Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 09

Lord Jesus, at this time of year we so often get caught up in the mad frenzy of buying presents, writing cards and catching up with friends and family, that we forget the true meaning of this Advent Season. Help us to stop and reflect on the gift of your birth to all of us.
Teach us how to slow down and see the wonder and the glory of this time. Amen


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,

In writing my last newsletter for 2023, I am able to reflect on just what a unique and special place Christ the King School is to be a part of. Sometimes we, as humans, forget to stop and smell the roses. Our school and parish are just the most amazing places, filled with many wonderful and vibrant people. I wish to take this opportunity to remind you all of the words of Catherine McAulay:

“God does not bestow all His choicest blessings on one person. He did not give to St. Peter what He gave to St. Paul nor to either what He gave to St. John.”

Congratulations to all staff and students for making Move Up Morning such a wonderful, smooth running and engaging experience. I could see and hear from the chatter that there was lots of positive energy around the school. The children and staff are looking forward to new beginnings in 2024. Bravo everyone!

Our Graduation and Thanksgiving Mass yesterday morning was a wonderful celebration of a very busy year together, as we celebrated the achievements, and gave thanks for the many blessings received by all of us. Our Catholic faith is at the heart of our school and so it is fitting, that our final celebration together, is one centred on the Eucharist and our community of faith. As always, our students were reverent participants in the Mass and are a credit to their teacher and parents. Also, many thanks to the parents, grandparents and friends, who were able to make the time, to enjoy this celebration with us. Congratulations to our Year Six students and, especially our Year Six teacher Miss Kezic for coordinating and leading the lovely Mass. Thank you, Mrs Carroll for leading the choir who sung beautifully. Thank you to Father Izzy, for celebrating Mass with us.

Congratulations to Our Graduating Year Six Students. We wish them well, as they continue their journey to secondary education, and we thank them for the gift of their presence and contributions to Christ the King School during their time here. Thank you also to all the members of the CtK teaching team for their support and contribution to all our students during 2023 – their constant commitment to our students is truly a gift to this community.

We came together as a school community to acknowledge our Award recipients for 2023. It was a wonderful assembly filled with lots of pride and joy. Thank you to everyone for being there Tuesday. A HUGE thank you to Miss Kezic for planning, coordinating and leading the ceremony plus thank you to our current Head Girl Ahlia Lang and Head Boy Maksim Tomic for being our MCs. A job very well done as the ceremony ran smoothly.

Congratulations to the following Award recipients this year:

Running Club

Congratulations to all the children who received a certificate or badge for reaching milestone distances in Running Club.

Year Six Art Exhibition Award

1st Place: Liam Seaward, 2nd Place: Amelia Pittorini, 3rd Place: Halle Valenzuela Rogers

Head Girl and Head Boy for 2024

Dominique Valsecchi and Christian D’Adamo

Cheryl Babich Scholarship Award 2024

Violet Russo

Year Six Award Recipients are as follows:

Academic Achievement in English Award

Valentina Colalillo

Academic Achievement in Mathematics Award

Thomas Dudley

Science Award

Max Jelovsek

Arts Award

Oscar Cribb

Sports Leadership and Performance Award

Savannah Blackwood

Significant Development in Learning Award

Zoe Rawlings

Pat Brown Award for Christian Witness

Max Geracitano

Congratulations to all our award recipients for 2023!


What a wonderful evening Wednesday week was with our Christmas Carols! I wish to congratulate all the children for their singing and dancing. A huge thank you to Mrs Jackie Carroll for preparing and coordinating the Carols night. Thank you, Mr Dom for setting up all the lights and Christmas decorations and, thank you to all the staff for preparing the children so well. Thank you to our P&F for organising the Snack bar and raffles, awesome job ladies as always. It was wonderful to see Mrs Fanning, Mrs Hartley, Mrs Gummer, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Domenica Carroll for making the effort to attend our carols to be farewelled by our community.

A special and warm thank you to all families who donated a food item for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. This great range of food products will go a long way to helping many families in need this Christmas.  Thank you, Mrs Bafile for coordinating and modelling this very important act of service for our school community.

Friday being our last day of 2023 will be celebrated with our Big Day Out to the movies in Fremantle to watch ‘Trolls’.

CtK Yearbook 2023 is coming home with the eldest child tomorrow afternoon. We hope you enjoy this wonderful showcase of another fabulous year at Christ the King School. There was certainly lots to celebrate!


Capital Works at Christ the King School

This week new air conditioners were installed in both Yr6 classrooms, the library and a Maths Support Room. The new Art room will be finished next week. Toilets for the new 3 Year Old Kindy room (current art room) will be added in mid-January. New furniture will be arriving for the Learning Centres plus Yr6 classes along with lockers for Yr6 Red. New carpet has been laid in Yr6 Gold, and both Sensory Rooms. The roof for the current Art room and CEWA Regional Office will be replaced. The old Chapel has been converted into a Yr4-6 Learning Centre room with outdoor access. New electronic signage will be erected in the Learning Centre car park facing York Street in mid-January.  

A reminder that next Wednesday, 13 December between 8:30 and 10:30am parents can meet to discuss their child’s Semester Two report. This is not compulsory. Each interview will go for a maximum of 10 minutes only. Please book a time with your child’s class teacher.

Year 6 Reports

Parents of students in Year 6 and children who are leaving CtK at the end of this year will need to either print off their child’s reports or save them as, as reports will not be able to be accessed once children leave the school.

I take this opportunity to wish you all God’s blessings for this very Holy Season, and may you remain safe during the holidays and return rested and renewed for 2024 on Wednesday, 31 January. Peace be with you all. “Open your presents at Christmas time but be thankful year round for the gifts you receive.” – Lorinda Ruth Lowen.

There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in 2024!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

It is hard to believe that we’ve reached the end of the school year for 2023!

Farewell to our Year 6 class:

I would like to wish our Year 6 students all the best of luck as they start the next phase in their schooling journey. They are a great group of children with many wonderful talents, who contribute so much to the running of the school. We can’t wait to hear about the wonderful things they have been up to when they come back and visit us at Christ the King School in the near future!


End of Year Reports:

End of Year Reports will be available to parents/carers from Pre-Primary to Year 6 via SEQTA Engage at 3.30pm today. Once reports are made available, I encourage you to read over the information very thoroughly with your child. It is important they understand the areas they have participated well in and any areas for improvement. Thank you to our teaching staff for all their hard work in preparing the reports.


Thank you:

To our dedicated staff – I extend a massive thanks for your outstanding efforts throughout the school year. Your unwavering determination, flexibility, commitment, and passion have significantly contributed to the continuous improvement of our wonderful school, and for that we are truly thankful.

A special acknowledgment goes to our P&F for their tireless work behind the scenes. Their dedication ensured that our community events were not only well-organised, but also well attended. A particular thanks to the year level class reps for 2023 – your communication to parents and organisation of ‘social get togethers’ has been greatly appreciated and has certainly gone a long way in building the CtK community. We are so grateful for all your help!

A heartfelt thank you to Mr Kelly, our amazing Principal, for always putting the students first and for allowing ‘great things’ to happen at our school! Thank you for your support of our families, students and staff at Christ the King School.


Christ the King Sacraments 2024:

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4 May & Sunday 5 May 2024
Term 2 – Week 3
Reconciliation Retreat Day – 24.7 Ministry
Tuesday 16 April 2024
Reconciliation Parent & Child Workshop – 24.7 Ministry
Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 5.30pm
Term 2 – Week 1


Sacrament of Confirmation
Saturday 18 May & Sunday 19 May 2024
Term 2 – Week 5
Confirmation Retreat Day – 24.7 Ministry
Thursday 9 May 2024
Confirmation Parent & Child Workshop – 24.7 Ministry
Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 5.30pm
Term 2 – Week 4


Sacrament of the First Holy Eucharist
Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 June 2024
Term 2 – Week 9
Eucharist Retreat Day – 24.7 Ministry
Wednesday 5 June 2024
Eucharist Parent & Child Workshop – 24.7 Ministry
Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 5.30pm
Term 2 – Week 8


Staff Profile:

Our Year 6 Head Girl and Head Boy, Ahlia and Maksim have been interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well. This week they interviewed Mr Kelly, our amazing Principal! To find out more about Mr Kelly, please read below:


What is your dream vacation?

Going places where I don’t know anyone!

What is one of your hidden talents?

I would have made a state hockey player and even played for Australia if I had listened to my father. He said I had a real gift but instead, I became a state tennis player!

What is your favourite thing to order through our online lunch orders?

Chicken roll.

What is your favourite thing about Christ the King School?

The people – I love working with the children in the learning centre and whole school. The staff are a super bunch of great, dedicated and special people. I have learnt so much from my staff by the way they work and go about performing their role within the school. My staff inspire me everyday to become better at what I do.

The whole community – I love giving back to a community who brings me so much joy!

What are you most afraid of?

Artificial Intelligence. I have skydived and walked across hot coals, but AI scares me more.

What is your favourite Star Wars Character?

Yoda, because he is full of wisdom!


Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas and a safe new year!

Mrs. Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


Community News


The dates for Lego Club Term One 2024 would be,
Every Tuesday from 6th February 2024 – 26th March 2024 (inclusive)
Timing will be from 3:15pm – 4:15pm for the younger group (ages 5 – 8) and 3:15pm – 4:45pm (for the 9+)
Fees are $172 (for ages 5 – 6), $214 (for 7 – 8) and $244 (for 9+).
There is an early bird 10% discount starting now till 18th Dec.
Minimum numbers for sessions to start will be 14 children in total.



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