Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 1, Week 02

Prayer for our School

Dear God,

Bless this school which we have built for the education of our young people.
Bless our students and teachers, our parents,
and all who promote sound education in our community.
May our children grow in wisdom, age and grace
before You and all Your people.

May this school always be a home of truth and wisdom,
of faith and good will toward all.

Through the prayers of
Mary, Our Mother,
may this school help our community
and build Your kingdom of justice, light and peace.



Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,

On behalf of the staff of Christ the King School, I would like to welcome all students and their families to the new school year. Our dedicated staff have worked very hard over the break to prepare the grounds, buildings and teaching programs for the 2025 school year. We are indeed very fortunate to have the school and facilities that are provided here at Christ the King School.

We all know that children receive the best education when parents and staff work as a team. Parents’ enthusiasm, support and involvement are integral to the success of our school as are the skills, dedication and professionalism of teachers. Together, staff and parents can provide educational excellence for every student, so that they can achieve their personal best. Together, we can support one another to provide a friendly learning environment and celebrate our achievements.

Education today is a complex engagement because of the intensity and variety of external influences particularly through various forms of media and electronic communications. Our school has a special role in assisting every parent with the education of their children, so that all children will develop a sense of personal responsibility and learn the correct use of freedom. Throughout the year, our school will also provide experiences of liturgy and prayer as invitations to know and experience the enormous love and special friendship of God. I hope our school will be a place where staff, students and families have opportunities to experience God’s presence in our lives. I pray that the school year ahead, will see our staff and parents in genuine partnership in our collective role and faith education of the children at Christ the King School.

It was tremendous to see all our students return to school looking so refreshed and energised for the new year. I couldn’t believe how much some of our students had grown and changed over the break . . . don’t our students look so grown-up in their School Uniform?


Congratulations to all our Mums and Dads on getting their children ready for the start of the year. I appreciate it can be very hectic trying to organise all the things necessary for the new school year. Well Done! Thank you also for making a real effort with the School Uniform, as this is most important, particularly as we try and set the standard and expectation for the beginning of the year. Thank you for your patience.


New Staff and Families: In a special way, I would like to welcome all those who are new to the family of Christ the King School.  My prayer and hope for you is that your association with the school will be long and lasting, and one filled with many memorable memories. May your settling in be a gentle one.


Along with new families, we also have new faces who have joined our staff for 2025. We welcome:

  • Tracey Low – Finance Officer (Wed-Fri)
  • Danielle Theseira – Pre Primary EA
  • Kellene (Kellie) Olivieri – Kindy EA (Mon-Thur)
  • Rebecca (Bec) Minshull – Special Needs EA
  • Luisa D’Amato – Special Needs EA
  • Ailie James – ECE Special Needs Teacher (Tue-Fri)
  • Jenni Dunne – Pre Kindy Teacher (Tue-Fri)
  • Rita Crooks – Pre Kindy EA (Thur-Fri)
  • Jacynta Philp – Year Three Teacher (Fridays) Returning from Maternity Leave
  • Emily Wayne – Year Four Teacher
  • Nicole Wright – Year Five Teacher
  • Jacqueline Kovacevic – Science Teacher (Mon-Wed: Term One)
  • Sandie Summers – Auslan Teacher (Mon-Wed)


Thank you to the many parents who attended the Parent Teacher meeting last Wednesday evening. We hope you found the sessions informative. Thank you to the teachers for preparing your presentations so well. Great work, team!


School Improvements:

  • New toilets for Girls and Boys near the oval
  • A Wellness Room near the oval for staff and parents
  • New Changeroom upstairs for our special needs students with new flooring and a sink added
  • A hoist and three more change tables added around the school
  • Internal fences painted
  • More disabled parking spaces and access areas created
  • Gardening completed, lots of mulch added
  • New grass for ECE play area
  • All sandpits cleaned
  • Pruning of trees done
  • New flooring in the Nurse’s room plus a sink added
  • Oval and Quad maintenance ongoing
  • Water cooler added for Yrs 4, 5 and 6 upstairs
  • All air conditioners serviced and some repaired
  • Both sets of stairs and landings repainted


Don’t Forget: Our fortnightly newsletter has very important information for our parents. Every class communicates via Seesaw. Our school webpage will be undergoing some changes soon.


Uniforms: Every Thursday morning while Running Club is on parents can access the P&F room to use the sizing uniform kit to then make uniform orders.


Evening on the Green Welcome Back Family Picnic: I encourage all families to attend this event on Friday 21st February. This event is coordinated by the Christ the King School P&F Association. This occasion is a way of celebrating your child/ren’s first few weeks at the school, as well as an opportunity to meet other parents and welcome NEW families to the CtK School community. This will be held in the School Quad from 5:30pm until 8.00pm. There will be food trucks, games, Boogie Woogie dancing and a band will be entertaining us with live music on stage where we had our Christmas Concert last year along with lots of FREE fun activities for the children to do. Once again, this promises to be a fabulous community gathering to start the school year.


Parking: This is at a premium. There are no more car park spaces available so please be patient and just remember to drive safely as children are walking through the car park. Please DO NOT park on people’s verges across the road from the Early Childhood Centre Car Park on Caldwell Street Homeowners have complained to the school and the Ranger will be patrolling the area. I will continue to think about practical ways to support parents in being able to access the school grounds safely. Everyone please be patient and remember child safety first.


Unfortunately, we had a car accident in the ECE car park last Friday where the driver of one of the cars hit another car and didn’t come forward. The police are investigating and CCTV is being obtained. The person who did the damage if I could ask that you come forward, it would help the ongoing investigation.


From My Readings…

7 Ways to Make a Sensational Start to the School Year

A new school year means a fresh start for students. Regardless of your child’s performance last year, they start school with a clean slate. A break offers students the chance to begin new habits and adopt new behaviours. Here are seven ideas to help you make the most of the fresh start and make this year your child’s best year ever year at school

  1. Commit to your child going to school every day on time
    One of the most important things you can do to ensure your child has a bright future is to make sure he or she goes to school every day – and gets there on time. Kids spend more time asleep than at school, so we need to maximise every day to get full value.
  2. Help kids start each day well
    A good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast and some words of encouragement from you will help set a positive tone for a day of learning. This may mean that you adjust your morning routine so that kids have plenty of time to get up, eat and get ready for the day. Consider taking a leaf out of the book of a friend of mine who gets her children to make their beds each morning which sets the tone for a productive day ahead.
  3. Establish work & study habits
    The most successful students are those that develop regular study habits that suit their lifestyle, their study style and their school’s expectations. Find out the work expectations from your child’s or young person’s school and help them establish a work routine that matches their personality, lifestyle and family style. Be flexible here as one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to study routines. 
  4. Make sure your child gets enough sleep
    I encourage you to make a big focus as this year as many children and young people are sleep-deprived, which impacts on their well-being and their learning. A good night’s sleep consolidates learning, as well as assisting future learning. Children need between 10-12 hours of sleep each day, while teens need a minimum of nine hours. Help kids get sufficient sleep by having a regular bed-time and get-up time each day. Have 45-minute wind-down time each night, and remove screens and mobile phones from bedrooms. 
  5. Get your kids outside more for good physical and mental health
    Kids today get less exercise than those of past generations, which is an impediment to learning and mental health. Health professionals recommend a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise per day for kids of all ages. Encourage kids to play sport; promote free and active play and look for ways to make moving part of their daily lives. Consider increasing your child’s green time and decreasing screen time for good physical and mental health. 
  6. Focus on being friendly
    Schools are very social places requiring kids to negotiate many different social situations each day. Encourage kids to be open and tolerant; to be friendly; to be involved in plenty of activities and to be social risk-takers. Some kids close down their friendship opportunities through self-centredness, poor attitude and unwillingness to take social risks. 
  7. Develop self-help skills
    Successful students are often well-organised, self-directed and self-motivated. You can foster organisational skills and self-direction by developing simple, age-appropriate self-help skills related to their every day lives. Also use visual parenting techniques to aid organisation and encourage independence. Such skills as making lunches, packing school bags, and organising after school schedules can be great lessons that impact on how kids perform at school.


At the start of the school year kids are likely to adopt changes than at any other time. Make the most of the opportunity by focusing on two or three areas to really target and you’ll find that the rest may well fall into place.

By Michael Grose


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!

Keep smiling and remember it takes all of us!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Welcome back!

It has been wonderful to welcome all our students and staff back to Christ the King School for the 2025 academic year! There was much excitement as new students commenced, while old students returned to become reacquainted with school life once again. Inclusivity is important in our community and it was evident that this was experienced throughout the first few weeks of school.

Staff have been working extremely hard to ensure classrooms were ready to go for the year ahead. All classrooms are looking spacious, clean and bright and we thank our dedicated staff for all their hard work and preparation.

We look forward to creating and sharing many special moments with you this year! Your support in ensuring your child was organised and well prepared for the first day of school is very much appreciated!


2025 Parent Information Evening:

Our Parent Information Evening was a huge success. Thank you to those parents and carers who were able to join us to hear our CtK Vision for 2025 and to listen to their child’s classroom teachers. Your support is greatly appreciated! We encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers with any concerns or queries, recognising that they are busy individuals who will respond to you within 48 hours. We also ask for your support in acknowledging that family time is precious to them, and we ask that contact be made during the school day.


Sacrament Commitment Masses:

All students who intend to enrol in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation this year, are required to attend one of the Parish Masses as a sign of their commitment. During the Mass, students will be asked to stand and pledge their commitment to the Sacrament.

Parish mass times are:  Saturday 15 March at 6pm OR Sunday 16 March at 10am. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

Please note:

  1. Children enrolling in First Holy Communion must have already received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  2. Children enrolling in Confirmation classes must have already received both theSacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.



NAPLAN is a National Literacy and Numeracy assessment that students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. NAPLAN Information for parents and caregivers will be sent home with students in Year 3 and 5 this week. Please check your child’s school bag. For more information about NAPLAN:


Allergy Aware:

An important reminder that we are Allergy Aware at Christ the King School and we have many of our families that rely on our vigilance, which means we all need to be mindful of the following life-threatening allergic reactions at the school. Please be mindful as you pack your child’s lunch box each day. Please no nuts, peanut butter etc. Child safety is paramount. Below is a list of allergies we are aware of:

  • All Nuts
  • Eggs (raw or cooked), meringues
  • Kiwi fruit, bananas, figs
  • Honey and Bee venom
  • Legumes


School Attendance:

Academic success and engagement are intricately linked with school attendance. We ask parents and carers to set the expectation of daily attendance, establish good morning routines that ensure students arrive to school on time. Please ensure that any absence is communicated promptly to the school before 9am to ensure that you child is accounted for. Please do not wait for a message from the school.


Whole School Crunch and Sip:

Crunch and Sip is a primary school nutrition program, developed to increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and water being consumed by Western Australian children. It is an easy way to help children stay healthy and happy during class time! It is essential for all students to have a small container of crunchy fruit or vegetables everyday for a Crunch and Sip snack. Classroom teachers have communicated with their class, when this will take place. Participating in a daily in class Crunch and Sip break provides an opportunity for children to drink water and eat an extra serve of vegetables or fruit to support good health and to help with learning and concentration in the classroom. Check out the handy guides on the link below for packing Crunch and Sip and healthy lunchboxes in order for your child to get the most out of their school day.


Arrival and Dismissal of Students in Years 1 to 6:

A gentle reminder that supervision of students in Years 1 to 6 commences at 8:10am in the quadrangle. Classroom doors open at 8:30am for students to complete their morning routine tasks with teaching and learning commencing at 8:40am. Students are not to arrive to school prior to 8:10am unless attending a scheduled co-curricular activity or before school care.

Classes are dismissed at 3pm. Please clearly communicate with your child how they are travelling home each day and ensure punctual collection. If the plan for collecting your child changes throughout the day, please contact the front office and a message will be communicated to your child.

Please be respectful of our staff completing administration, preparation and meetings before and after school and always make an appointment. We consider the safety, health and wellbeing of all children to be of paramount importance and, therefore, ask that parents respect the procedures that are in place.


Early Childhood Carpark:

A reminder that only parents of children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Pre-Primary and those with special permission are permitted to park in the Early Childhood Car Park. All children in these classes, must be collected from their classrooms by parents/guardians. We thank you for your co-operation.


A Message from our Head Girl and Head Boy:

Hello! Our names are Tessa and Bailen and we are your Head Boy and Head Girl for 2025. There are a couple of things we would like to add to the school that we are about to tell you what and why we would like to add these things.

We would like to add a Sun Safety room where students can apply and reapply sunscreen throughout the day. We would like to add this to keep everyone safe from the sun and to make sure nobody is getting burnt.

We would also like to add a chill out room where during lunch or recess if kids don’t want to play anything they can go hang out in the chill out room and just talk to their friends. We would like to add this because some people don’t like to go out on the oval or play on the quad so they can hang out in the chill room. Thank you!


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Message from the P&F – Mrs Suraya Correia

Hello CtK and Welcome back!

I hope you all have enjoyed a well-deserved break and are feeling recharged and ready for an exciting year ahead. The P&F Events/Fundraisers for Term 1 will be Evening on the Green, Disco and the Easter Raffle. We will also be supplying the kids with some yummy icy poles to enjoy together on Harmony Day.

The P&F worked hard last year to create an online system (The P&F Social Hub) to make it easier for you to access important information, RSVP and pay for orders/raffle tickets and view upcoming school events. The Hub is a huge success and we thank you for your patience as we navigated through technical hiccups and got everyone on board. We hope this has helped you be able to access important information when it is most convenient to you.

We truly appreciate your valuable input and feedback so we always have opportunities for you to volunteer at every event to further enrich our school community. Without your help these things can not run. So if you have the time and want to be involved in putting big smiles on little faces, you can sign up under the volunteer section on our Hub.

Thank you to all of the selfless and kind members of the CtK community who put their hands up to be Class Rep this year. We know life is chaotic at the best of times, so we appreciate you taking on this role to help connect your class and keep everyone well informed.

The P&F Letter box (which is located outside the office) is ready for all P&F correspondence. Alternatively, you can reach us at for all enquiries and feedback from events. Our first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday 26th February at 5-6pm in the school library. We encourage you all to come along and see what we have planned for the year ahead.

Thank you in advance for all of your support and contributions for the year ahead. We have a fantastic committee this year and are very excited to get started!

The 2025 P&F

  • Victoria Devine – Secretary
  • Katrina Fernandes – Treasurer
  • Richelle Willis – Vice President
  • Suraya Correia – President


Suraya Correia
P&F President


Community News


From the Principal – Term 4, Week 09

Lord Jesus,
at this time of year we so often get
caught up in the mad frenzy of
buying presents, writing cards and
catching up with friends and family,
that we forget the true meaning of
this Advent Season. Help us to stop
and reflect on the gift of your birth
to all of us.

Teach us how to slow down and see the wonder and the glory of this time.   Amen


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,

In writing my last newsletter for 2024, I am able to reflect on just what a unique and special place Christ the King School is to be a part of. Sometimes we, as humans, forget to stop and smell the roses. Our school and parish are just the most amazing places, filled with many wonderful and vibrant people. I wish to take this opportunity to remind you all of the words of Catherine McAulay:

“God does not bestow all His choicest blessings on one person. He did not give to St. Peter what He gave to St. Paul nor to either what He gave to St. John.”

Congratulations to all staff and students for making Move Up Morning such a wonderful, smooth running and engaging experience. I could see and hear from the chatter that there was lots of positive energy around the school. The children and staff are looking forward to new beginnings in 2025. Bravo everyone!

Our Graduation and Thanksgiving Mass yesterday morning was a wonderful celebration of a very busy year together, as we celebrated the achievements, and gave thanks for the many blessings received by all of us. Our Catholic faith is at the heart of our school and so it is fitting, that our final celebration together, is one centred on the Eucharist and our community of faith. As always, our students were reverent participants in the Mass and are a credit to their teachers and parents. Also, many thanks to the parents, grandparents and friends, who were able to make the time, to enjoy this celebration with us. Congratulations to our Year Six students and, especially our Year Six teachers Miss Kezic and Mrs Barrett for coordinating and leading the lovely Mass. Thank you, Mrs Carroll for leading the choir who sung so beautifully. Thank you to Father Izzy, and acolyte Wayne Scrow for celebrating Mass with us.

Congratulations to Our Graduating Year Six Students. We wish them well, as they continue their journey to secondary education, and we thank them for the gift of their presence and contributions to Christ the King School during their time here. Thank you also to all the members of the CtK teaching team for their support and contribution to all our students during 2024 – their constant commitment to our students is truly a gift to this community.

We came together Tuesday as a school community to acknowledge our Award recipients for 2024. It was a wonderful assembly filled with lots of pride and joy. Thank you to everyone for being there Tuesday. A HUGE thank you to Miss Kezic and Mrs Barrett for planning, coordinating and leading the ceremony plus thank you to our current Head Girl Dominique Valsecchi and Head Boy Christian D’Adamo for being our MCs. A job very well done as the ceremony ran smoothly.


Congratulations to the following Award recipients this year:

Running Club
Congratulations to all the children who received a certificate or badge for reaching milestone distances in Running Club.

Year Six Art Yearbook Cover Design Award
Alisha Parkin

Head Girl and Head Boy for 2025
Tessa Salerno and Bailen Allen

Cheryl Babich Scholarship Award 2025
Alex Da Luz


Year Six Award Recipients are as follows:

Visual Art Award
Isla Pizzi and Jaida Haylett

Music Award
Violet Russo and Charlie Parkin

Academic Achievement
Dominique Valsecchi and Christian D’Adamo

Science Award
Clancy Randall and Cate Paratore

Physical Education Award
Emma Da Luz and Charlie Parkin

Sports Hall of Fame Award
Jenna Musika

Significant Development in Learning Award
Alisha Parkin and Sijena Marijan

Christ the King Christian Witness Award
Aiden Banks

Congratulations to all our award recipients for 2024!


What a wonderful evening Wednesday week was with our Christmas Carols! I wish to congratulate all the children for their singing and dancing. A huge thank you to Mrs Carroll for preparing and coordinating the Carols night. Thank you, Mr Dom for setting up all the lights and Christmas decorations and, thank you to all the staff for preparing the children so well. Thank you to our P&F for organising the Snack bar and raffles, awesome job ladies as always.

A special and warm thank you to all families who donated a food item for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. This great range of food products will go a long way to helping many families in need this Christmas.  Thank you, Mrs Bafile for coordinating and modelling this very important act of service for our school community.

Friday being our last day of 2024 will be celebrated with our Big Day Out to the movies in Fremantle to watch ‘Moana 2’.

CtK Yearbook 2024 is coming home in March 2025. The reason for this is so we can capture all the end of year events and ceremonies, which have always been left out of the Yearbook.

Music Therapy with Miss Hicks will not be continuing at Christ the King in 2025. If you would like music therapy for your child, please contact Rachel Hicks at or 0412 046 916 to discuss individual or group options to maximise functional capacity and wellbeing. 

A reminder that next Wednesday, 11 December between 8:30 and 10:30am parents can meet to discuss their child’s Semester Two report. This is not compulsory. Each interview will go for a maximum of 10 minutes only. Please book a time with your child’s class teacher.

Year 6 Reports

Parents of students in Year 6 and children who are leaving CtK at the end of this year will need to either print off their child’s reports or save them, as reports will not be able to be accessed once children leave CtK.

I take this opportunity to wish you all God’s blessings for this very Holy Season, and may you remain safe during the holidays and return rested and renewed for 2025 on Wednesday, 5 February. Peace be with you all. “Open your presents at Christmas time but be thankful year round for the gifts you receive.” – Lorinda Ruth Lowen.

There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in 2025!


Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

2024 Year Book:

The Christ the King 2024 Yearbook will be sent out to families in March, next year. This allows for events such as the Year 6 Awards Assembly, Year 6 Graduation, Carols Night and any other events held in the later part of the year to be included. Siblings of Year 6 children will be given the Year Book or families will be contacted via email for pick up time next year if this is your last year at Christ the King School.

Regards, Caterina D’Angelo and Margaret McLinden.


Student Spotlight:

Adam Piromalli (Year 6 Red) won Gold in the TKD national championship in Brisbane a couple of weeks ago. He competed in 3 fights and won every round! Well done Adam! We are very proud of you!


Staff Profile:

Our fabulous Year 6 leaders, Dominique and Christian have been interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well. This week they interviewed Mrs Viti! Find out more about Mrs Viti below:

What’s your favourite colour?
All the colours of the rainbow!

What’s your favourite animal?

What’s your favourite food?

What AFL team do you support?
Fremantle Dockers

If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
A house

What do you value the most?
My family!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Messages from our School Nurse – Andrea Mangan:

As we approach the festive season and the summer holidays (as an Irish person I can never get used to the sun for Christmas), I would like to take a moment to wish you and your family a safe and joyful holiday. It has been a wonderful term at Christ the King School, and I hope you all enjoy the well-earned break.

I’d like to gently remind everyone about some important health tips that were shared over the past number of months. First, please remember the significance of encouraging your child to drink plenty of water during the warmer weather. Proper hydration is key not only to overall health, but it can also help prevent issues with toileting and constipation. Keeping water bottles easily accessible to your child is a simple but effective way to support their well-being.

Also, a friendly reminder about footwear: please ensure your child’s shoes are always tied properly, both at school and when out in the community. Untied shoelaces can be a tripping hazard, leading to falls and injuries. Teaching your child how to tie their own laces over the holidays is a great bonding opportunity, and it’s an important life skill that they will carry with them through the rest of their lives.

Finally, as the hot summer days approach, we encourage all families to follow the Cancer Council WA’s guidelines to stay sun-smart. This includes wearing hats, sunscreen, and protective clothing, especially when spending time outdoors. It’s important to teach your children about sun safety as a lifelong habit.

Thank you for your ongoing support. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, filled with warmth, love, and laughter. Stay safe, enjoy the holiday season, and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Ms Andrea Mangan
School Nurse


Message from the P&F – Mrs Suraya Correia

On behalf of the whole P&F Committee I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for their help, support and generosity this year. We have had so many special moments throughout the year which will be treasured by both the kids and adults. As we reflect on the year, we remember how lucky we are to be a part of such a kind and thoughtful community and that the children benefit because of it. We hope that you and your families have enjoyed the events and fundraisers this year and we are very much looking forward to next year.

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year!

P&F Chair


Community News


From the Principal – Term 4, Week 07


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,

This Sunday, 24 November marks the end of the church calendar year with the Feast of Christ the King.

Thank you God for sending Jesus to be our saviour and our friend. Thank you also that he is a King. Help us always to follow him, honour him, and serve him in his Kingdom. Thank you God that we are “kids of the kingdom.” In Jesus Name, Amen

Christ the King Sunday celebrates the full authority of Christ as King and Lord of the universe. Officially called “The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King,” it is celebrated on the final Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Sunday before Advent. The year, which begins with Advent 2024 and ends at Advent 2024 is Year C.

The liturgical vestments for the day are coloured white or gold, in keeping with other joyous feasts honouring Christ. Lord Jesus Christ,
You are a King who cares deeply for his
people. May we search out those in need, so that Love and
Justice will reign as the Kingdom of God is brought forth
within us. We ask our prayer in your name and in the power
of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Christ the King Day

What a fabulous day we had yesterday with our Mass, stalls, buddy activities and Lego Competition announcements. A huge thank you to all staff and for working together to make the day so special. It was a wonderful feast day celebration. Thank you, Mrs Carroll for leading the music with our terrific choir. The readers were exceptional and did a fabulous job. I hope all the children enjoyed the day!


Just as we know that the process of primary schooling encourages and supports our children as they stretch and grow towards transition to secondary schooling, so too, do the teachers and staff continue to develop in their profession and from time to time move on.

We say farewell to Natasha Lomma, Renee Tromp, Jess O’Shea, Nicole Treakle and Fernando Desiati who have been shining lights in our school this year. We thank them for the contributions they have made to the lives of the students at CtK. We send our best wishes to three expectant mothers, Maddi Kuhn, Helen King and Emily Clarke. Safe travels for next year to Bianca Craine who will be returning in 2026.  

CtK Staffing 2025: This will be sent to parents separately.

School Advisory Council and Parent & Friends Annual Community Meeting 2024

I wish to thank my wonderfully talented staff and lovely parents for attending the Annual Community Meeting. At this meeting we presented reports from the Chairperson, Toni Beaton, Board Treasurer, Alan Pecotic and my Principal Report. The P&F held their meeting with Suraya Corriea leading this. Suraya and her loyal and devoted team have been instrumental in helping build community and enact change in our school all in the best interest of the children. Research shows that when parents are positively involved in all aspects of their children’s lives, children develop into positive, well-balanced adults who realise their full potential.

Move-Up Morning Monday, 2 December will be an opportunity for the children to visit their new classroom, meet with their new teacher and any new classmates for 2025. The morning will involve some schoolwork, or art, social mixing games and informal discussions about expectations for next year.

A reminder, we have our Christmas Carols next Wednesday, 27 November, which is starting at 6:15pm in the Quad. As a community, we will also have an opportunity to farewell our Year Six students. Each class will sing Christmas Carols. The focus will be on the Spirit of Christmas.

Here are the Events for the last week (Week 9) of 2024:

Monday, 2 December – Move Up Morning for Kindy-Year Five children. The children will meet and work with their new teacher for 2025 from 9:00am until 10:30am.

Tuesday, 3 December – at 9:00am in the Hall, we will be having our Year Six Graduation Awards, Head Boy and Head Girl announcement for 2025 and the Cheryl Babich Scholarship Award. This will be attended by the whole school and we would love to see parents attend this very special and important ceremony.

Wednesday, 4 December – At 9.30am at CtK Church, we celebrate the 2024 Graduation and Thanksgiving Mass. This year, our Year 6 students have been good leaders of our student community and have led various ministries and roles that assist in setting the tone of our school. We take this opportunity to thank them for their dedication to our school and for the way they have conducted themselves this year. I hope all the Year Six families will make the effort to attend this celebration and give thanks for the blessings of this school year. When we look back over the year, and as our Year Six students reflect on their years at Christ the King, we realise that there is so much to be thankful for. Please help to make this a time when our Year Six students remember with pride, that they were part of a caring and supportive faith community who came together to honour and farewell them.  

After Mass, we will have a morning tea for the Year Six parents in the Hall followed by a Graduation lunch and disco for the Year Six students in the Hall.

Thursday, 5 December – Year Six to attend Flip Out in Bibra Lake. Reports will be available via SEQTA Engage. Parents are most welcome to make a time to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss any aspect of the report on Wednesday, 11 December between 8:30am and 10:30am. Please make the booking with your child’s class teacher and not through the Office.

Friday, 6 December – Christ the King Fun Day, we are all going to the movies. Last day of the 2024 school year.

Pupil Free Days (Staff Professional Development), Public Holidays

School Start and End Dates for 2025:

TERM ONE 2025:

  • STAFF PD DAY: Monday 3 February (Week 1)
  • STAFF PD DAY: Tuesday 4 February (Week 1) 
  • TERM 1 BEGINS: Wednesday 5 February (Week 1)
  • LABOUR DAY (PUBLIC HOLIDAY): Monday 3 March (Week 5)
  • STAFF PD DAY: Tuesday 4 March (Week 5)
  • TERM 1 FINISHES: Friday 11 April (Week 10)

 TERM TWO 2025:

  • TERM 2 BEGINS: Monday 28 April (Week 1)
  • STAFF PD DAY: Friday 30 May (Week 5) 
  • WA DAY (PUBLIC HOLIDAY): Monday 2 June (Week 6)
  • TERM 2 FINISHES: Friday 4 July (Week 10)


  • STAFF PD DAY: Monday 21 July (Week 1)
  • TERM 3 BEGINS: Tuesday 22 July (Week 1)
  • TERM 3 FINISHES: Thursday 25 September (Week 10)
  • STAFF CATHOLIC DAY: Friday 26 September (Week 10)

 TERM FOUR 2025:

  • STAFF PD DAY: Monday 13 October (Week 1)
  • TERM 4 BEGINS: Tuesday 14 October (Week 1)
  • STAFF PD DAY: Friday 14 November (Week 5)
  • TERM 4 FINISHES: Friday 12 December (Week 9)
  • STAFF PD DAYS: Monday 15 – 19 December (Week 10)
  • Staff Professional Learning – Student Free Week


This is a hectic time of the year and there are many events, tasks and dates in our minds. Despite all this, we need to ensure that we take the time to do the important things with patience and with the right attention to detail. The most important of these is how we treat each other. Students are tired, parents and staff are very busy and, in this time, we can help each other immensely by being kind and being thankful for having each other in our lives. A happy supportive community is one where children feel safe to grow.

There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!

 Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Welcome to Week 7!


Thank you to all our staff and those parents/carers who attended the Annual Community Meeting last Wednesday evening. Your support is greatly appreciated!


Christ the King Day:

Christ the King Day was an enjoyable day for our staff and students. We gathered as a school community in the hall for Mass, led by Father Isidore. Following this, each class ran an inviting stall and students had fun, with some even being awarded prizes. The afternoon session was spent with buddies and the annual Lego Competition Winners Assembly – which was a huge success!


Wheelchairs for Kids Fundraiser:

We are excited to host our first-ever Wheelchairs for Kids fundraiser on Friday 29 November! This not-for-profit organisation has transformed lives for over 20 years by providing wheelchairs to children in developing countries. Students in Years 1–6 will participate in wheelchair-based activities to support this cause. Students can wear free dress and bring a gold coin donation towards our fundraising efforts. Families are also encouraged to contribute – every donation helps! See the flyer for details. Thank you for supporting this life-changing initiative!


End of Year Reports:

The End of Year Reports for students will be available for parents on SEQTA Engage on Thursday 5 December, 2024. We ask you to please check your login details NOW to ensure that you have access, prior to the reports being released. New families from Pre-Primary to Year 6 will receive a welcome email, directing you to set up your account for SEQTA Engage. Both parents will be sent the email, however if you are happy to operate just one login for both parents, you don’t need to set up the second one. If you can’t see the email in your Inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folders as sometimes these emails will appear there, as they are sent in bulk. Please contact: if you have any concerns.

It is important that you log into your SEQTA account before reports are uploaded online. Passwords often need to be reset if your account hasn’t been accessed regularly or may need to be reprovisioned. It is advised when checking your SEQTA Engage account, you do not open from a saved bookmark as data can be cached and affect your access. Please access your account from a new link (preferably on a laptop or PC, not your mobile phone) on our school website under SEQTA ENGAGE quick link or

It is highly recommended you check this now, so your child’s reports can be accessed easily.

Please note, that all Year 6 parents/carers and any students leaving Christ the King School at the end of this year, need to access, print, download and save their reports this year, as students come off the Primary SEQTA system at the end of the school year.


St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal – Christmas Hampers:

Each class has been allocated a different item to collect. These items have been chosen to help fill our hampers with a variety of Christmas foods that will enable families to enjoy a more festive day. Please do not bring these to the office, but instead send them to your child’s classroom.

Once these are brought into the classroom, they will be sorted into hampers which will be given to St Vincent de Paul Society to distribute in our local community. Please send your food item in as soon as possible, so that the hampers can be made up and distributed in time for Christmas.

St Vincent de Paul aims to provide hope, comfort and dignity to families who are struggling to make ends meet. We hope you will join us in offering an alternative to the families who would otherwise be going without, and to the children who long to experience a happy Christmas. Last date to bring in your donations is: Friday 29th November 2024 (Week 8 Term 4). Thank you for your continued support. 

3YR Kindy



Year 3 RED Long Life Custard
Kindy Girls

Candy Canes


Year 3 GOLD Long Life Milk
Kindy Boys Christmas Napkins Year 4 RED Tinned Fruit
Pre-Pri Girls Sweet Biscuits Year 4 GOLD Tinned Vegetables
Pre-Pri Boys

Savoury Biscuits


Year 5 RED Pasta Sauce

Year 1 RED


Pancake Mix Year 5 GOLD Pasta
Year 1 GOLD Long Life Juice Year 6 RED Fruit Mince Pies
Year 2 RED Christmas Bon Bons Year 6 GOLD Christmas Cake / Pudding
Year 2 GOLD Cereals    


Christmas Carols Evening:

Parents, carers, families and members of our school community are invited to our Christmas Carols Evening! This lovely community event showcases our talented students and is a fabulous way to celebrate the school year and the magic of Christmas. Please wear something warm, bring along a picnic rug/blanket, and join with us in celebrating the true magic of Christmas.

Where: Christ the King School Quadrangle
When: Wednesday 27th November 2024
Time: 6.15pm – to be seated at 6pm.

Please arrive early, as children need to be seated at 6pm when the siren sounds. The Concert will conclude around 7:45pm. Children have been advised what to wear by their teachers. Please make sure your child has a water bottle with them. Each class from Kindy to Year 6 will be involved, along with our school choirs. The P&F raffle will be drawn at the end of the evening! There will be plenty of parking available on our school oval. Please be respectful of our neighbours and do not park on their verges. We kindly ask for students not to run around on the evening and to sit with their families before the concert begins at 6pm. We appreciate your support with this. Please bring your best Christmas cheer and your best singing voices and join in this special Christmas Carols event.


Exciting New Initiative:

We are thrilled to announce the formation of a new parent-led advisory panel aimed at furthering our school’s commitment to inclusion. The Christ The King Access Inclusion Disability Advisory Panel consists of three parents from the Learning Centre – Vera Moura, Cristian Rapanaro and Rhiannon Niblett – who all have extensive experience within the disability sector. Not only are they parents of children with additional needs, but they have also served as board members, worked as teachers and held various professional roles in the field of disability.

The mission of the Christ the King Access Inclusion Disability Advisory Panel is to work closely with the school’s leadership team to create an educational environment that truly reflects the school’s core values of inclusivity, courage, respect, service, and forgiveness. This parent-led advisory panel, representing children with additional needs at Christ the King School, is dedicated to providing guidance, fostering collaboration, and focusing on solutions to critical issues related to disability inclusion, diversity, accessibility, and equity.

 We believe this initiative is the first of its kind in Western Australia and are excited to see the positive impact of this collaborative approach. The panel will work together with the school leadership Mr Andrew Kelly, Mrs Sabrina Reardon and Mrs Julie Painter bringing their extensive knowledge of disability inclusion to provide strategies for enhancing the school’s inclusive community.

While the panel is currently in its foundational stage, we will seek nominations from parents interested in joining this important initiative at a later stage.


Staff Profile:

Our fabulous Year 6 leaders, Dominique and Christian, will be interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well. This week they interviewed Mrs Ferron! Find out more about Mrs Ferron below!

What’s your favourite colour?

What’s your favourite animal?
Blue Wren

What’s your favourite food?
Beef Rendang

What AFL team do you support?
Fremantle Dockers

If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
I would spend it on my family, friends and charity and I would visit all the Disneylands around the world!

What do you value the most?
Friendship, family and good manners. Nothing like a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and a hearty heartfelt hello.

What do you like about CTK the most?
We’re here together for everyone, every time!  And the comradery – we all help make each other strong. Topped off with a good, brewed coffee in the morning!


Wishing you a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Messages from our School Nurse – Andrea Mangan:



Sun and UV Safety at School

A Message for Primary Schools in Western Australia (Information from Cancer Council)

The Cancer Council highlights the importance of sun protection to reduce the risk of skin cancer caused by UV radiation. Schools, families, and students play a key role in promoting SunSmart habits

Why Sun Protection Matters

  • Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer globally.
  • UV radiation harms the skin even on cool or cloudy days.
  • Childhood exposure to UV significantly increases skin cancer risk later in life.

The 5 SunSmart Steps

  1. Slip on Sun-Protective Clothing
    • Wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible (e.g., long sleeves, collars).
  2. Slop on SPF 30+ Sunscreen
    • Apply 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours.
  3. Slap on a Hat
    • Choose wide-brimmed or bucket hats for full face, neck, and ear protection.
  4. Seek Shade
    • Use shaded areas during outdoor activities, especially between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.
  5. Slide on Sunglasses
    • Wear wraparound sunglasses meeting Australian Standards (AS/NZS 1067).

SunSmart Policies for Schools

  • Implement a No Hat, No Play
  • Provide shaded play areas and sunscreen stations.
  • Ensure staff model SunSmart behaviour and incorporate sun safety education.

Involving Families

  • Parents can help by packing hats and sunscreen in school bags.
  • Schools can share tips and updates in newsletters or meetings.

By working together, we can help prevent skin cancer and foster lifelong SunSmart habits. Visit for more resources.


Ms Andrea Mangan
School Nurse


Parish News

Sunday 24th November 2024 is The Feast of Christ the King – our Parish Feast Day.

We extend an invitation to all school children and their parents, to join us in celebrating this Special Feast Day at Christ the King Church.

We will be celebrating Mass at 10am, which will be followed by a Procession around the Church and then Benediction. You are then welcome to join us for a “shared lunch” in the Parish Centre and we are asking everyone to bring a plate to share.

We look forward to seeing you there!

CtK Parish


P&F News

Coming up on Friday 22nd November we will be holding a XMAS PJ Movie Night in the hall. Come dressed in your favourite Xmas Pj’s and BYO a blanket/pillow/beanbag to watch a fun Xmas movie with your friends! It will be held in the same way as the disco with 2 sessions. Please when buying a ticket select your child/rens correct session time based off their year level and not what movie they would prefer to watch. It is now up on the hub for ticket purchases. We have an Entry Only Ticket or a Combo Ticket which includes Entry, Popcorn, Drink, Xmas marshmallows and some fun Xmas novelties. Please RSVP by Monday 18th November and all tickets must be purchased online.

Thank you for your help and support this term and if you would like to volunteer to help out at the Xmas PJ Movie night please jump on our Hub and sign up.






P&F Chair


Community News


From the Principal – Term 4, Week 05


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,



This Monday is Remembrance Day. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month marks the moment the guns fell silent on the Western Front after the bloodshed of World War I in 1918. Over the past century, this moment has been adopted across the globe as a time to remember those who served and sacrificed in all wars and conflicts. This Remembrance Day, let us join the world in honouring those who’ve served and sacrificed. Throughout the Commonwealth and beyond, we remember all who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Let us help to keep their legacy alive by attending a service, reflecting in silence, wearing a poppy, or supporting our veteran community. Our Year Six Communications Team will lead us in a prayer service on Monday morning at 11am. LEST WE FORGET.


We have now passed halfway through Term 4 and students have demonstrated an excellent effort this year as a whole. It is important that we complete the year to the same high standard that has been set so far in regard to living our school values, using our manners, wearing uniform correctly and completing work with care and attention to detail. Students begin to tire at this stage of the year as the busyness of this period catches up with us. They will thrive if they are in a supportive environment where staff and families have similar expectations and a commitment to working as a team.


Congratulations to our amazing Year 5 & 6 Girls Division A Cricket Team who won the Regional Championships yesterday. The girls team now moves on to the State Championships Friday week. This is a HUGE achievement, and we all need to send positive thoughts and energy to the girls for next week. They fully deserve all the accolades as they have been training every lunch for the past two weeks. You go Girls!!!


Our Annual Community Meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday 13 November from 5.00pm in the hall. This is an opportunity to hear reports on the progress of the school in the past twelve months and to spend time together celebrating a successful school year and strong, trusting and collaborative partnerships. All adult community members are invited and welcome to attend.


National Recycling Week, established by Planet Ark in 1996, is held every year during the second week of November (11th to the 17th November 2024). This year, National Recycling Week wants all of us to Join the Cycle. Join your community and get involved in resources, tools, and events that will help your sustainable impact. Reducing our waste not only keeps valuable materials out of landfill it also benefits the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.



Thinking about our waste provides some valuable insight into how the recycling and resource management industry works in conjunction to your efforts. During the week, we are encouraging our community to think about waste as a resource; reconsider how we buy, use and dispose of materials to keep them in circulation for as long as possible; and think about ways we can avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle for a better future.


There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!


Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Welcome to Week 5!


Interschool Spelling Bee:

On Tuesday the 29th of October, nine students from Year 4 to 6 represented our school at the Fremantle Region Interschool Spelling Bee, accompanied by Mrs Doecke. The spelling bee is not an easy task, and all our students should be congratulated on their participation and courage. Each year level had 12 contenders, with the top two having to battle it out and be the first to spell two words correctly in a row.

Special congratulations go to Dominique Valsecchi in Year 6 for placing st in the Year 6 group and Finn Hart in Year 5 for placing 1st in the Year 5 group. Congratulations to all who participated in this very special event! We are SO proud of you all!


Grandparents Day & Morning Tea:

It was wonderful to welcome many grandparents to our school last Wednesday. Grandparents play an invaluable role in connecting our students to the past, sharing life lessons and stories that leave lasting impressions. We are grateful to all the grandparents who attended, making this morning a memorable celebration of family.

A special thank you to our amazing P&F for organising and providing a delicious morning tea, and to our talented choir for their beautiful performance. Our thanks also go to Mrs Carroll, for coordinating the music and to all staff for their support in making this event so special.


Term Four Calendar:

A gentle reminder to keep an eye on the school website calendar for important dates during Term Four. These often need to be updated and finalised as the term progresses so, please keep referring back to these. We have a Pupil Free Day for all students on Friday 8th November, 2024 (Week 5). Students conclude school this term on Friday 6th December, 2024 (Week 9).


Early Arrival to School:

Staff have observed an increasing number of students arriving at school before 8.10am. We kindly ask that students not arrive before this time, as supervision in the quadrangle begins at 8.10am. For those students needing to arrive earlier, we encourage you to use our on-site before school care service. Thank you for your understanding.



With many in our community affected by colds, flu, influenza and vomiting, we ask that children showing any symptoms such as a sore throat, fever, runny nose, or cough remain home. If your child presents with symptoms while at school, you will be asked to collect them.


Up to Date Contact Details:

Please ensure you provide the office with your up-to-date contact details. It is vital that we have the correct phone numbers for parents and emergency contacts.


Playing Before & After School:

Children must be under the supervision of their parents and not on playground equipment before or after school. We kindly ask that after you have collected your child at the end of the day, you leave the school grounds promptly. All playground equipment is out of bounds. Can you please ensure that family members or friends who are picking up your children are made aware of this as well. Thank you!


Student Uniform Reminder:

A reminder to all students to wear their correct uniform with pride. Some students have been observed in incorrect attire, including shoes, socks with logos and hair accessories not in our school colours. Claw clips should not be worn, and socks must be plain white or school socks. Stud earrings or small sleepers are the only acceptable jewellery for safety. Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back neatly. Please ensure all items are properly labelled to aid in their return if lost. Thank you for your continued support.


Carols in the Quadrangle:

Date: Wednesday 27/11/24
Time: 6.15pm
Where: Christ the King School Quadrangle

Once again, this year, we will have our Carol’s in the Quadrangle. Please make sure you have the date free. There will be more information to follow over the next few weeks. We look forward to seeing you there!



Congratulations to Jenna Musika from Year 6 for achieving 1st place in Turbo Javelin in the All-School Sport Primary Track and Field Event on 25 October, 2024. You are a STAR and we are SO proud of YOU!


Staff Profile:

Our fabulous Year 6 leaders, Dominique and Christian, will be interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well. This week they interviewed Miss Williams! Find out more about Miss Williams below!

What’s your favourite colour?

What’s your favourite animal?
Highland cow

What’s your favourite food?
Sushi roll

What AFL team do you support?
Fremantle Dockers

If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
A luxurious holiday!

What do you value the most?
My friends and family!


St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers:

Each class has been allocated a different item to collect. These items have been chosen to help fill our hampers with a variety of Christmas foods that will enable families to enjoy a more festive day. Please do not bring these to the office, but instead send them to your child’s classroom. Once these are brought into the classroom, they will be sorted into hampers which will be given to St Vincent de Paul Society to distribute in our local community. Please send your food item in as soon as possible, so that the hampers can be made up and distributed in time for Christmas.

St Vincent de Paul aims to provide hope, comfort and dignity to families who are struggling to make ends meet. We hope you will join us in offering an alternative to the families who would otherwise be going without, and to the children who long to experience a happy Christmas.

Last date to bring in your donations is: Friday 29 November 2024 (Week 8 Term 4).

3YR Kindy Jam/Jelly Year 3 RED Long Life Custard
Kindy Girls Candy Canes Year 3 GOLD Long Life Milk
Kindy Boys Christmas Napkins Year 4 RED Tinned Fruit
Pre-Pri Girls Sweet Biscuits Year 4 GOLD Tinned Vegetables
Pre-Pri Boys Savoury Biscuits Year 5 RED Pasta Sauce
Year 1 RED Pancake Mix Year 5 GOLD Pasta
Year 1 GOLD Long Life Juice Year 6 RED Fruit Mince Pies
Year 2 RED Christmas Bon Bons Year 6 GOLD Christmas Cake / Pudding
Year 2 GOLD Cereals    


Wishing you a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Messages from our School Nurse – Andrea Mangan:

  1. Eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) affects the skin, causing redness, itching and sometimes infections. When eczema worsens this is called an eczema flare. Usually there is no single trigger for an eczema flare.
  2. In people with eczema the skin does not retain moisture very well, which causes it to dry out easily. This makes the skin more open to allergens and irritants. These can trigger the skin to release chemicals that make the skin itchy. Scratching itchy skin causes more chemicals to be released, making the skin feel itchier.  This “scratch and itch” cycle can cause discomfort, disrupt sleep and affect quality of life.
  3. Eczema is a chronic health problem that affects many people of all ages but is most common in infants:
    – Infantile eczema occurs in around 1 in 5 children under 2 and usually improves by 5 years of age.
    – Childhood eczema may follow or starts from 2 to 4 years of age. Rashes and dryness are usually in elbow creases, behind the knees, across ankles, or on face, ears and neck.
  4. Many people with eczema already have other allergies or can develop other allergies, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), asthma, food allergy or dust mite allergy.
  5. Studies show that infants with eczema and a family history of allergy are more likely to develop food allergy. Managing eczema well in infants may reduce the chance of children developing food allergy.

Eczema can be well managed, and the following steps may be used as a guide:

  • Maintain skin every day by applying moisturiser twice a day to the face and body.
  • Avoid triggers and irritants such as allergens, soap, perfumes, overheating and exposure to prickly fabrics.
  • Treat eczema flares or severe eczema by applying creams or ointments as soon as there is an eczema flare. If prescribed, use immune modulating treatments for severe eczema.
  • Prevent and treat infections using prescribed treatments as directed.
  • Use immune modulating or other treatments, if prescribed for severe eczema.
  • It is important to see your doctor if eczema does not improve within a week or if unwell

Ms Andrea Mangan
School Nurse


P&F News

Wow! What a fun time we had last week with the Grandparents Morning Tea and Sundowner. Two very different events but both very special and brought our wonderful CtK community together. The Grandparents Morning tea started with the classroom visit followed by a beautiful morning chatting and eating a selection of delightfully decadent desserts. Thank you to the amazing CtK choir for their beautiful performance which made the day even more special for all those watching.

The Sundowner was so much fun and the weather was perfect! We hope that everyone who attended the event had a great time and enjoyed dancing the night away! Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and we look forward to doing it again next year.

Coming up on Friday 22nd November we will be holding a XMAS PJ Movie Night in the hall. Come dressed in your favourite Xmas Pj’s and BYO a blanket/pillow/beanbag to watch a fun Xmas movie with your friends! It will be held in the same way as the disco with 2 sessions. Please when buying a ticket select your child/rens correct session time based off their year level and not what movie they would prefer to watch. It is now up on the hub for ticket purchases. We have an Entry Only Ticket or a Combo Ticket which includes Entry, Popcorn, Drink, Xmas marshmallows and some fun Xmas novelties. Please RSVP by Monday 18th November and all tickets must be purchased online.

Thank you for your help and support this term and if you would like to volunteer to help out at the Xmas PJ Movie night please jump on our Hub and sign up.






P&F Chair


From the Principal – Term 4, Week 03


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,


Person of Peace

“Love one another as I have loved you”,
May seem impossible to do,
But if you try to trust and believe,
great are the joys that you will receive.
For love makes us patient, understanding and kind,

And we judge with our heart
and not with our mind.
For as soon as love enters
the heart’s opened door, the faults we once saw are not there anymore,
And the things that seemed wrong
begin to look right,
When viewed in the softness of love’s gentle light.
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
And all that God promised will someday come true,
When you love one another the way He loved you.



Congratulations to Mrs Seaward and the children who presented a cheque to Telethon last Sunday raising $3333.30 from cupcake sales and the Year 6 MasterChef extravaganza. Thank you to our school community for supporting this wonderful event. Bravo!


Tomorrow is World Teachers’ Day for all staff at Christ the King School. As a staff, we will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day. At CtK, all staff are believed to be ‘teachers’ as they have interactions with the students in a variety of ways. We are very fortunate at Christ the King School to have a high performing, collaborative team of staff whose focus is on the growth and development of every child. As a school community we are appreciative of all that our staff do for our students. The hours can be long, the demands continue to grow but one thing I know is that the staff do know well and care for your sons and daughters. Thank you to our wonderful P&F for treating us to a lovely after school treat!


A reminder to all parents that Friday, 8 November is a Pupil Free Day.


Our Annual Community Meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday 13 November from 5.00pm in the hall. This is an opportunity to hear reports on the progress of the school in the past twelve months and to spend time together celebrating a successful school year and strong, trusting and collaborative partnerships. All adult community members are invited and welcome to attend.


All Saints Day, November 1, the day on which Catholics celebrate all the saints, known and unknown, is a surprisingly old feast. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints on the anniversary of their martyrdom. When martyrdoms increased during the persecutions of the late Roman Empire, local dioceses instituted a common feast day in order to ensure that all martyrs, known and unknown, were properly honoured.



By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. In November, it is the Holy Souls. Praying for the dead, especially for those loved ones we have known, is a requirement of Christian charity. At school we will recall those loved ones who have passed away during our prayers throughout November. There will be a Book of Remembrance in the Church, in which you can write the names of those loved ones for whom families would like us to pray.


As a member of Christ the King School there is an expectation that all students will show pride in their school by:

  • being an active and involved learner,
  • being caring and considerate towards their teachers and peers,
  • being punctual to school each day and to their classes,
  • being properly prepared for class and up to date with their school commitments,
  • seeking assistance from their teachers, when necessary,
  • wearing their uniform with pride,
  • being positively involved in the various aspects of the school’s life as a ‘participant’ rather than a ‘spectator’!


Finally, we need to remind ourselves from time to time that staff and parents also have a personal responsibility for making Christ the King School a happy and safe place in which to learn.


Grandparent’s Day Wednesday will start with classroom visits followed by a special morning tea in the hall. Things get underway from 9am by visiting classes. Thank you to the P&F for organising morning tea.


We wish selected children from Years 4, 5 and 6 who will be representing our school this Tuesday at the Spelling Bee Competition at Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Hilton.


There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Term Four Planning:

Academic communication for this term will consist of posting of Term Overviews on Seesaw and End of Year Reports.


Term Four Calendar:

A gentle reminder to keep an eye on the school website calendar for important dates during Term Four. These often need to be updated and finalised as the term progresses so, please keep referring back to these. We have a Pupil Free Day for all students on Friday 8th November, 2024 (Week 5). Students conclude school this term on Friday 6th December, 2024 (Week 9).


World Teachers’ Day 2024:

On Friday 27 October, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Our staff at Christ the King School are passionate and committed to each and every student. They consistently go above and beyond to ensure the students feel safe and supported as they learn to love God and grow through their learning.

This afternoon, our wonderful P&F held a beautiful afternoon tea for all our staff in our staffroom. We thank our P&F for their generosity and for making us feel so loved and special. Thank you!


Grandparents Day:

We warmly invite grandparents to visit their grandchildren’s classrooms and join us for a delightful Morning Tea on: Wednesday 30 October, 2024.

Classroom Visits: 9am – 10am

Grandparents Morning Tea: 10am in the school hall (no students).

Extra parking will be available on our school oval, with signage provided. Please note that verge parking is not permitted to respect our neighbours. We look forward to welcoming all grandparents to Christ the King School!


Annual School Community Meeting for 2024:

All parents and caregivers are encouraged and invited to attend our school Annual School Community Meeting on Wednesday 13 November, 2024 at 5pm in the school hall. The meeting will include a report of activities of the 2024 school year and staffing for 2025 will be announced. Please come along if you can!



It would be appreciated if parents could email or phone the school office before 9 am, to notify staff of their child’s absence from school. Please do not wait for a message from the school. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


Up to Date Contact Details:

Please ensure you provide the office with your up-to-date contact details. It is vital that we have the correct phone numbers for parents and emergency contacts.


Playing Before & After School:

Children must be under the supervision of their parents and not on playground equipment before or after school. We kindly ask that after you have collected your child at the end of the day, you leave the school grounds promptly. All playground equipment is out of bounds. Can you please ensure that family members or friends who are picking up your children are made aware of this as well. Thank you!


Staff Profile:

Our fabulous Year 6 leaders, Dominque and Christian, will be interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well. This week they interviewed Mrs Carroll, our talented Music teacher! Find out more about Mrs Carroll below:

What’s your favourite food?
My favourite food is watermelon.

What’s your favourite colour?

What’s your favourite animal?

Where do you go to get away from things?
My family, we go far into the middle of WA near the desert, under the stars and I love it because it’s quiet. If not, I will go to the beach.

What do you value most?
Kindness and family.

If you had a million dollars what would you buy?
The best grand piano in the world!

What AFL team do you support?
I support the Dockers.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


A Message from our School Nurse:

Support for Families: Helping with Bedwetting, Constipation, and/or Hydration Challenges:

As we approach the end of the term, I wanted to offer some friendly support to any families who may be managing common childhood challenges, such as poor hydration, occasional or frequent bedwetting and/or potential constipation. These issues are more common than people realise and are all very closely linked with each other, and with some simple routines, they can often be resolved smoothly.

If your child is still experiencing bedwetting, whether regularly or just now and then, or if you suspect that constipation might be playing a part, I would be happy to assist. Together, we can explore strategies to help your child feel more comfortable and confident, making things easier for both them and you before the new school year in 2025.

If your child has poor fluid intake and this is something you would like your child to become more habitual with – I would be happy to help by creating a fluid plan that will be encouraged by Teachers and EA’s while at school.

Reminder of what I can help with:

  • Developing personalised fluid plans to support healthy hydration habits.
  • Toileting routines that fit naturally into your child’s daily schedule. Toileting products (mattress protectors, night time pads which I have many samples of here in the Wellness Centre)
  • Guidance on how to make these changes feel manageable and stress-free.

If you’d like to chat further or need advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email is: I’d be delighted to offer any support you need between now and the end of the term – while also helping with any plans you would like implemented over the school (summer) holidays.


Ms Andrea Mangan
School Nurse


P&F News







The Staff & Parent Sundowner will be held on Friday 1st November at The Left Bank, Fremantle. Tickets are now on sale and include Entry & Food for the night. There will be a bar for drink purchases and a DJ to play your favourite songs as we say goodbye to another fabulous year at CTK. There are limited entry tickets for this event so don’t miss out on a great night to catch up and dance the night away. Ticket sales will close next Thursday 17th October.


P&F Chair


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