Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 03

Person of Peace

“Love one another as I have loved you”,
May seem impossible to do,
But if you try to trust and believe,
great are the joys that you will receive.
For love makes us patient, understanding and kind,

And we judge with our heart
and not with our mind.
For as soon as love enters
the heart’s opened door, the faults we once saw are not there anymore,
And the things that seemed wrong
begin to look right,
When viewed in the softness of love’s gentle light.
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
And all that God promised will someday come true,
When you love one another the way He loved you.



Interschool Athletics Carnival 2023

Congratulations to all the students who represented Christ the King School at last Friday’s Interschool Athletics Carnival. To all the children who participated, congratulations on your outstanding effort; we were so proud of you for the way you gave your very best and showed tremendous sportsmanship. We are very proud of you all. A special thank you to Mrs McLinden for training the children during Physical Education lessons. Thank you to Mrs Goncalves and Mrs Reardon for supporting the students on the day. Awesome effort by everyone involved!



Congratulations to Mrs Seaward and the children in this photo who presented a cheque to Telethon last Sunday, raising $2004.10 from cupcake sales and the PJ Day. Thank you to our school community for supporting this wonderful event. Bravo!


Also, what an amazing staff we had volunteering in the Call Centre for Telethon last Sunday. Christ the King staff modeled our value of Service, well done team as you are all inspiring.


Fathering Project

I wish to extend a HUGE thank you to the Fathering Project dads led by Alf Di Tullio for first setting up the new soccer goals and then being at school for the busy bee last weekend.

For the busy bee, the four Dads and children that showed up focused on the Early childhood area and were able to do the following in the three hours:

  1. Sweep up all the leaves on the edges of the carpark.
  2. Sweep all the paths surrounding the carpark and Early childhood fencing.
  3. Rake up all the leaves in the Early childhood playground. 
  4. Level out sand depressions in the playground.
  5. Clear and sweep all the paths in the playground and on the equipment.
  6. Sweep up the verandah area.

A HUGE thank you to the fathers (and their children) who helped out were all Pre-Primary dads: 

  1. Mike Goves & son Theo 
  2. Tim Levy & son Hugo
  3. Jason Groves
  4. Alf Di Tullio & Sofia, Anna and Marco



World Teachers’ Day

Tomorrow, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day for all staff at Christ the King School. As a staff, we will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day with an organised lunch planned by our super amazing P&F. At CtK, all staff are believed to be ‘teachers’ as they have interactions with the students in a variety of ways. We are very fortunate at Christ the King School to have a high performing, collaborative team of staff whose focus is on the growth and development of every child. As a school community we are appreciative of all that our staff do for our students. The hours can be long, the demands continue to grow but one thing I know is that the staff do know well and care for your sons and daughters. In addition to the teaching and learning programme, staff provide: a Sacramental programme, camps, sporting carnivals, excursions, choirs, musical bands, wellbeing activities, Lego, Dance, Numero, Tennis, Running, Tinkercad, Art Clubs, Book Week, Science, English and Mathematics weeks, STEM, Gifted and Talented opportunities, Open Night, Mothers’/Fathers’ Day celebrations, and the list goes on. Thank you to all staff for your commitment to the learning, development and faith formation of our students. My staff at Christ the King School are the best! I know this as I see what they do every day.  


Grandparent’s Day and All Saint’s Day, November 1

We will be having a special mass in the quad commencing at 9 am followed by morning tea in the hall.

All Saint’s Day is where we celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints on the anniversary of their martyrdom. When martyrdom increased during the persecutions of the late Roman Empire, local dioceses instituted a common feast day in order to ensure that all martyrs, known and unknown, were properly honoured.



By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. In November, it is the Holy Souls. Praying for the dead, especially for those loved ones we have known, is a requirement of Christian charity. At school we will recall those loved ones who have passed away during our prayers throughout November. There will be a Book of Remembrance in the Church, in which you can write the names of those loved ones for whom families would like us to pray.


Scitech Challenge 

Congratulations to Christian, James, Lenny and Clancy from our Enrichment program for coming third out of ten schools at the Scitech Challenge last Thursday. Thank you, Mrs Doecke for teaching the children and taking them to Scitech. We are all so proud of your wonderful achievement!

We wish our students the very best at the upcoming competitions:

  • Year 5 Numero Challenge tomorrow
  • Years 4-6 Interschool Spelling Bee Monday
  • Years 5 and 6 Triathlon Friday week

Because of the dedication of our staff, our students are being given wonderful opportunities to shine in a variety of areas. Bravo CtK!


Leadership Camp

Our Year 5 students will be attending their Leadership Camp tomorrow with 24/7 Youth Ministry followed by an overnight camp. We wish the students. a fun day and evening Miss Zugaro, Mr Geaney Mrs Reardon and myself will be attending the camp.


Pupil Free Day

A reminder Monday, 6 November is a Pupil Free Day. All teachers will be coming together to plan for 2024.



Illness is something we all face. Can I please ask all parents to make sure you keep your child home if unwell.


School Arrival

Can I please ask parents to make sure children are not arriving to school too early. I am on duty every morning from 8:10am and I have seen an increase in children arriving before 8:00am.


As a member of Christ the King School there is an expectation that all students will show pride in their school by:

  • being an active and involved learner,
  • being caring and considerate towards their teachers and peers,
  • being punctual to school each day and to their classes,
  • being properly prepared for class and up to date with their school commitments,
  • seeking assistance from their teachers, when necessary.
  • wearing their uniform with pride,
  • being positively involved in the various aspects of the school’s life as a ‘participant’ rather than a ‘spectator’!

Finally, we need to remind ourselves from time to time that staff and parents also have a personal responsibility to make Christ the King School a happy and safe place in which to learn.


Did you Know?

  • Leonardo da Vinci was dyslexic, and he often wrote backwards.
  • You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening.
  • The hashtag symbol # is called an octothorpe.
  • The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime.
  • The Shroud of Turin is the single most studied artifact in human history.


There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Term Four Planning

Academic communication for this term will consist of posting of Term Overviews on Seesaw and End of Year Reports.


Term Four Calendar

A reminder to keep an eye on the school website calendar for important dates during Term Four. These often need to be updated and finalised as the term progresses so please keep referring back to these. Students conclude school this term on Friday 8th December, 2023.


World Teachers’ Day 2023

On Friday 27 October, we celebrate World Teacher’s Day. Our staff at Christ the King School is passionate and committed to each and every student. They consistently go above and beyond to ensure the students feel safe and supported as they learn to love God and grow through their learning.


Annual School Community Meeting 2023

All parents and caregivers are invited to attend our school Annual School Community Meeting on Wednesday 15 November, 2023 at 6pm in the school hall. The meeting will include a report of activities of the 2023 school year and staffing for 2024 will be announced. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend.



It would be appreciated if parents could email or phone the school office before 9 am, in order to notify staff of their child’s absence from school. Please do not wait for a message from the school. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


Playing Before & After School

Children must be under the supervision of their parents and not on playground equipment before or after school. We kindly ask that after you have collected your child at the end of the day, you leave the school grounds promptly. All playground equipment is out of bounds. Can you please ensure that family members or friends who are picking up your children are made aware of this as well?


ASCS Athletics 2023

Last Friday, students from Years 3–6 competed in the Interschool Athletics Carnival at Len Shearer Reserve. Students participated in Long Jump, Turbo Jav and Shot Put before running in the 400m and 200m events. Christ the King really hit their straps during the 100-meter sprints and, coming from last place, ranked third at the end of the carnival after placing in the top four in most relays and ball games. An amazing comeback from the team. Drew Kenworthy was the only medal winner from CTK this year, winning a silver medal for Year 5 boys.

Congratulations to the whole squad, and a huge THANK YOU to Mrs Reardon, Ms Goncalves, Mrs O’Sullivan and Jade Goncalves for everything they did to support the children on the day.

Ms McLinden – Physical Education Teacher


Visual Arts

Last term, a group of children from Years 5 and 6 entered the Gwenyth Ewens Art Competition that was run by the City of Fremantle Council. The children were asked to paint or draw a historical building located in the Fremantle area. All entries were judged by a panel and two students from our school were awarded prizes. The awards ceremony was held on the evening of Thursday, September 21st and all artwork was displayed during the September school holidays at the Fremantle Town Hall.

Congratulations to Isla Pizzi (Year 5G) and Nelli Holohan  (Year 5G) for receiving an Art Award for their amazing artwork.

Ms D’Angelo – Visual Arts Teacher


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Community News


P&F School Disco – 3rd November 2023


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