Wellness Week
Wellness Week at Christ the King was a huge success among students and staff. Students loved going ‘homework free’ and it was wonderful to hear the stories of how students used their time otherwise, such as visiting neighbours, cooking with family and playing board games with family and friends. The students thoroughly enjoyed our whole school morning workout on Wednesday and enjoyed the funky music playing throughout the school on ‘feel good’ Friday. It was great to have the opportunity to relax with mindfulness activities throughout the week too! Thank you to our dedicated staff wellness team, for coordinating Wellness Week for our whole school.
NAPLAN is a National Literacy and Numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. NAPLAN information for parents and caregivers was sent out via students in Years 3 and 5 a few weeks ago. The NAPLAN test window starts on Wednesday 15 March and finishes on Monday 27 March 2023. For more information about NAPLAN – https://nap.edu.au/. We encourage parents and caregivers to keep conversations about NAPLAN as relaxed and reassuring as possible to minimise any nervousness.
Crunch and Sip
Our students are really enjoying Crunch and Sip throughout our school, and our fabulous Year 2 class have registered for March Munch where the class has been issued with a special pack of stickers, rewards and classroom activities for the month of March. We hope to have our whole school certified as a Crunch and Sip School soon!
P&F Guidelines
A gentle reminder of the role of the Parent Representative – this is a central point of communication between families, the P&F Committee, teachers, and the school administration office in order to support the teacher/s and parents in building a strong sense of community at Christ the King School. The role involves the following actions:
- Attend all P&F Meetings to represent the views of their year group. There are two P&F meetings per term
- Be prepared to fully support and promote the events of the P&F which may include some of the following: distribution of flyers, reaching out to the class for parent volunteers, asking for donations of baked goods for an event, collection of money or distribution of tickets
- Contact the parents of new children in the class to make them feel welcome in the School Community. You may like to arrange a coffee catch-up and provide relevant information to them about the class and school
- Organising class social events to help create a good community feeling, such as morning teas, meals out, group family activities etc
- Communicate with parents of merit award recipients prior to assembly
- If the Parent Representative hears of a family in special need, they may offer some pastoral care for that family – either through the parent network or by letting the school know of the need.
- Assist the class teacher by coordinating parent help in the classroom (where the teacher sees this as desirable). If parents who are rostered to help in a classroom are unable to attend, a phone call to the Parent Representative may result in a substitute being found rather than the class having to suspend that part of the program for that day.
- Parents who are unsure of how to proceed with a particular concern may contact the Parent Representative for advice.
The Parent Representative will be given the contact details of all parents in the class who are willing to have their details listed. This contact list should only be used for the purposes of communication about school and P&F matters; it is not to be used for business purposes or promotion about non-school-related matters. It also serves to assist other parents to build social networks and provide support at various times to other class parents. (Please be aware that at times, for various reasons, there may be a family who wishes not to distribute their details. We can work out alternative means of communication for this.)
It is important that all parents are following the guidelines outlined above, in order to maintain the safety and respect of each individual, with the dignity of each person being honoured.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend!
Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Fathering Project News