Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back to the start of another very busy, but hopefully rewarding term. I hope everyone had the opportunity over the break to spend some time with the family, relaxing and enjoying the time together. As you can see with the Term Planner, life at Christ the King School is very busy. I encourage all parents to make note of the important activities that will take place throughout Term 2.

ANZAC Ceremony

New Families

I wish to extend a very special welcome to the Borovina Family – Isaak in Year One, Evelin in Kindy and Mateo in Pre Kindy. The Kursar Family – Harlow in Year One. The Capone Family – Antonio in Year 5. I know you will really enjoy your time with us as CtK is a wonderful, vibrant and engaging school community.

As we commence a new school term, we renew friendships with others we may not have seen over the holidays. This little prayer below reminds us all of what we should be striving to achieve in our relationships with others:

“Everyone will know you are my friends if you love one another.”

Let us show our love by making peace and trying to make things better.

Let us show our love by caring about the happiness of others and by thanking them for their goodness to us.

Let us love one another as we share our friendships, laughter, learning and meals in celebrating together.

Help us, Lord, to love one another as Jesus has loved us.

Our Catholic School – ‘Care for and Respect Everyone’

Every school has its School motto which attempts to summarise the particular emphasis the school tries to bring to all its activities. If one had to choose a single motto that would be appropriate to all Catholic Schools, “Care for and Respect Everyone” might be difficult to improve upon. Schools with such a motto would be faith communities, which strive to reflect God through the values modelled in the life of Christ.

So, how Catholic is our school? Well externally we call ourselves Catholic, teachers teach a Religious Education programme, teachers prepare class and whole school masses, teachers assist parents with the preparation of students for the reception of the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation, prayers are said at assemblies and in class. Additionally, we have policies that state the vision of the Catholic School and finally, we have rules and procedures which encourage children to respect themselves, other students, teachers, visitors and school property. So, externally we seem to be going along fairly well.

But how are we going internally? When children come to school they work hard at a variety of learning activities and tasks. If their bodies were not sufficiently nourished from their home, then, they would not fully receive the benefits that flow from these activities and tasks.

So, how are our Catholic homes attending to the spiritual nourishment of our students? Does God get a mention at our place; Is our family life nurtured by the Eucharist; are our children “Churched” and informed of the history and tradition that has been part of our culture whatever its origin? We have been entrusted with a Catholic heritage to look after and pass on to our children. Do we simply take from the Catholic of our school or do we bring to our school the personal ingredients that make it “Catholic”?

This quote from ‘The Catholic School’ can have equal application to our homes.

“Furthermore, we must strive to lead each student (child) to develop a personal vision of how he or she can reflect God, the God in whose likeness and image they have been created; in as much as they are able to do this, they become what God wishes them to be. Our School (home) is committed to the development of the whole person modelled on the person of Christ, for He is the one who ennobles people and gives meaning to human life and in whom all human values find their fulfilment and unity.”

In a world of instability and uncertainty, one thing is for sure: the survival and success of a school as a Catholic school depend on ALL who are part of that school community.

“May the strength of God pilot us,

May the wisdom of God instruct us,

May the hand of God protect us,

May the way of God direct us,

As we work together to make our school truly Catholic.


School Uniform Update

Thank you to the parents, staff and students for completing the School Uniform Survey at the end of last term. At the next School Advisory Council meeting, we will be discussing the data and making decisions around where to from here. I do have actual uniform samples arriving tomorrow, which will be on display next week for parents to see and feel.

Praying the Rosary – Month of May

The month of May has traditionally been a time when we pray to Mary. The Rosary is often prayed during this time. The Rosary tells of some of the very important events in Mary’s life. Mary’s life begins joyfully, then experiences sorrow and is finally glorious.

Thank you to our Year 6 students for leading us in the ANZAC service Wednesday week. This gave us the opportunity to pause and reflect as a school to consider those who have given their lives and service for the protection of our country and for our freedom. We were blessed to have some families attend the service with us. Also, thank you to Mr Russo for leading the Last Post by playing the bugle.

This term the School Community is focused on our Year Six students who will be making the Sacrament of Confirmation and our Year Four students, as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We ask Jesus to be with our children and their families during this special time. We hope Year 6 parents and students enjoyed working with Mario Borg at the Confirmation Workshop last Monday. A reminder that this Saturday is the Confirmation Commitment Mass starting at 6:30pm at Christ the King Church. Tomorrow, the Year 4 students have their Holy Communion Retreat with 24.7 Youth Ministry in the school hall.

Milne Liturgy

Milne House Liturgy is being celebrated on Wednesday 10 May at 2:30 pm in the school hall. You are welcome to join in the celebration. Students are asked to wear their sports uniform with their house faction t-shirt.

Sister Zoe Milne

Milne House is named after Sister Zoe Milne. She is a sister from the congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition. She was the last religious principal of Christ the King School. The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition ceased as principals in charge of the school in 1974. She represented the continued work and dedication of the sisters from the establishment of the school in 1903 to 1974 a period of over 70 years.

The symbol of the sun was chosen for Milne House for the brilliance of the Australian sun which of course represents our country to which the Sisters chosen by Sister Emilie herself were sent. The gold of the banner is a reflection of the heroic endurance, surmounting poverty, hardship and loneliness as those first sisters began to find their new ‘home’ in the hearts and lives of the Fremantle Community. This devotedness was continued by Sister Zoe Milne into the mid-’70s.

The motto of Milne House is: Shine the light of hope and faith.

Mother’s Day Breakfast

Next Friday, 12 May we come together as a community to celebrate our mothers, grandmothers and all the people who care for us. We will share in a lovely breakfast and coffee organised by our amazing P&F from 7.30 am in the hall. We encourage you to come along and share this special gathering with us.

Father’s Group Sleepover

Next Friday, 12 May from 3:30 pm, we have the Father’s Group Sleepover on the school grounds. This is a wonderful opportunity to gather with dads and children to have lots of fun and do some camping. There is still plenty of time to register so please don’t forget to join us.

From My Readings…..

Students can make significant progress by building upon habits and routines. These include completing all homework tasks to the highest standard, reflecting on the day’s experiences, reading aloud to an adult or being read to and practising number facts. Sharing stories helps your child’s development in many ways.

Reading and sharing stories can:
help your child get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills.
learn to value books and stories.
spark your child’s imagination and stimulate curiosity.
help develop your child’s brain, ability to focus, concentration, social skills and communication skills.
help your child learn the difference between ‘real’ and ‘make-believe’.
help your child understand new or frightening events and the strong emotions that come with them.
help your child learn about the world, their own culture and other cultures.

Sharing stories with your child doesn’t mean you have to read from the book.

Just by looking at books with your child and talking about them, you can be a great storyteller and a good model for using language and books. Your child will learn by watching you hold a book the right way and seeing how you move through the book by gently turning the pages.

Reading stories with children has benefits for grown-ups too. The special time you spend reading together promotes bonding and helps to build your relationship with your child.


CONGRATULATIONS to Jacynta Philp and her husband Harley as they are expecting their first child in September. Jacynta will be finishing with us at the end of this term to go on maternity leave.

Fathering Project

Top tips to be a good role model:

  1. Show your children how you want them to behave through your own behaviours.
  1. Lead by example. Your children learn from seeing how you deal with the highs and lows in your own life.
  1. Role model how you solve problems and make choices. Explain the process you went through to your children.


Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Welcome back to Term Two!

Thank you to parents and families for setting up your children for success by arriving at school on time. A gentle reminder that supervision is in the quadrangle from 8.10 am, for students in Year 1-6. Students should not be arriving at school before this time. We consider the safety, health and well-being of all our children to be of paramount importance and, therefore, ask that parents respect the procedures that are in place. Classroom doors open at 8.30 am allowing students to unpack and become settled for the school day.

Staff Professional Day

Our staff started the term with an ‘IT Day’ led by Caitlin Caputi, CEWA Digital Learning Consultant. It was a busy day as staff navigated through Mac and iPad training, encouraging the use of the iPad in the classroom. Caitlin will be working with our staff throughout the term, in order to further develop our skills in this area!

Term Two Planning

Academic communication for this term will consist of posting Term Overviews on Seesaw and a formal mid-year report. We have many exciting learning activities and events planned, including incursions, excursions, assemblies and carnivals as well as our Year 6 and Year 4 students, receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of First Communion (Eucharist). 

School Photos 

Our school photos are scheduled for Monday 22 May and Friday 26 May (Week Five). More information will be communicated in the coming weeks.

Project Compassion

Thank you to everyone who generously donated to Project Compassion. Your support is very much appreciated.

Crunch & Sip


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


P&F Update

Next week we will be having our annual Mother’s Day Stall, along with a Mother’s Day breakfast, which is always a lovely way to kick off the Mother’s Day weekend. If you haven’t already, please use this link to RSVP.

Stall Date: Wednesday, May 10th K-6

                    Thursday, May 11th Pre K

Breakfast:  Friday 12 May 7.30-8.30 am in the school hall

As of this Friday, volunteers will be selling ice creams from the canteen, if you are able to help and you haven’t already, please use this link to register your availability. Thankyou.


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