Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday, well known as Pancake Tuesday, is the last day before the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. Students from Kindergarten to Year 5, were provided with a pancake made by our wonderful P&F. Thank you to all the parents involved in this.

Ash Wednesday Mass

It was lovely to come together as a school community, with students from Years 1 – 5 to reflect on Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season. Father Frances led our Ash Wednesday Mass for us in the school hall. The children received the ashes which were produced by burning the palms from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration. The ashes symbolise the dust from which God made us and are a reminder of our humanity. We wear ashes to show that we want to turn away from whatever keeps us from God, and to have a change of heart, so that we can live in the right relationship with God and each other.

The school chorale did a wonderful job and sang beautifully throughout the Mass, with the support of Miss Paratore and Mrs Burwood. It was great to have our students read throughout Mass and be involved. Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students celebrated with a Prayer Service in their classrooms and ashes were distributed.

Caritas Australia

To care deeply for the needs of another person or creature is an expression of our love for them. This tender concern is called ‘compassion’. We show compassion each year, through our efforts to raise funds for Project Compassion. The money raised supports people around the globe and here at home in Australia, to live with dignity and to make a true difference for themselves and their families. 

Today, your family would have received a Project Compassion box to support Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help support vulnerable people around the world, now and for all generations. With your support, Caritas Australia has been able to support vulnerable communities around the world to tackle poverty, food security, education, water and sanitation and disaster risk reduction. Project Compassion 2023, reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come to build better future for all.

As St Pope John Paul II said,

“The future starts today, not tomorrow.”

Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations. Project Compassion boxes are due back at school before the end of Term One.

Year 6 Camp

On Tuesday, our Year 6 students and staff set off to Nanga Bush Camp. From all accounts, they are having lots of fun together and are enjoying themselves! We can’t wait to welcome them back on Friday afternoon.


NAPLAN is a National Literacy and Numeracy assessment that students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. NAPLAN Information for parents and caregivers went out via students in Year 3 and 5 last week. The NAPLAN test window begins on Wednesday 15 March and concludes on Monday 27 March, 2023. For more information about NAPLAN – 

Public Holiday and Pupil Free Day

A gentle reminder that there is a Public Holiday on Monday 6 March and a Pupil Free Day on Tuesday 7 March, (Week 6) as our staff will be engaging in further professional development.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon  


P&F News

P&F Meeting

It was wonderful to see so many parents attending the first P&F Meeting for the school year. Thank you for your attendance and your enthusiasm for the P&F.

Shrove Tuesday

We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents who made pancakes for the children to enjoy. Also, thank you to the volunteers who helped distribute them to classes.

Welcome back picnic

We are looking forward to a great night this Friday night with a live band and activities for the children to enjoy. Don’t forget it’s BYO dinner and bring some cash as Mr Whippy is CASH only.

Mouth Guards

Ctk are fortunate to have GAME GUARDIAN come to our school on Monday 13th March to make mouth guards before the winter sporting season begins. Information on how to register your child will be emailed to you shortly.

School Disco

Our Semester One disco is locked in for Friday 24th March. Once again, there will be two sessions so write the date in your diaries so your child can attend this fun-filled event. More information to come soon.




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