Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 1

Dear Parents and Guardians

I believe that I am special.
I am different to every other person and have my own gifts.
I believe that God knows and loves me just as I am.
He helps me to grow to be like Him, and to always do my best.
I believe that I can become the person that God wants me to be, because the people in my school and family care for me.

Welcome back to Term Three. The holiday weeks go by very quickly, but I hope that the time away from the school routine allowed for some relaxation, in readiness for another busy term ahead at school!

As teachers, students and parents we strive to actively value and support all members of our School community, and as we do this we grow in love and understanding of each other. As we begin a new term together, we look forward to gracious and tolerant attitudes towards each other, so that we can all fulfil our God-given potential academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

The guidelines around Covid infection and reinfection continue to evolve, and while it is important to align our behaviours with the parameters, what is of central importance is that nobody who is unwell – adult or child – should be at school. As before, anyone – adult or child – who chooses to wear a mask at school is welcome to do so. Our clear intent is to remain open for our children.

Remember LOVE is a special feeling that fills your heart. You show LOVE in a smile, a pleasant way of speaking, a thoughtful act or a hug. LOVE is treating people and things with special care and kindness because they mean so much to you. LOVE is treating other people just as you would like them to treat you – with care and respect. By doing this we enliven our School Code of Conduct on a daily basis. A copy of the Staff, Parent and Student Code of Conduct can be found on our new website by clicking on the Communication link and going to Policies and Handbooks.

We welcome to our staff Miss Larissa Paratore who is teaching Music from Pre Kindy-Year 6 and we welcome back Ms Cheryl Bartley who will be back working in the library on Tuesday and some Thursdays.

We welcome some new families to our community this term:

Kindy – Madeline

Pre Primary – Theo

Year 2 – Aubrey

We look forward to you becoming a part of and enjoying our wonderful school community.

It was wonderful to see the children back safe, well and ready for a big term of work and play. Also congratulations to all the children who were in full school winter uniform. Our children certainly represent our school with pride, in the way they wear their uniform.

I wish to thank Father Liam for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation with our Year 3 students and reminding them of the relationship they are building with God, through the act of forgiveness. I also wish to thank Mrs Gumina and Mrs Gummer for preparing the children so well.

I am very proud to announce our new School Website is now live. This major change to how we present our beautiful school to the wider community came about from feedback based on the School Climate Survey, which took place earlier term two.

The link is

A special thank you to Miss Kezic who took all the brilliant photos, fabulous job, well done.

Enjoy browsing!

Cyber Safety for Students, Staff and Parents – this will take place Wednesday, 17 August for our Year 4, 5 and 6 students. Kaylene Kerr from eSafeKids (please also see the link on our new website under Vision for Learning then click on Technology and Cyber Safety for more information) will be our presenter. The same evening from 6:30pm in the school library, parents from ALL year levels are invited free of charge to listen to Kaylene talk about Cyber Safety and what you need to know as a parent! Please do not miss this opportunity.

This Sunday, July 24, 2022, the Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated throughout the universal Church. The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the occasion is “In old age they will still bear fruit” (Psalm 92:15) and intends to emphasize how grandparents and the elderly are a value and a gift both for society and especially for Christ the King School.

The theme is also an invitation to reconsider and value grandparents and the elderly who are too often kept on the margins of families, civil and ecclesial communities. Their experience of life and faith can contribute, in fact, to building societies that are aware of their roots and capable of dreaming of a future based on greater solidarity and hope.

Our Head Girl, Alyssa Letizia and Head Boy, Jack Sargant attended the Performing Arts Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, with Miss Paratore and myself today.

From next Monday, we will welcome a new member of staff, our Wellness Dog, Patch. Thank you to everyone who voted on her name. The name Luna came a very close second. Patch will be spending time in the Office learning the ropes with small visits to classrooms. Any children who experience anxiety towards Patch are most welcome to slowly introduce themselves to her as she has the right temperament for the job. She also doesn’t shed hair so this will help with any child who has allergies.

Our dedicated staff are now offering all these extra-curricular activities either before, during or after school:

Running Club – will commence tomorrow starting at 7:50am on the oval with Mrs McLinden, Miss Kezic and Mr Geaney.
Dance Club – will commence Monday after school in the Hall with Mrs Philp.
Bricks 4 Kids Lego Club – will commence Tuesday after school in the library.
TinkerCad Club – will commence Thursday week after school in Year 6 Gold with Mr Albuquerque.
Knitting Club – happens at lunch in Year 4 Gold with Mrs Fanning.

Pupil Free Days this term – We have two pupil free days this term. They are: Friday, 19 August and Friday, September 23.

The Fathering Project is focusing on staying connected to your children after a separation.

If you have decided to part ways with your ex-partner, please know that although the decision is tough, it’s in the best interest for all involved.

Ensuring your children know that they are in no way responsible, and that their dad will continue to be there for them and love them no matter what, is fundamental.

Although you might not be able to see them every day, it doesn’t mean it should impact your relationship with them.

Top Tips

  1. Try to keep a routine in each household. Kids like rules and structure, it creates a predictable environment and will help to support the new living arrangements.


  1. Give your time. You don’t need to overcompensate with gifts, holidays, or expensive outings. What kids need is your time and undivided attention.


  1. Stay organised. Ensure you have key dates marked in your calendar. Keep to your arrangements and inform the other parent if you are unable to do so. Children can feel easily rejected by unexplained failure to arrive at the expected time.


God Moments:

  • Watching the students greet each other on this week and busily commence chatting immediately on arrival at school.
  • Observing the care displayed from the staff to the students and students to students.
  • Seeing Layla (Yr3) and Olivia (Yr4) greet each other yesterday morning in the Quad. Their beaming smiles when they saw each other, and they hugged warmed the cockles of my heart!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

  • Program overviews showing cross-curriculum links.

This statement is taken straight out of the Audit document. I will have clearer information next Monday.

What I do know is that to be complaint in this area, the KS:CPC (whole curriculum) must be being taught in every year level.

As requested last term, could you please send me copies of your overviews by Friday 22.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

The Department for Education and Child Development  for Child protection in schools, early childhood education and care services policy (2015) states that ‘all children and young people in DECD preschools and schools will access the approved child protection curriculum’.

At Christ the King, all classes cover the content of the KS:CPC over the duration of the year.

The KS:CPC teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways of keeping themselves safe.


The curriculum is based on two main themes which are presented through topics and activities.

  • Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe
  • Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.

Focus Areas

The two themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examined in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the learners.

  1. The right to be safe
  2. Relationships
  3. Recognising and reporting abuse
  4. Protective strategies.

More information can be found on the DECD website:

First Reconciliation

Congratulations to Year 3 who will be receiving First Reconciliation certificates the Mass at CtK Church over the next two weeks on Saturday evenings.

Reconciliation was held at school on Wednesday afternoon.

Congratulations also goes to the children receiving their sacraments of Confirmation or First Holy Communion on Saturday 30 July, after missing out due earlier in the year.

Spheros Mission

On the final day of Last term, year 6 finished off a project of designing a course and then programming a Sphero to move around the course. There was plenty of great success and also lots of ‘trial and error and reprogramming. It was a great activity and plenty of engagement.


City of Fremantle and APCE Nursery-Native Plants for local Fremantle Schools


A huge Thanks to the City of Fremantle’s Native Plants for local Fremantle Schools program, supported by APACE Nursery in North Freo, we received forty local native plants to spread around our garden near the school hall. Luckily, there was plenty of space and a few volunteers, pictured (Oliver, Theo, Alex, Charlie, Jessie, Jessica, Sam, Addie and Hannah) to complete the task. As you can see, heads are down and they are hard at work.

Another ‘Thanks!’ also goes to King’s Park who also provided the school with, more but different, native plants and seeds to grow up at school. Year 4 have taken on the responsibility to get these growing too.

Tinker Carts- Deborah Sayce visiting Ctk on Thursday 28 July

Tinkercarts are being launched at Christ the King School as the first school in Australia to access this Mobile STEM integrated initiative with the acquisition of two mobile fully equipped Tinkercarts. These include 3D printers, robotics and access to the Tinker APP that is aligned to the West Australian Curriculum. The activities are inquiry based and support 21st century learning, contemporary pedagogy and align to the general capabilities in the West Australian Curriculum.

Tinkercarts revolutionise classrooms and prepare students for the rapidly changing future by providing them with skills such as problem solving, agility, critical and creative thinking and innovation. This will assist in equipping the students of Christ the King with future focussed skills.

In 2021, our school pursued funding through the WA Labor Government and thank and acknowledge Simone McGurk, MLA State Member for Fremantle, for enabling this exciting initiative through the provision of a $20,000 election commitment. We thank the Christ The King Leadership Team of 2022 for dedicating the time and resources to support the Tinkercarts and as a direct result, the Christ the King students, with the use of contemporary and innovative practice which supports future focussed skills, preparing the students for future job pathways.

Unfortunately, Simone McGurk MLA was unable to attend the launch event but said: “I am pleased that my 2021 election commitment of $20,000 to enable Christ the King Primary School to  purchase this innovative approach to STEM delivery is now onsite. It will have a fantastic impact on students’ learning outcomes.  High-quality resources are important to inspire students’ love of learning and equip them for the for jobs of the future.” 

We thank Dr Debra Sayce, the executive director of Catholic Education in WA, for attending the Tinkercart launch in support of future focussed learning at Christ the King Primary School and look forward to the future success stories of the students’ inquiries and projects. 

Brian Dobbie

Assistant Principal


P&F News from Alison Reddyhough P&F President

The P&F finished off term two with a sausage sizzle for the students. A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents that volunteered their time, Was fantastic to have so many helping hands. Term 3 will be busy for the P&F with lots to look to look forward to!

  • School Disco – Friday August 5th
  • Golden Ravioli fund-raiser – orders due Monday August 8th, and will be ready for collection Thursday August 18th
  • Father’s Day stalls – Pre Kindy August 30th, K-6 August 31st
  • Father’s Day breakfast – Friday September 2nd.

As always, all are welcome at the next meeting, Wednesday August 17th, at 7.30pm in the Library.

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