Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

Reflection on Term Two at Christ the King School:

As we reflect on the fantastic term we have had together, it became apparent to me that we have had so many wonderful opportunities take place at Christ the King. It is important to highlight and celebrate these as a school community.

We began the term with an Anzac Day service in the quadrangle, celebrated Confirmation and Holy Communion, held an OT parent workshop, celebrated our Mothers with a beautiful breakfast, participated in different excursions and incursions, facilitated the fathering project, participated in cross-country carnivals, school photos, wellbeing week, art club, running club, lego club, assemblies, national simultaneous story time, as well as quality learning programs taking place in our classes! There is so much happening at our wonderful school.


Student Wellbeing:

Influenza A and COVID are still prevalent in our school community. Thank you to those parents who have kept their children home if they are unwell, to reduce the risk of transmission. At school, students continue to follow safe hygiene protocols.


Mid-Term Reports:

Reports will be available to view and download on SEQTA Engage today at 3 pm. Several formal and informal assessment methods are used to ascertain your child’s development, including tests, work samples, teacher observations, interviews, projects and assignment work correlating to the Curriculum Judging Standards. Please take the time to read your child’s report.

When reading your child’s report, it is important to acknowledge the holistic growth; academic marks, effort and attitude ratings, along with personal and social management ratings. We encourage you to acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements and praise their hard work, determination, and progress. You could also work together to set a realistic growth goal for next semester, which you can break down into small, achievable steps, to celebrate throughout the journey so motivation is maintained. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education.

We thank our dedicated teaching staff for all their hard work in putting together the Mid Term Reports. Our teachers invest an enormous amount of time and energy into preparing student reports, scrutinising assessment data to determine grades and writing comments that accurately capture student progress and qualities.


The 2023 Religious Education Assessment (REA):

In Catholic schools across Western Australia, students enrolled in Years 3, 5 and 9 participate in a system-wide, online assessment in Religious Education. The administration of the assessment commences in Week 2 (practice) and Week 3 (actual assessment) of Term 3.

The purpose of the assessment is to measure student learning of the content in the Religious Education Curriculum. Test items relevant to each participating year level are developed by the Religious Education Directorate at the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. The test items consist of multiple-choice, short and extended responses. Formal student reports are produced and made available in Term Four. The reports from the assessment complement the school-based assessment programs in Religious Education. As a system-wide, online assessment, classroom teachers, school and system leaders are provided with a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student performance in Religious Education. More information will be sent home early next term.


Get reading over the school holidays!

If your child needs more incentive to read over the school holidays, please have a look at the Premier’s Reading Challenge. If they haven’t already joined in, it’s not too late! They have until September to read eight books (a huge range of reading counts, so if novels aren’t their thing, they could look at alternatives). There are fantastic grand prizes and weekly prizes too. Have fun!


A reminder school commences term three for staff and students on Monday, 17 July.

Please note the following Pupil Free Days for 2023:

Term 3

  • Friday 18th August
  • Friday 22nd September


Term 4

  • Monday 6th November
  • Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


P&F News


Community New

Lego Club Tuesdays after school in the Library

“Get in quick for next term’s Lego club! We will be learning and building about vehicles that move, on wheels!


Smileys – July 2023 Vacation Care

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