Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 01


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,


Living God, In the season of spring help us to rejoice in the newness of life and to celebrate all life that comes from you. We thank You for blooming flowers and budding trees, for birds singing and beautiful butterflies, and for the world made new. We wonder at the beauty of this season and the hope that it brings.

In everything give thanks. Amen.
1 Thessalonians 5: 18


In our Australian Catholic tradition October is designated as the Month of the Rosary. This simple prayer dates back centuries and has been a constant in the prayer life of countless numbers of Christians. The prayer, using the repetition of the Hail Mary and the formulae of the Four Mysteries (Glorious, Joyful, Sorrowful and Light) keeps the person praying the Rosary focused on Jesus – His life, mission and redemptive power.

Mary, our good Mother, that throughout all time
no-one whoever had sought your help, or come to you for support, has been abandoned.
Confident in this love, I come to you, Mary, in need and in hope.
Graciously hear my prayer and increase my desire to say ‘Yes’.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, prays for us continually, and helps those we entrust to her care.


WA Mental Health Week
5 – 12 October 2024

Mental Health Week brings awareness to mental health and wellbeing nationally, and scheduled around World Mental Health Day in October.

Mental Health Week is a national celebration encouraging social connection. This is an opportunity to highlight the important connection between social determinants of health and our mental health and to promote effective prevention strategies to keep people and our communities mentally healthy. This important week aims to increase mental wellbeing in WA communities by:

Encouraging each of us to support and look out for one another.

Promoting mental health literacy – learning the ‘language’ of expressing feelings, good and bad; and

Continuing to raise awareness of mental health issues and reduce the stigma that can be associated with seeking help.


Welcome to Term Four. The sunshine made a glorious start to our new term – the spring weather and the holiday break seem to have given vitality to us all! Our students, in their summer uniforms and with many sporting smart new haircuts, arrived looking happy and enthusiastic to be back at school, as were staff, after a refreshing break.


Year Six Students

This term the School Community is focused on our wonderful Year Six children as they prepare for their graduation from primary school culminating in a Graduation and Thanksgiving Mass at the end of the term. We want them leaving knowing how much we appreciate and value their contributions to CtK this year. We ask Jesus to be with our Year Six children and families during this time.


Thank you to Mrs Seaward for coordinating the Telethon Fundraiser once again. The children and staff had a great, fun day today. We really appreciate your work, effort and vision. Thank you to everyone in our school community for supporting this important event.


Annual Community Meeting

Our Advisory Council and P&F Annual Community Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 13 November at 6pm in the hall. Please put this date in your diary and try and come to the meeting. I encourage all our new families to come along and become directly involved in our community. Nomination forms for both the School Advisory Council and P&F 2025 have been included in this newsletter and will be available in the Admin Office. Please consider giving up two Wednesday evenings per term to help support community and develop an understanding for finances in our school.

2025 Advisory Council PF NOMINATION Form


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!

Keep smiling and let’s do great things together!

Andrew Kelly

Messages from the Assistant Principal Please Update Category

Welcome to Week 10!


We hope this newsletter finds you feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting adventure as we kick off Term 4! We warmly welcome both our returning students and those joining our school community for the first time. This term promises to be filled with opportunities for growth, discovery and achievement.

As we start this new term, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents and families for your support and involvement in your child’s education. Your partnership is essential in fostering a nurturing environment where our students can thrive academically, socially and emotionally.


Transition into Term Four:

We are incredibly proud of how our students have shown remarkable enthusiasm in returning to their routines, highlighting their impressive capacity for growth. We applaud them for embracing new challenges and settling into their learning routines with such determination.


Celebrating Achievements and Progress:

We celebrate not only the high achievements but also the ongoing progress of our students. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a meaningful milestone in their educational journey. We encourage our teachers to recognise and appreciate each student’s efforts, fostering a growth mindset that motivates them to reach even greater heights. Please take the time to celebrate these milestones with your children, regardless of their size.


Term Planning:

Academic communication for this term will include posting term overviews on Seesaw, progress conversations prior to reporting for students receiving D grades and formal reports. This term, staff have many exciting learning activities and events planned, including excursions and incursions, sporting carnivals, prayer service, assemblies, leadership day and camp overnight stay, spelling bee competition, Grandparents morning, Remembrance Day service, Christ the King Day and our annual Carols Evening. Amongst other learning opportunities, our Year 6 students will graduate from primary school at the end of the term!


Term Dates:

Please make sure you have made note of the dates during this term. We conclude Term 4 on Friday 6 December, 2024. Please note, that Friday 8 November, 2024 (Week 5) is a Pupil Free Day for our students. Our Staff will participate in a professional development planning day.



We kindly ask parents and carers to email or call the school office before 9am to inform staff of their child’s absence. Please do not wait for a message from the school. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Student Uniform Vigilance:

Please make sure that uniform items are labelled clearly to facilitate their return if lost. We’ve observed that many students have started the term without their school hats. If your child has misplaced theirs, please purchase a new hat from Tudor online, as school hats are required during recess and lunch.


Before & After School Play Guidelines:

Children must be supervised by their parents and are not allowed to use playground equipment before or after school. We kindly request that once you pick up your child at the end of the day, you exit the school grounds promptly. Please remember that all playground equipment is off limits. We appreciate your help in informing family members or friends picking up your children about these guidelines.


I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to our dedicated staff for their unwavering commitment to nurturing and guiding our students. Their dedication to creating a positive and engaging learning environment is truly commendable, and we are fortunate to have such passionate educators at Christ the King School.

The term has begun wonderfully and I wish everyone a relaxing weekend and a great term ahead!

Mrs Sabrina Reardon
Assistant Principal


P&F News

Welcome back CtK!

This term, the P&F will be running Grandparents Day, a Christmas Movie Night and the Carols Night Stall. If you would like to join us in planning these fun events please sign up on the hub 🙂



The new ice-cream range has kicked off this week with a bang! The kids were excited and loving the new options which are all gluten and nut free. Ice-creams will be available at lunch time on Wednesdays and Fridays for Term 4. We have spots that need volunteers for October and November, so if you can spare an hour please jump onto the P&F hub to sign up.




The Staff & Parent Sundowner will be held on Friday 1st November at The Left Bank, Fremantle. Tickets are now on sale and include Entry & Food for the night. There will be a bar for drink purchases and a DJ to play your favourite songs as we say goodbye to another fabulous year at CTK. There are limited entry tickets for this event so don’t miss out on a great night to catch up and dance the night away. Ticket sales will close next Thursday 17th October.

The P&F meeting of Term 4 will be held next Wednesday 16th October at 5-6pm in the school library. This will be the last meeting of the year as the AGM is also held in Term 4. In this meeting we will focus on locking in the events for next year. If you would like to help us plan 2025 please come along and have your say. We hope to see you there!

P&F Chair


Community News


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