Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 1, Week 10

Dear Parents and Guardians,

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son
for the sake of me
and you
and other sinners too.
God so loved the world.
Blest are you Lord Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer.



As we recalled Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, we now enter into the story of the passion, where we are challenged to do our part to ensure that God’s people are empowered to share in that new life, not only spiritually, but physically as well. We give with compassion and mercy. Easter is a message of hope as we are a ‘Hope’ filled Easter people.

Every Easter I remember the words of Michael Leunig. They are so challenging and so profound. I hope they have a similar impact on you.

“That which is Christ-like within us shall be crucified. It shall suffer and be broken. And that which is Christ-like within us shall rise up. It shall love and create.”

What a wonderful but challenging term this has been! The atmosphere around the school has been very positive. It has been tremendous to see staff, students and parents working collaboratively in many of the school activities. Well done to all our children who have strived to do the best they can in all areas of their development. I thank all children and staff for their hard work and commitment to learning and look forward to continuing the journey next term.

Thank you to all parents who attended the Parent/Teacher Interviews yesterday. I do hope feedback was effective with something positive, a discussion about expectations, and then where to next for your child’s learning moving forward.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank my staff for their outstanding work and commitment to our CtK family, and parents for their continual support of our school. We are all ready for a rest and a holiday, and I pray that the next two weeks will be a happy, peaceful time for everyone.

Thank you to the P&F and School Advisory Council for their hard work once again and for their commitment to our school’s vision, being a school that is strong in faith, learning and community. This was clearly evident by the overwhelming attendance at Evening on the Green. The Fathers’ Group Bangers and Bingo this term had a wonderful attendance. A very special thank you to Mr Alf Di Tullio for coordinating the Fathering Group event, and to Mr Danny Cerro, Mr Daniel Chia and Mr Geaney for being wonderful contributors and support for all the dads in our school. Awesome job gents, BRAVO!

We say farewell to Mrs Burwood, Year Four Red and welcome Mrs Lisa Tilzey (from Corpus Christi College Junior School) as her replacement. We thank Mrs Burwood for her wonderful contribution to the children in Four Red as she has been very dedicated to supporting their learning this term. We also say farewell to Mrs Siragusa Kindy Education Assistant and thank her for the special contribution she has made to the children in her care this term. We will welcome back Mrs Pagani. We also welcome Mrs Mary-Jane Goncalves and Mrs Jess O’Shea as Education Assistants who will be supporting several children across our school from next term.

A special mention and huge thank you to our P&F who through the P&F levy and fundraising for our school paid for the basketball/netball courts to be resurfaced after 62 years of plain uneven, cracking concrete. The courts look amazing and the children love playing on them. We have included two full sized tennis courts for use too. I hope parents can see the benefits of the money raised being spent on today’s children, improving school facilities and resources for all children in our beautiful school.


Congratulations to our Year Three children for making the Sacrament of Reconciliation last Friday with Father Izzy our new Parish Priest. The children and their families also attended Mass Saturday night where they received their certificates. We look forward to supporting them in their faith journey. Thank you to Mrs Gumina and Mrs Philp for helping prepare the children so well. Thank you, Father Izzy for celebrating this special Mass with us.


A huge thank you to all the children, staff and parents who supported the Paint Me A Rainbow Autism Awareness campaign last week. We raised an incredible amount of $2123.00, which will go towards purchasing more resources for our sensory rooms and establishing a Bright Start program.

A reminder to all parents that Term 2 commences Wednesday, 26 April for students. Monday is a professional development day where all staff will be working with CEWA’s Digital Technology team, and Tuesday is the ANZAC Day public holiday.


Stations of the Cross

This morning the Year Six children held a very reverent and moving portrayal of the Passion of Christ. Thank you to all the children for depicting the stations. Also, thank you to Miss Kezic and Miss Paratore for leading this for our school community.


Winter Uniform – Uniform Shop Update:

A reminder to all parents that next term all students are required to be in winter uniform. To assist parents and students in this transition, a two-week change-over period will be permitted.

With a new uniform being introduced next year, there are a few things to note:

  • No new size 6 Gold Polos will be ordered, a plain yellow polo can be purchased instead, for this year only.
  • Ties will be optional (if you have recently purchased, you may return for a refund if unused)
  • Sport Track Top may be worn with formal uniform in lieu of wool jumper if preferred.
  • Boys may wear grey shorts in terms two and three, instead of trousers if preferred.


Year One can wear their sports uniform and tracksuit during terms two and three or they can wear the formal winter uniform if preferred. For Year One this year it is optional.


Uniform Survey

The Uniform Survey closes tomorrow. I am well aware more consultation will be required as the School Advisory Council wants to have a transparent process. We do understand we won’t please everyone, however, I have asked Tudor Uniforms to provide samples for you to see and feel the fabric. This will be available early next term. We will read through all the feedback and discuss this with Tudor Uniforms. Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey.



ANZAC Day is a national public holiday and is considered by many Australians to be one of the most solemn days of the year. This year we also recognise the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

Marches held in cities and towns nationwide by veterans from all past wars, as well as current serving members of the Australian Defence Force and Reserves, with allied veterans and the Australian Defence Force Cadets and Australian Air League and supported by members of Scouts Australia, Guides Australia, and other uniformed service groups as well as schools and community groups.

ANZAC Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. The acronym ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, whose soldiers were known as Anzacs. ANZAC Day remains one of the most important national occasions of both Australia and New Zealand, a rare instance of two sovereign countries not only sharing the same Remembrance Day but making reference to both countries in its name.

As a school we will be commemorating ANZAC Day on the first day of school next term, Wednesday, 26 April, at 2:30 pm in the Quad. All are welcome to join us for this special event.


Kindergarten 2024 – Applications are Now Due

We are seeing high demand for 3-Year-Old Kindergarten and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten places in 2024, so it is important that parents within the Christ the King School community submit their applications as soon as possible. Forms can be obtained from the office.

Christ the King School will continue to operate two concurrent 4-Year-Old Kindergarten groups next year with the days of attendance being Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


God Moments:


Max showing his exuberant support after the Derby win last Sunday, wearing his Freo Dockers scarf.

Staff and parents working together to support our children in a variety of ways.

Children working with their buddy class during Harmony Week. They really enjoyed each other’s company.


Congratulations Patch on graduating from Obedience School Level 2 training classes. Patch is now eligible to enrol in Wellbeing training later this year.

End-of-Term Prayer

As we end this term, we consider how we might have changed, grown and
become more like Jesus during this time.
Jesus said, ‘Everyone will know you are my friends if you love one another.’
Let us show our love by making peace and trying to make things better.
Let us show our love by caring about the happiness of others and by thanking them for their goodness to us.
Let us love one another as we share our meals and laugh and celebrate together.
Help us, Lord, to love one another as Jesus has loved us.



There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; thank you to everyone in our community who has helped live out this vision through their actions this term.

I wish all families the joy of the Resurrection this Easter.

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Congratulations to our Year 3 students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. We would also like to acknowledge the students who participated in the preparation and were part of this journey. This is a beautiful sacrament, instituted by Christ as a way to offer us His Mercy and Grace. The journey for these young people has seen them supported on this road by their families, friends, our parish and our school. We thank Father Izzy, for conducting the celebration and assisting in preparing the students. Thank you to Mrs Gumina and Miss Philp for all your hard work and preparation towards this important Sacrament.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Meetings concluded on Wednesday. If you were not able to catch up with your child’s teacher, please endeavour to make an alternative appointment, as our home/school partnership is vital in the progress of all children at school. We thank you for your continued support! Thank you to our dedicated teachers for all their hard work in preparing these interviews. Thank you to everyone for keeping this open and honest communication flowing. This can only mean one thing – the best outcomes for your children.


Crunch & Sip



Project Compassion

We begin to reflect ever more on the suffering that Jesus was about to face, and we take time to consider ways that we can live better and reduce the suffering of those around us. As a Catholic school, we are strong in our support of Caritas and Project Compassion. Thank you for assisting your child/ren in making contributions to their Project Compassion. We appreciate your support.


Fremantle Fundamentals Gala Day

Last Wednesday, the Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 2 classes were invited to a special Gala day at Cockburn Arc. The day consisted of skills stations run by students from Notre Dame University, SEDA sports development students and some Fremantle Dockers AFL players. The gala day included a visit from the club mascots, player interactions, games and prizes. The students and staff had so much fun! We even got a special visit from Sean Darcy – GO FREO!

“I liked doing the activities and I liked seeing the mascot!” – Isla, Year 2

“I liked playing ‘stuck in the mud’ with my friends” – Beau, Year 2

“I loved seeing Sean Darcy and getting tickets to go a Freo game” – Olllie, Year 2

“I liked kicking the footy with my friend Mia” – Jamie, Year 2.



Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter and an enjoyable holiday break with family and friends!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Message from the Head Boy and Head Girl

Hi everyone, our names are Ahlia Lang and Maksim Tomic and we would like to give you a spiel about what it has been like term one as Head Girl and Head Boy. We have worked really well as a team along with the other student councillors.

It’s been great to get a taste for what’s been happening in our school with the basketball courts being resurfaced; this is amazing and so enjoyable now for us to use. We really liked tidying the ANZAC garden and having discussions at our Student Council meetings. Having an Italian class – we love visiting and it’s easier for the teachers, giving presentations in front of the whole school and even SETON students, helping support the Paint Me A Rainbow campaign by selling merchandise and collecting gold coin donations, talking in front of the school, having a good connection with the staff at CtK and being a role model for the students. It was real privileged to write a letter of thanks to the P&F saying how great the disco was.

We want to thank the P&F and Mr Kelly for improving the basketball courts, they are amazing. We hope to have basketball as one of our school teams’ competitions this year or into the future.


Some of the ideas discussed at our Student Council Meetings:

  • Sushi in the canteen
  • We need more bike racks
  • Book Club initiative with their Buddy class.
  • Gardening Club
  • Prayer Garden
  • Bush Tucker Garden
  • Soccer goals when playing soccer

We look forward to next term and what we can do to help our school be the best possible.

Ahlia Lang and Maksim Tomic
Head Girl and Head Boy


P&F News

It has been a busy and successful term for our P&F, I would like to give a grateful Thank You to all of those who have volunteered to help this term, It is true, many hands make light work. A big shout out to Members Sarah Loader and Grace Wiley for their efforts with our most recent disco, the night was greatly enjoyed.

Last week, the new Basketball Courts were completed. With the generous contributions from our school community, with each fundraising event we hold, the P&F were able to cover the cost for this, a wonderful achievement, that we are very proud of. It is great to see all the hard work from our members, benefiting the students, and making out school such a special place.

Term two will see us celebrating Mother’s Day, with the Stall held on Wednesday, May 10th (May 11th for Pre Kindy) and the Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday the 12th from 7:30 am in the Hall.


 Term Two Uniform Shop Opening Hours


Week One:

Friday April 28th 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Week Two:

Tuesday May 2nd 8.15am – 9.00am

Friday May 5th 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Week Three:

Tuesday May 9th 8.15am – 9.00am

Week Four:

Friday May 19th 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Week Five:

Tuesday May 23rd 8.15am – 9.00am

Week Six:

Friday June 3rd 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Week Seven:

Tuesday June 6th 8.15am – 9.00am

Week Eight:

Friday June 16th 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Week Nine:

Tuesday June 20th 8.15am – 9.00am

Week Ten:

Friday June 30th 2.30pm – 3.30pm


Have a safe and Happy Easter.

Mrs Alison Reddyhough
P&F President


Fathering Group News

Danny Cerro
Fathering Group


Community News

Life Science – After School Enrichment Lego Class

Next term, the Bricks 4 Kidz Lego club will be having an amazing adventure for you! We will be building and learning about all the living and ancient creatures around us. Come help us create an eensy weensy caterpillar and many others! Classes are every Tuesday starting on Week 2. More info and registrations here, or here,

Please use discount code 642BC7ADBE79C for 10% off. Expires on Thursday 13th April.


Smiley’s Out of School Care – April 2023 Vacation Care Program


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