating in a daily in class Crunch and Sip break provides an opportunity for children to drink water and eat an extra serve of vegetables or fruit to support good health and to help with learning and concentration in the classroom. Check out the handy guides on the link below for packing Crunch and Sip and healthy lunchboxes in order for your child to get the most out of their school day.
A very big thank you to the many parents who have helped cover many books for us. You are all awesome. Bravo!
Arrival and Dismissal of Students in Years 1 to 6
A gentle reminder that supervision of students in Years 1 to 6 commences at 8:10am in the quadrangle. Classroom doors open at 8:30am for students to complete their morning routine tasks with teaching and learning commencing at 8:40am. Students are not to arrive to school prior to 8:10am unless attending a scheduled co-curricular activity or before school care with Smileys.
Classes are dismissed at 3pm. Please clearly communicate with your child how they are travelling home each day and ensure punctual collection. If the plan for collecting your child changes throughout the day, please contact the front office and a message will be communicated to your child.
Please be respectful of our staff completing administration, preparation and meetings before and after school and always make an appointment. We consider the safety, health and wellbeing of all children to be of paramount importance and, therefore, ask that parents respect the procedures that are in place.
Early Childhood Carpark
A reminder that only parents of children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Pre-Primary and those with special permission are permitted to park in the Early Childhood Car Park. All children in these classes, must be collected from their classrooms by parents/guardians. We thank you for your co-operation.
Messages from the P&F