Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 1, Week 8

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we journey through this season of Lent we might consider the message that Jesus gave and demonstrated to us which was ‘to consider others before Himself’.  The following prayer gives us a focus for doing this.

Dear Lord,
Give me a kind heart that will endure,
One that’s strong and secure.
To help someone along the way,
Make this my goal every day.
Let me lend a helping hand
To someone whose life has not gone as planned,
Reaching out to one in need,
May this be my daily good deed,
To provide a guiding light
For someone lost in the dark of night.
Let me take time to care
For someone experiencing despair.
Whatever I do, everywhere I go,
Your Will, Dear Lord, let me know.


Lenten Thought

True prayer is listening – God has more important things to say to us than we to Him (after all, he knows what we are thinking).

If we open our hearts to God, if we allow God to work within us, then God is able to bring out the best in us. With the help of God’s grace, we can grow into the human person that God intended us to be, and in turn we are able to help others to reach their full potential as human beings created in the image and likeness of God  . . .

Lord, open my eyes so that I may see the good in all people,

especially those that I am too quick to judge.


During this week think of ways you can bring light to the people who cross your path every day and then act on it!

Acts for each day during this week of Lent:

  • Saturday:     Do something as a family that shows you care for each other
  • Sunday:       Say the Our Father
  • Monday:     Think of a quality you have that could be strengthened and work at it during Lent
  • Tuesday:       Read Luke 10:30-37 – ‘The Good Samaritan’
  • Wednesday:  Ask God’s blessings for the person you like the least
  • Thursday:       Make contact with a distant friend
  • Friday:            Forgive someone who has hurt you


CtK Swimming Carnival

Our students from Years 4-6 enjoyed putting their swimming skills into action, as they represented their House, in achieving their personal best at the CtK Swimming Carnival Tuesday. Our students participated in a spirit of encouragement and goodwill. It is great to be able to see our swimmers flourish, push others outside their comfort zone, where we grow considerably, and also build great school spirit and pride. A very big thank you to Mrs McLinden for her work in coordinating this extra curricula event, which the children and parents thoroughly enjoyed. I extend my sincere thanks to all staff for the work they performed on the day and, for supporting the children. Thank you, parents for being present on the day displaying encouragement and support too. The day was another example of our community working together for the benefit of our amazing students.

Fathering Group Bangers and Bingo

Pope Francis described Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father; a father who is creatively courageous and, a working father. Last Friday evening dads and significant adult figures in our school attended the ‘Bangers and Bingo’ event in the hall. It was extremely well attended. Thank you to the dads for supporting this very important initiative. A huge thank you to Alf Di Tullio and his team for organising this wonderful event. You are a super legend, Alf!

Fr Donovan

Yesterday afternoon Donovan House celebrate Fr Donovan at the House liturgy in the hall. Thank you to the readers from Donovan, Miss Kezic, Miss Paratore, Miss Dunsire and Mrs Burwood for setting up the artwork display and coordinating the music and PowerPoint. Awesome team effort!


Thank you to the P&F for organising the disco tomorrow evening starting at 5pm. Having a silent disco for the first 20 minutes at both sessions is how we at CtK are trying to ensure we cater for a vast range of student needs and showing inclusiveness through our actions. I look forward to seeing you there!

Teacher Parent Meetings Wednesday 5 April

A reminder that Wednesday, 5 April school will finish at 12pm. If you can collect your child/ren up at 12pm this would be great. Otherwise as previously stated, children will be supervised at school until normal pick-up times.

A link to book your time will be sent out to all families from 4 Year Old Kindy to Year 6 early next week.

Congratulations Christ the King School for be chosen to be acknowledged in this Friday’s The West Australian newspaper. 

At Christ the King School, Beaconsfield, our school motto is Care for and Respect Everyone. We challenge our students to live by the values Inclusive, Forgiving, Courage, Service and Respect. At our school we believe that it is important to remember that no matter what you are going through in your life, there are many people worse off than you.

We are a double stream, co-educational school catering for children form Pre Kindy to Year 6. We are also very fortunate to run a Special Needs Learning Support Centre, many of these students are medically compromised and use services that are supported by Telethon and their beneficiaries.

When we were given the opportunity to help Telethon by making paper flowers for the Telethon Launch, I jumped on board. Some of our wonderful Year 6 leaders helped to design some flyers to put up around the school. Every day for a week, I welcomed between 30 and 50 students into our school library to make paper flowers. This ranged from students in Year 1 through to Year 6. Our school leaders helped the younger students. All these students that helped gave up their own play time at lunch to join in. My class of Year One students also made paper flowers during our class time.

Our students should be proud of the Service that they have shown through their actions and involvement in helping Telethon and supporting sick children around Western Australia.

Lisa Seaward (Year One Teacher),
Christ the King School, Beaconsfield

Paint Me A Rainbow – Autism Awareness Week 2023

I wish to share with all families a very important campaign I have ben involved with for many years now. I wish to bring the Paint Me A Rainbow Autism Awareness campaign to Christ the King School starting Monday 27 March and finishing on Friday 31 March. The idea is to create an inclusive environment for children and families living with an Autism Diagnosis enriching the lives of children with Autism by allowing their true colours to shine. By supporting this, you will be spreading awareness and acceptance of children within our school, community and state that are living with Autism. Each morning from 8:10am in the Quad the Student Council will be selling rainbow merchandise ranging in price from $1 to $30. All money raised will go to purchasing more sensory equipment plus equipment for a Bright Start program I wish to start before school for children with Autism and or anxiety. Please see the flyer below in this newsletter! On Friday, 31 March the children will be able to wear rainbow colours (not compulsory) for a gold coin donation, and we will have a FREE sausage sizzle for the whole school as the Canteen will be CLOSED on that day.

Science Solar Car Challenge

This term year 6 students have been building solar cars as part of their science topic of electricity and energy sources used to create electricity.  On Monday, March 20, they finally got to race their cars against each other. Mr. Dom built a fabulous track for us in the ECE carpark. There were 8 teams all very eager to have their car represent CTK at the Synergy Solar Car Challenge Competition. After heats, the competition came down to 2 teams with ‘Tokyo Drift’ taking out the title. On Thursday, March 23, 4 students; John Jacobsz, Oscar Cribb, Max Geracitano and Max Jelovsek, will compete at the Synergy Schools Solar Challenge at Lumen Chrisit College. At the competition they will have to work together as a team and build a solar car from scratch and then test it ready to compete against approximately 30 other schools. Good luck boys!

New CtK Uniform Concepts – School Advisory Council

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

The Christ the King School Advisory Council (SAC) have engaged with Tutor Uniforms (Anne-Marie Yancazos – Managing Director) to develop new uniform concepts for our students. We have analysed the data from the Uniform Surveys conducted last year and used this information to design a modern, cost effective and comfortable uniform. 

We ask that you take the time to carefully look at the two concepts; Concept 1 (Formal all year round uniform and sport uniform) and Concept 2 (Sport uniform all year round). 

View the CTK Design Concepts 2023

As you will see we have included a navy blue to complement CtK’s maroon and yellow. Many, many years ago the school colours of Christ the King School consisted predominantly of navy blue. 

Please complete the survey to vote for Concept 1 or 2, with your additional feedback and thoughts by clicking on this link We will take into consideration the feedback and incorporate where possible to make these changes to the final design concepts, so we are ready to launch our new CTK uniform for 2024. Staff and Year 5 Students have also been asked to complete the survey. Staff and Year 5 students have also been asked to complete the survey. The closing date is Thursday, 6 April at 12pm.

School Advisory Council

Church Blooper: This was in my Church Bulletin from last weekend:

Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale.

It’s a chance to get rid of all those things not worth keeping around the house.

Don’t forget your husbands!


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!

Keep smiling and let’s do great things together!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal


Congratulations to our students in Year 3 and 5 for completing the NAPLAN assessments throughout the past two weeks. The NAPLAN assessments were scheduled earlier than in past years, and we have been so impressed with the way the children have completed the assessments with a positive mindset. Thank you to our Year 3 and 5 teachers, who administered the assessments, during the testing period.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Please keep our Year 3 students in your prayers, as they prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All Year 3 students attended the Sacrament of Reconciliation retreat day at Schoenstatt Shrine, in Armadale today. This retreat day looked at how God wants us to draw closer to Him through offering His love and forgiveness. The day was packed full of meaningful and engaging activities that specifically cater for young people. Thank you to our Year 3 teachers for organising and coordinating this, for the students in their care.

Harmony Day

Harmony day will be celebrated at Christ the King on Monday 27th March. Harmony day celebrates how all our differences, cultures and backgrounds make Australia a great place to live! It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Harmony Day’s message is that ‘everyone belongs’.

All students are encouraged to wear ‘orange’ or cultural/traditional dress on Monday 27th March. Orange is the colour of Harmony Day as it is traditionally the colour of communication and respect. We will be completing some Harmony Day activities in class and students will be working together with their buddy class on this day. We will also be having a ‘live band performance’ from Seton College for all students, in the school hall from 1.45 pm. We are really looking forward to celebrating this day at Christ the King!


There have been a number of children away with what appears to be ‘gastro’ (gastroenteritis). It is important that parents are aware that this is a notifiable illness and if your child is showing signs or has been sick, it is important that they remain home until they are well enough to return to school. It can be contagious and can cause further spread, not just within the class, but across the whole school.

Reminder of our school uniform

The Christ the King school uniform is a symbol of our school and helps our students develop a sense of belonging within our school community. Wearing the uniform correctly and being well-presented encourages a sense of pride in appearance and what the uniform represents – our school community.

Please ensure your child is dressed neatly for school each day including the correct uniform on the correct day, correct shoes and the correct school colours in your child’s hair. Claw clips and bright coloured hair ties/scrunchies are not permitted. Please click here to find out more about our uniform policy; 7a71ad_04559641fe9448b8971f63ec7311a32d.pdf ( We thank you for your continued support.

 Project Compassion

Project Compassion will continue throughout the season of Lent with each class having their own Project Compassion box. Project Compassion aims to work towards making the lives of others better around the world. This year’s theme is For Future Generations. Students may wish to do extra chores around the house to earn money or go without a special treat such as an ice-cream and donate the money to Project Compassion

Crunch & Sip

Participating in a daily in class, Crunch & Sip break provides an opportunity for children to drink water and eat an extra serve of vegetables or fruit to support good health and to help with learning and concentration in the classroom. Below are some ‘healthy swaps’ ideas you may like to consider!


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Reardon
Assistant Principal


Message from Mrs McLinden – CtK Physical Education Teacher

CTK Swimming Carnival 2023

Melville Aquatic Centre was again the venue for the CTK swimming carnival on Tuesday 21 March.

Buses arrived on time, the venue was set up, and management worked with us to ensure a fine carnival.

50m Heats started off the program, followed by the 25m and novelty events, 50m events and relays.

Before the relays, scores were fairly close between the top three Houses, so wins were vital to ensure Top Spot. After the age-group relays and a version of an Open Medley Relay, Donovan came out in first place with 293 points, followed by joint 2nd place winners De Vialar and McTavish ( 213 points) and Milne (172 points). Competition was fierce all day, and the passion the students had for their Houses was heartfelt and noticeable – you are wonderful children at CTK!

Individual medallists were:

Year 4 Boys                                                                             Year 4 Girls

3rd: Jamie Haylett                                                                    Georgia Cribb

2nd: Finn Hart                                                                          Antoinette Maguire

1st: Taj Lewis and Leo Ostuni                                                  Bailey Read

Year 5 Boys                                                                             Year 5 Girls

3rd: Jake Carr                                                                           Emma Da Luz

2nd: Tom Courtney                                                                  Dominique Valsecchi

1st: Logan Blackwood                                                              Jaida Haylett

Year 6 Boys                                                                             Year 6 Girls

3rd: Tom Dudley                                                                      Ella Terrigno

2nd: Raph Meakins                                                                  Ella OSullivan

1st: Liam Seaward                                                                   Savannah Blackwood

Many thanks to:  the CTK staff who run this event and ensure it flows smoothly; Andrew for our free coffees; parents and friends who came to support our children, and who offered to help in any way; the staff at Melville Aquatic Centre who couldn’t do enough to assist us; and our beautiful children for their effort,  support and compassion for each other and their willingness to GIVE IT A GO! You make us so very proud!

Marg McLinden (Phys Ed)


Community News

Smiley’s Out of School Care – April 2023 Vacation Care Program



SFFC – Pup Membership

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