Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 03

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Sometime ago, there appeared an advertisement in the Positions Vacant column which stated:

Wanted: Telepathy Assistant
You’ll know where to apply


It might be considered that parenting has a close association with the message of the advertisement. Two people have a child, become parents, and somehow or other are supposed to know what to do with the rearing of the child, simply because they have become parents.

All you have to do is bring your child to school to realise that you are not alone in your parenting role. Conversations with other parents will soon confirm that most parents are on a learning curve. However, you can be sure that at some point during a conversation two very important words will be mentioned: “At home . . .” there is no area more important to a child than the home the child shares with their parents. It’s not the size or material comforts that the home provides, it’s the nurturing environment that really matters.

Henri Nouwen has this beautiful image to offer. “What parents can offer is a home, a place that is receptive, but also has safe boundaries within which the children can develop and discover what is helpful and what is harmful. A place where children can ask questions without fear and experiment with life without facing the risk of rejection. A place where they can be encouraged to listen to their inner selves and develop the freedom that gives them the courage to eventually leave their home and travel on.”

During his years of ministry, Christ often made use of the parable as a gentle yet thought-provoking way of teaching people. One of the best-known parables is that of the Prodigal Son, which was often used to illustrate God’s loving care and willingness to forgive.

Nowadays, it could very well be the parable of the most relevance to modern-day parents, for it is a parable of great hope. In the parable, we find a parent brokenhearted to see a child take what he owns and leave home to pursue a lifestyle that is quite the opposite to that of his family and has all the signs of leading to disaster and self-destruction. Even though there is a great disappointment, the parent never gives up hope for the child and is daily ready to accept the child back into the loving care of the family. When the child did actually reach “rock bottom” and all seemed spoiled and lost, the thought of home was the sole ray of hope in an otherwise very dark future.

Events which occur between parents and children need not be as dramatic as the parable. However, “events” do happen quite frequently on a smaller scale and differences can be aired quite strongly. On some occasions, it can be helpful to be partially deaf and blind and very helpful to have a resilient sense of humour. Sometimes we might have to accept what our children have to offer us, take it on board and gently reshape it with their assistance so that the outcome is a positive experience for both parties. The joys of Parenthood!

Lord, I cannot go this road alone
I need to depend on someone, as others depend on me,
I need a sense of someone caring, someone helping, someone sharing the exuberance and joy,
The pain and the humiliation.
I need a friend, just as they need one.
You are it, Lord, my friend.

Help me when the going is rough.
Rejoice with me when I feel I have the world at my feet.
Weep with me when my dreams shatter into tiny bits of crystal.
Above all, be with me when I feel the need to have you close.


Selected students from Year 3 to 6 attended the SSWA Primary Cross Country Carnival today at UWA Sports Park, Mt Claremont. We hope all participants enjoyed participating in this competition, which is a first for Christ the King students. A huge thank you to Mrs McLinden and Miss King for taking the children and organising this wonderful opportunity.

This Monday Years 4-6 students will be learning about the importance of CyberSafety with eSafety Commissioner, Kaylene Kerr. Kaylene will also be presenting a parent workshop Monday evening starting at 6:30 pm. We will text all parents the location when we know the number of participants attending.

A reminder, Friday, 18 August is a Pupil Free Day as all staff will be learning about a social, emotional program called. ‘Highway Heroes’. Smileys will be operating all day for children who attend the OSHC program.

We wish our Year 5 and 6 students the very best as they will be participating in the SNAFL Carnival, where the children will play AFL football, Soccer and Netball. Go CtK!

From My Readings . . .

7 Phrases to avoid when Kids are Anxious

By Michael Grose

Talking with kids when they are anxious can be hard work for parents and teachers. Sometimes just one word out of place or spoken with the wrong tone of voice can get a child’s back up, upset them or make them uncooperative.
Here are some common errors and what to say instead:

  1. “Build a bridge and get over it!”
    The “Come on. Get on with it” approach works with some kids some of the time. We often say this in exasperation, however, if a child is genuinely anxious about a coming event or going into a new situation, or is worried about a looming change, then they need someone to understand their worries and fears. “Ahh! I can see you are worried about this” is a far more effective response. Support starts by recognising anxiety in children and knowing how to respond appropriately so they know that you are taking them seriously.
  2. “This is not worth worrying about. Stop being so silly!”
    Similarly, not taking a child’s fears seriously or, even worse, making light of them, just doesn’t help. Kids need to know somebody understands how they feel.
  3. “It’ll be right in the morning.”
    The ‘get a good night’s sleep’ approach has some merit, particularly when a child is catastrophising or continually revisiting the same worries. Sometimes a child’s worries do seem better after a good night’s sleep. However, to children who genuinely experience anxiety a new day simply offers a new opportunity for feeling overwhelmed by worry and anxiousness. The source of the anxiety needs to be recognised and strategies created for management.
  4. “Calm down will you!”
    Anxiety can often show itself through high emotion and distress. The natural reaction of many well-meaning adults is to quietly ask an emotional child to calm down. However, a distraught child is likely to misinterpret your calmness for not caring. Often adult calmness in the face of a child’s upset just leads to more emotional outbursts. Better to match your level of intensity with your child’s level of emotion and talk them down. Saying, “Yep, I can see you’re upset. That’s understandable.” at the same intensity and volume that your child uses is likely to be far more effective in bringing down his or her emotions.
  5. “OMG! That is horrible!”
    It’s easy for a parent or teacher to take on a child’s anxieties and worries as their own. You can become just as emotional as the child, particularly if an injustice has occurred. Better to take a breath, stand back and be as objective as possible rather than be drawn into the vortex of a child or young person’s worries.
  6. “You should be worried about that!”
    Sometimes we can feed children’s anxieties and worries or even create worries that aren’t there. Be careful not to foist your own anxieties and fears on children and young people.
  7. “Stop being so naughty. Behave yourself.”
    Many children will act out when they are anxious and nervous so it’s quite natural to focus on their poor behaviour without thinking about the reasons behind that behaviour. When you know the triggers for your child’s anxiety then you are better placed to recognise anxiousness and respond appropriately.

Parents and teachers are in the best positions to support children and young people when they are anxious. Support starts by recognising anxiety in children and knowing how to respond appropriately so they know that you are taking them seriously and that you can support them both emotionally and practically to achieve what’s important to them.

Did you Know?

  • The infinity sign is called a lemniscate
  • House flies have a life span of two weeks
  • Gold is about eight times heavier than any other metal on earth
  • The human brain stops growing at the age of 18


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!


Keep smiling and let’s do great things together!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Welcome to Week 3! We hope you have settled in well to Term 3!


Term Three Planning:

Academic communication for this term will consist of posting of Term Overviews on Seesaw and an open night, later in the term. We have many exciting learning activities and events planned, including incursions, excursions, assemblies and carnivals.


Pupil Free Days for Term Three:

This a gentle reminder that there is a Pupil Free Day on Friday 18 August and Friday 22nd September 2023.


2023 Religious Education Assessment (rea):

Our Year Three and Five classes were recently involved in the Religious Education Assessment (REA). This Assessment provides a point-in-time snapshot of student performance in Religious Education. Students’ knowledge and understanding of the content of the RE curriculum is assessed using a combination of multiple choice, and short and extended answer response items. The REA was completed online and will give us information to measure student learning of content in the Religious Education curriculum. The results of these assessments will also inform teaching and will be made available to parents and carers, once released. Thank you to our Year Three and Five teachers for all of their support in administering the assessments.


2023 NAPLAN:

NAPLAN results for 2023 were sent home to families last week. Information was also sent home about interpreting and reading the data. The data is a good resource for our school to review how we are travelling across different learning areas and focus areas for continuous improvement. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions.


School Procedures:

This a gentle reminder that class begins for our students at the times listed below:

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten:
Doors open at 8.30 am and class begins at 8.40 am

Pre-Primary to Year 6:
Doors open at 8.30 am and class begins at 8.40 am

For the safety and well-being of each individual child, no student should be on school grounds, unattended, before 8.10 am (unless your child is participating in a co-curricular event). We have had several students who ride and get dropped to school arriving closer to 8 am and school supervision does not begin in the quadrangle until 8:10 am. We appreciate your support with this and appreciate your understanding.

If your child arrives at school after 8.40 am, please take your child to administration and sign in via the app on the iPad before going to class. This is also required if a child is collected during the day and then returned to school. If a child needs to be collected before 3.00 pm (or 2.45 pm for Kindergarten), please sign out via the app on the iPad in the office. If a child will not be attending school on any day, please contact the school prior to 9.00 am on the day of the absence using one of the following methods listed below:

  • Emailing:
  • Calling: 9487 9900 and speaking with the Administration Officer
  • Complete the quick link absentee form on our school website

When a planned holiday or other period of absence falls during term time, please submit an Extended Absence Form to the administration prior to the absence. This is required for any absence of five days or longer and must be approved by the school Principal.


Head Lice:

As communicated last week to all parents and carers, It has been brought to our attention that some students across different year levels have head lice. Please examine your child’s hair for signs of head lice by following the advice sheet attached via this link; Head lice( from the Department of Health. Thank you!


Cyber Safety and Digital Wellness:

Christ the King will be hosting a ‘Cyber Safety & Digital Wellness’ Workshop evening on Monday 7 August at our school, at 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm. Venue TBC. We encourage all parents/carers to attend this very important workshop led by Kaylene Kerr from eSafeKids. Unfortunately, the workshop cannot be recorded due to copyright restrictions. Please note, this workshop is not suitable for children to attend. Kaylene Kerr will be working with our Year 4 – 6 students throughout the day on Monday 7 August. However, this event is open to all parents and carers in our school community. Please RSVP on the flyer sent to you via Seesaw. We hope to see you there!



Locavora offers 3 days of lunch delivery to our school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays using the School Lunch Orders Online platform:


Word on Wellbeing – Highway Heroes:

On Friday 18 August, (Pupil Free Day for students) our staff will be engaging in a Professional Development Day and will be learning about the Highway Heroes Social and Emotional Learning Program, facilitated by Helen Davidson.

Little Highway Heroes (Early Years) and Highway Heroes (Primary Years) are curriculum-aligned, research-based, Social and Emotional Learning resources with a continuous process of skill development. By commencing this learning early through the explicit teaching of selected skills, children will have the opportunity to lay down healthy habits of emotional self-management and social engagement, which will impact every area of their life, including increased academic achievement and greater awareness and understanding of relationships. Watch this space!

 Helen Davidson (co-author of Highway Heroes) will be presenting a FREE parent workshop about ‘Growing Resilience and Wellbeing’ on Tuesday 22 August from 6 pm – 7 pm in our school library. We hope to see you there!


One Big Voice:

On Friday 18 August, our school choir will be performing at the One Big Voice Festival at RAC Arena. Please refer to the information note sent home to families with all the details. We wish our choir students all the best of luck for this special event! Please contact if you have any questions or queries about this festival.


Book Week 2023:

Book Week is fast approaching! The theme for this year is ‘READ, GROW, INSPIRE’. The Book Week Parade will be on: Wednesday 23rd August at 9 am for students from K-6 in the quadrangle. On the day, your child is welcome to come to school dressed as a character from a book they enjoy. If you have any questions or queries, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. We have some amazing Authors visiting our school before and during Book Week to conduct some workshops with our students, which will be a highlight for everyone!



Congratulations to Miss Teoni Zugaro and Mrs Sheree Anderson who have been awarded a scholarship to be involved in a Professional Certificate in Wellbeing and Pastoral Care in Education, a joint initiative from Catholic Education WA and the University of Notre Dame.


Staff Profile:

Our fabulous Year 6 leaders, Ahlia and Maksim, will be interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well. Their first target was Mrs Hagan, our amazing Learning Support Co-ordinator. Find out more about Mrs Hagan below:

 Why did you decide to become a teacher?
When I was little, I would pretend to play teachers with teddies. I would dress in my Mum’s clothes and at that moment, I knew I wanted to be teacher. I had a wonderful teacher called Mrs Lyons and she was amazing!

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite subject?
Maths – but I didn’t like it at school.

Did you have a pet when you were young?
Yes – a dachshund called Sasha. She was spoilt, fat and lazy. When you would take her for a walk, she refused by making choking noises.

How many years have you been teaching at Christ the King?
15 years.

What do you love most about Christ the King?
The whole staff have a shared vision. We want every child to have the best version of themselves.


Student Spotlight:

We know that many students at Christ the King have amazing gifts and talents and achieve outstanding things outside of their life at our school. We would love to hear about all these achievements and have created a ‘Student Spotlight’ section in the Newsletter where you can share your stories with us. In order for us to share the news, we require as much detail as you can provide, so please email Mrs Reardon at: We can’t wait to hear and share your news!


Crunch & Sip:



Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


P&F News


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