Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 8

Dear Parents and Guardians,

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to all our First Holy Communion recipients last weekend. We were very fortunate to have two beautiful days to celebrate these very special masses. The children were really excited about their opportunity to receive the ‘Blessed Eucharist’ for the very first time.

A very BIG Thank You to Fr Isidore and Father Pius for celebrating the masses with the children and making it such a meaningful occasion for the children and their families. Thank you also to Mrs McKenna (Parish Sacramental Coordinator) and Mrs Lisa Allegretta (Parish Sacramental Team), our Year 4 Teachers, Miss Sophie Marshall and Mrs Lisa Tilzey as well as all the staff of Christ the King School for their support at these masses over the weekend.

The generosity and commitment shown by staff by attending these masses over the weekend was wonderful.  Thank you!


Semester One Reports

Times like this could be quite stressful for children and for parents. We all want to see our children achieve the very best they are capable of achieving. Our aim is to ensure that children are motivated to learn and achieve to their potential, then accept what they can do, because the important thing is for them to be happy, carefree and enjoying their learning.

I would like to acknowledge the professional efforts of our staff, who have put in many hours to assess the children’s learning and to ensure that the reporting to you, the parents, is as meaningful as it can be. I thank them for their professionalism, hard work and commitment in producing reports that clearly demonstrate the children’s learning.

I think it is always important to put the written report in context, focusing on the child and noting that:

Teachers and Parents can never
know all that a child knows.

A Report Card is merely a snapshot –
A tiny slice of a child’s learning over
a given period of time.

It is through talking with a child,
looking at what the child creates,
and watching the child in action
that we gain a clearer,
more comprehensive understanding
of a child’s progress.


Fortunate is the Child . . . A Checklist for Parents

Believe it or not but in two weeks the school will break for holidays and one-half of the school year will have been completed. Over the past two terms what growth we have witnessed in our children! How quickly they seem to be developing and maturing. Coupled with the witnessing of this growth is the sometimes thrilling, sometimes worrying evidence before us in the persons of our children, that the persons we see are almost entirely the product of our effort, care and philosophy towards life. As the semester reaches its final stage, it is appropriate to perhaps take a pause and have a quiet think about our role as the most important persons in the lives of our children.

Time management experts tell us that, if we wish to achieve the maximum benefit from the way in which we use our time, we need to have a strong element of forward planning such as a schedule or checklist. Also, they suggest, that at the end of the time period, the plan should be appraised to see how successful it has been, and areas needed for improvement.

Maybe it could be of some benefit to us if we had a checklist directed towards our role as parents. We can cast an eye over the list and take encouragement from our successes and perhaps on occasion admit, “Yes, I need to do something about this one”. Anyway, see how you go:

Fortunate is the Child who has someone who believes in him/her and has high hopes for him/her.

Fortunate is the Child who has someone to whom he/she can carry some problems unafraid.

Fortunate is the Child who is allowed to pursue his/her curiosity into every worthwhile field of information.

Fortunate is the Child who has someone who understands that childhood’s grievances are real and bitter and so call for understanding and sympathy.

Fortunate is the Child who is led gently by the hand along the pathway of life by someone who is guide, companion and inspiration.

Fortunate is the Child whose love of the true, the beautiful and the good has been nourished through the years.

Fortunate is the Child whose efforts to achieve have found encouragement.

Fortunate is the Child who has learned freedom from selfishness through responsibility and cooperation.

Fortunate is the Child who is encouraged to look beyond the material things of life, to see the spiritual strand which adds eternal meaning to reality.

Well, how did you make out? If you got a perfect score, go straight to heaven! If you are like the rest of us, then I guess we might try to pick up on a point or two during the next semester.

“Lord, parenthood is a very responsible role I share with you as co-creator of my children.

Help me to remember the preciousness of this role that has been given to me.

Help me to realise how fortunate I am to have you as my unseen partner.”



Did you Know?

One penny (cent) doubled every day becomes over 5 million dollars in just 30 days.

It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.

You can’t fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.

“Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt”!


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!


Keep smiling and let’s do great things together!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal


As you are aware, there is a spike of various illnesses in the community as winter sets in and many sick children have been attending school. Please keep your children home if they are sick in order to reduce the spread of illness at school. Please also continue to remind your children to use safe hygiene routines such as regularly washing of hands. It would be appreciated if parents could email or phone the school office before 9 am, in order to notify staff of their child’s absence from school. Please do not wait for a message from the school. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


Early Years Charter

Our dedicated Early Childhood Educators have been working together to create an Early Childhood Charter. The Charter reflects our philosophy and early childhood pedagogies. We are excited to announce that our design has been finalised. Thank you to our wonderful Early Years team for engaging so passionately with this project and for bringing the vision to life. Our Early Childhood staff have shown great dedication and have been working hard in creating this important document.


Art Club

Thursday afternoon’s Art club has been a huge success. The children have been having lots of fun creating loom bands, bracelets, melty beads, paintings and much more. This week the children are excited to be making calming bottles. All art items are being collected and will be sold to raise money for Telethon when we hold our Telethon fundraiser in Term 3. Thank you, Mrs Seaward, for coordinating this for the students in our school and for the fantastic staff who have volunteered their time to help each week! You are all AMAZING!



Report Time is Approaching!

The Mid-Year Reports for students will be available for parents on SEQTA Engage at the end of Term Two. Could you please check your login details NOW to ensure that you have access prior to the reports being released in Week 10.

New families from Year 1 to Year 6 and all Pre-Primary families will have received a welcome email this week directing you to set up your account for SEQTA Engage. Both parents have been sent the email, however, if you are happy to operate just one login for both parents, you don’t need to set up the second one. If you can’t see the email in your Inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folders as sometimes these emails will appear there as they are sent in bulk. Please contact if you have any concerns.

Thank you!


Reports for 2023 – Understanding Your Child’s Report

Parents will receive 2 formal academic reports this year: 


This report provides parents with a ‘snapshot in time’ of how their child is progressing in relation to the end-of-year achievement standard for each learning area for their year level. The grade provided is taking into account the curriculum which has been taught and assessed to that point in time. 


This report provides parents with an overview of how their child has progressed, across the entire year, in relation to the end-of-year Achievement Standard for each learning area for their year level. The grade provided is taking into account the curriculum which has been taught and assessed across the entire year, not just Semester 2. 

Understanding the Grading System 

Is a ‘C’ grade good? Yes, you should celebrate C grades as this indicates that your child has progressed to the desired level of understanding for his/her year level. 

Is a ‘C’ grade just a pass like it used to be? No, a C grade today, is the expected Achievement Standard for each year level and each Learning Area. 

Does an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade mean my child is working a year or two above their current grade? No, an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade means that your child is responding to the content taught to a deeper level. They may be thinking more critically about the content, which is a wonderful skill to demonstrate. 

How are final grades determined? Teachers collect numerous samples of work and assessments to determine the final grade. The grade is determined with the use of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s (SCSA) Judging Standards. For more information on this go to 

We hope this information assists you to understand the reporting process at Christ the King Catholic Primary School. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.


Crunch and Sip



Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Fathering Project

After a very successful Sleepover at school three weeks ago, the Fathering Group have already organised another great event, this time for dads only.

The Fathering Project community at Christ the King Primary is inviting you to its first “Dads Only Night Out” at Super Bowl in Melville. This is a great way for our members to get to know each other and enjoy some friendly competition.

  • Date: Tues 27th June 2023
  • Time: 7:30pm
  • Location: Super Bowl Melville
  • Cost: $22pp (includes shoe hire and 2 x Games of ten-pin bowling)

Licensed bar and food available at venue.

Please RSVP no later than 20th June so we can secure our lanes.

Looking forward to a great night.

CTK – The Fathering Project team.


Community New

Smileys – July 2023 Vacation Care

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