Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 05


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,


School Rules Update

Our Pastoral Care philosophy is based on our School Vision, Mission and Values and we believe that all people can live in love and harmony with each other. Our Catholic School is, in essence, the face of Jesus for the whole community. The life of every human person is seen to have a God given value and meaning which is enhanced in our school community in an atmosphere permeated with the Gospel values of freedom and love.

Our school is a place where every individual is welcomed, cherished, respected and valued.  Our Catholic ethos ensures that a Christ-centred approach is at the heart of all we do. We live and learn within a community that is caring, loving, compassionate and forgiving. Meaningful relationships form the basis of all our interactions.

We respond by promoting attitudes which foster:
Love, joy, curiosity and challenge of learning.
Connectedness, belonging and inclusion for all.
Responsibility for one’s own learning and behaviour.
Acceptance and honouring of differences.
Perseverance and self-discipline.
A contribution to the wider community.
We have an expectation that everyone:

Respects each person’s dignity and self-worth.
Develops a positive relationship with all people.
Treats each other with kindness and respect.
Takes responsibility for their own feelings.  Use “I” statements and refrain from blaming.
Listens with eyes, ears and heart. Ensure all our children are heard, welcomed, understood, given creative opportunities, recognised and treated as individuals.
Communicates positively, honestly, directly and gives constructive feedback.
Ensures all children belong to the community, are loved and supported and have opportunity for the development of positive self-esteem.

Staff recently had an opportunity to discuss what we expect from our students regarding behaviour and expectations while at school. The following were then presented to the school community at yesterday’s assembly by some of our student leaders from the Year 6 Communications Team:

  • A reminder that 7:50am is too early for drop off. 8:10am is when supervision starts. No ball games including handball before 8:10am. If children do have to arrive early, children must sit on one of the benches in the quad until 8:10am.
  • Only handball games are permitted from 8:10am. No other ball or bat games are allowed for safety of others.
  • Walk bikes to and from the bike racks.  
  • Children need to wear a school hat while in the quad and oval at recess and lunch. No hat, shade play in the quad only. No hat, you are not permitted on the oval.
  • No running in the quad at all including playing chasey on walkways. Chasey/running games on the oval only.
  • All children from Years 1 to 6 will be sitting in the quad area to eat their recess and lunch. Children are no longer allowed to sit and eat along the verandas outside Smiley’s, the Yr 2/Yr 3 classrooms, and canteen area. At lunch, when the bell goes from eating to playing, children must remain seated with their hand up and wait until a duty teacher dismisses them. All rubbish must be picked up and put into a bin before children can go and play. Lunchboxes will also need to be moved to the side. We want our grounds looking neat and tidy please.
  • Great to see children wait at the gates for teachers to arrive before gaining access to the oval at recess and lunch. Keep doing this please.
  • Play in front of the trees on Oval South and Oval North, rather than behind the embankments. Children need to be visible by teachers on duty.
  • No sitting along any of the ramp and stairwell areas, especially next to the library. 
  • Be mindful when walking around the school during learning time. We want to have a calm, quiet school when learning is happening.
  • Running up or down the stairs is unsafe, please walk only. This also goes for the veranda upstairs.
  • Toilets are for going to the toilet only. They are not play areas so there should not be any loud screaming, chasey in or around the toilets.
  • After school it is strongly encouraged that families move off the school premises and that there are no ball games after school. This is so Smileys can have access to the quad and oval and be able to supervise accordingly. Thank you for supporting us with this request.


Confirmation: When We Start to Speak for Ourselves

Catholics have no recollection of Baptism whatsoever. This is because our Baptism occurred a few weeks after our birth and we were incapable of knowing what was going on or of expressing an opinion on what was about to happen to us. It was our Parents and Godparents who answered when the Priest asked, “Will you be responsible for nurturing this child in the faith and the life of the Catholic church?” When the time came to receive Confirmation, the time also arrived for us to begin speaking on our own behalf.

Before the Holy Spirit came to the apostles for the first time, they were gathered together in the upper room of a house. They were slowly recovering from the events of Good Friday; they were frightened and nervous about Jesus’ promise to them, “You will receive power when the spirit has come upon you”. They did not realise that Jesus had prepared them well for what was about to happen to them. The Spirit arrived with a great wind and with tongues of fire and their hearts were filled with the power of the Spirit and as the saying goes “A burning heart will soon find for itself a flaming tongue.”

They were able to speak about their faith with boldness and confidence and shared with others what they had seen, experienced and learnt from seeing Jesus in action.

They were able to bring healing to people who were hurting.

They were able to work out disagreements by remembering what Jesus had taught them: Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek and humble, the merciful, those who hunger and thirst for what is right, those who mourn and are able to enter into the sufferings of others, those who are persecuted in the cause of what is right.



This weekend being Pentecost, a new group of young people are about to formally receive the power of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation and begin speaking for themselves; we might cast a timely glance over our own lives to see how well we have spoken for ourselves. What are our reactions as the power of the Spirit continues to be revealed in our lives; are the two greatest commandments (Love of God; Love of our neighbour) alive and active? How “blessed” are we in living the inspiring words of Jesus about being humble and merciful, in contributing to the welfare of the disadvantaged, in standing up for Christian values?

If, as the most significant people in the lives of our children, we are making a real effort to exercise the power of the Spirit within us, then, our children will really begin to “answer for themselves” and follow our example to reveal Jesus to others by engaging in Christian thinking and action.

May the Spirit of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
Be with you always
And may we go in peace
To love and serve the Lord.



We send prayers and well-wishes to the children making their Confirmation this Saturday evening from 6pm or Sunday morning from 10am. A very special thank you to Miss Kezic and Mrs Barrett for preparing the children so well. Both teachers have had a huge month and have lead Year 6 with aplomb. They start early, work late each day and have given so much of their own time to ensure the children in Year 6 are ready to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Father Isidore for being our celebrant for both Masses.


Year 6 Camp

Well, we have returned safely from another very successful and rewarding Year 6 Camp. This was a tremendous experience for our Year 6 students as they challenged themselves in ways that they have never really encountered (in the most part) before. I am sure that they will remember the Year 6 Camp for some time to come. The children behaved brilliantly and got a lot of satisfaction out of the experience, as well as the opportunity to develop some new friendships.

I sincerely thank Miss Kezic and Mrs Barrett who led the camp for making themselves available. It is a huge responsibility attending a School Camp and both were very professional in their duties and generous with their time. As I mentioned last week, attending these camps takes time away from their families, and therefore puts extra pressure on the family. I certainly acknowledge this support. I also wish to acknowledge and thank Mrs McLinden, Mr Geaney and Mr Martelli for being fabulous support on camp. It was a tremendous team effort.

I am also very grateful to the staff who remained at Christ the King School as a number of adjustments to timetables and duties, as well as the support needed to cover the staff who were away. Thank you to everyone for this support!


Cross Country

Congratulations to all the children who participated in the Cross Country Wednesday week. I was so proud of all the children who participated. Thank you to the many parents for attending, supervising, and supporting the children. To my amazing staff, who are so giving, committed and passionate about providing the very best support and encouragement for all the children in our school, bravo! Running Club continues every Thursday morning. Again, thank you to our dedicated staff consisting of Mrs McLinden, Miss King, Mrs Viti and Mr Geaney for taking morning training. We wish our students representing Christ the King at the ASCS Interschool Cross Country tomorrow the very best!


Mother’s Day 2024

Hopefully all mothers and mother figures in our community had a happy Mothers’ Day where their love, commitment and dedication were acknowledged and celebrated by their families. We hope everyone enjoyed the wonderful activities and morning High Tea put on in your honour. We thank you for what you do for our students, school and community. Thank you also to the many Dads and mums for helping out at this very special event, and to the P&F for their awesome coordination, setup and planning.


School Nurse Appointment

I am very excited to announce, I have appointed Miss Andrea Mangan as our school-based nurse. Andrea will start with us this Tuesday, 22 May. Andrea is a registered nurse, has training and extensive knowledge in incontinence, seizures, peg feeding and other medical needs. She has just finished at Therapy Focus where she supported many children in schools across WA.



Guess whose birthday it is this Wednesday? Our little girl is turning TWO! Happy Birthday, Patch!


Did you Know?

  • A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second
  • The first cell phone was invented in 1924
  • Venus is the only planet in the solar system to spin backwards
  • Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:

Spades – King David.

Clubs – Alexander the Great.

Hearts – Charlemagne.

Diamonds – Julius Caesar.


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!


Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal

Welcome to Week 5!

As we are almost halfway through the term, it is evident that our staff are working extremely hard to ensure the best teaching and learning is taking place at Christ the King School, for the students in our care! We are very mindful of the importance of continuing our teaching programs ensuring any interruptions are minimal and don’t significantly impact on the learning of our students. We want the very best for all students and are very keen to work with you, ensuring all children have the opportunity to work to their full potential.


Term Dates

Please make sure you have made note of the dates and special events occurring this term. There is a Public Holiday on Monday 3rd June, 2024 (Week 8). We conclude Term 2 on Friday 28th June, 2024 (Week 11).



With the cold and flu season upon us, we greatly appreciate parents/carers keeping their children home when they are unwell. With our staff also succumbing to various viruses, it would be appreciated if parents could email or phone the school office before 9am, in order to notify staff of their child’s absence from school. Please do not wait for a message from the school. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.



Regular attendance is essential for all students to make progress over time. If your child is absent from school for long periods of time, your child is at risk of not reaching their full potential, as significant gaps will start to appear in their learning. Obviously, absences cannot be avoided if a student falls ill, however, we do kindly ask all parents and carers to consider the ramifications of frequent absences, or those absences associated with long periods of time.



Staff have noticed that there are several students arriving late to school. Being punctual is an important attribute that we all require through life. We do acknowledge that some students have appointments at the beginning of the day and of course this is quite acceptable. However, it is vital that parents and carers make every effort to get your child to school at 8.30am – 8.40am. Our classroom doors open at 8.30am.

We do understand that families are very busy and that it can be very difficult to get some children organised for school. However, being late to school results in the following:

  • Students think that it is okay to be late. This has implications for high school.
  • Students miss out on the morning routine of their classroom with their teacher and peers.
  • Teachers have to repeat their instructions as late students wander in.
  • The learning program of other students is interrupted.
  • Some students are very anxious about being late which impacts on their ability to learn.
  • Students do not have enough time to organise themselves for the school day.

The implications for your child are significant when they are late to school.


We do appreciate your support with this matter.


Pick Up Time of Students

We are having an increasing number of students who are not being picked up at 2.45pm (Kindy and Pre-Kindy) and 3pm (Years PP – 6) at the end of the school day. This places our teachers and office staff in the difficult position of having to supervise students, contact parents as well as carry out their daily duties. We kindly ask that you make appropriate arrangements if you are going to be late in picking up your child. This includes organising for someone else to pick up your child or have them access Smiley’s Out of School Care. We also ask that you provide the office staff with sufficient notice when needing to leave a message for your child. Calling the office at 3pm does not give us any chance to get to your child’s class to deliver a message in time. We thank you for your continued support.


School Photos & School Uniform Reminders

As communicated via SEQTA during the week, School Photos will take place on Monday 20 May 2024 (Week 6) with our Pre-Primary & Pre-Kindy students on Friday 26 May 2024. Family photos are scheduled for 8.15am in the school hall on both dates. To order the school photos including family photos, you will need to order ONLINE at, then click on ‘order your school photos’ and then enter your access key – YHQZ9UPG. If you would like to order family photos, this must be completed by 4.30pm this Sunday 19 May, 2024.



Kindergarten and Pre-Kindy students need to wear their Early Childhood T-shirt for their school photos. Students in Year 1 – 6 must wear their formal winter uniform and our Pre-Primary students need to wear their sports uniform (house t-shirt). Summer dresses are not permitted in Term 2 and 3.

Girls – uniform includes formal tartan skirt and white shirt, with a soft shell maroon jacket (not needed for school photos). Black tights or white plain ankle socks to be worn with black formal shoes.

Boys – uniform includes formal grey shorts or grey long trousers and white shirt, with a soft shell maroon jacket (not needed for school photos). White plain ankle socks to be worn with formal black shoes. As part of the formal uniform in Years 1 to 6, students need to wear black leather/leather look school shoes, as per this image.

**Black sneakers or cross trainers are not permitted with the formal school uniform.

Hair should be tied back neatly with the correct school colour ties and hair out of the face.

Please Note: We are starting to see the cooler mornings come in and over the next few weeks it will get colder, as we move into Winter. This is a great time to ensure that you have your child’s name written on their school uniform. It is very difficult to find the owners of these items without a name on them.


Staff Profile

Our fabulous Year 6 leaders, Dominque and Christian, will be interviewing our staff throughout the year so that we all can get to know each other well.

This week they interviewed Mrs Barrett. Find out more about Mrs Barrett below:

Do you have pets and if so, what are their names?
I don’t have any pets but at my old school I had convinced my students that I had a pet Walrus named ‘Andy’ who lived in my mum and dad’s pool!

What’s your favourite colour?
Green and Blue

What’s your favourite part about working about CtK?
I enjoy having one last year of tricks in Year Six.

What are your favourite hobbies?
I used to play Netball and Volleyball, I like being with my friends and family, as well as being at the beach, and I can be little bit arty.

What’s your favourite food?
I love all food, especially when it is gluten free, but I really like pasta, especially my Nonna’s.

What sports do you follow, if so, what team do you support?
AFL and the Dockers.

What’s your favourite movie?
I am very indecisive, but I really like funny movies.


Dogs on School Grounds

A gentle reminder that dogs aren’t permitted within our school grounds. Thank you for your co-operation.


Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge starts SOON!

What is this?
This challenge is for students to read 12 books or more during the challenge.

Who can take part?
Students from Kindy to Year 10.

When does it start?
It’s started! It runs from 6 May to 6 September, 2024.

How do I enter?
Parents can register their child/children online.

There is something for every student. From historical novels to graphic novels, comics, newspapers, song lyrics to poems, all of these count towards their Reading Challenge totals.

Students can win fantastic prizes so register today!

Mrs. Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


P&F News

A BIG thank you to the incredible volunteers and the Fathering Project for helping us out at the Mother’s Day Stalls and Mother’s Day events this year. We know a lot of planning and thought goes into days like these and we truly appreciate all of your hard work and support. The special women of our CTK community enjoyed a Tea-rrific High Tea where they were able to come together, have a bite to eat and feel appreciated for all that they so selflessly do. It was great to hear so many of you got a chance to relax and reconnect and thank you for all of the wonderful feedback you provided. We hope you enjoyed lovely hand massages with your hand creams, a cuppa made with love from your coupon and have a beautiful Mother’s Day photo with your little ones to treasure for many years to come!

This week the CTK Coin War has started each morning in the library and its so great to see so many excited children coming in! Don’t forget to save all of your coins and bring them in between 8am-8:30am to help your class earn their own class party. The flyer went home with your children last week, which explain the game rules and have all of the coin values to help set their class up for success.

The P&F are looking for people to join our Paint & Sip Committee and start brainstorming ideas for the event being held in Term 3. This one will be a lot of fun and we would love to have your input. If you are interested, join up by scanning the QR code on the flyer below or by popping onto our P&F Social hub.



Have a fantastic week!

P&F Chair


Bangers and Bingo

Starts: 24 May 2024, 5:30 pm
Ends: 24 May 2024, 7:30 pm
Location: Christ the King Beaconsfield School Hall, 87 York St, Beaconsfield, WA 6162
Event type: Engagement Dads and Kids Activity

Dads, Father-figures & Carers

As a father or father-figure, you are really important to your kids, and they need you to be present and actively engaged in their lives.

Our next Fathering Project event at Christ the King Primary is planned for Monday 24th May 2024. (5:30 to 7:30pm).

Bring your kids along and enjoy an evening of eating bangers, playing bingo, and connecting with other fathers.

Sausage sizzle, juice and water will be provided at $5 per head.

Please reach out if you can help prepare and serve food on the night.

RSVP by Monday, 20th May 2024. 

Community News


Private Singing Lessons

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