Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900



Each morning once I have completed my morning duty, I enjoy visiting classrooms. It is always a delight to see the buzz of excitement emanating from your children as they work with their teacher and classmates. It amazes me the conversations I have and the learning that takes place. I enjoy the children’s input and am delighted at the fabulous opportunities our students enjoy. Our dedicated staff have been working hard on creating areas of curiosity and investigation through the use of a variety of learning opportunities.




Schools have a ‘duty of care’ to students, staff, parents and visitors on the site. To fulfil our ‘duty of care’ to everyone on the school site, all visitors to the school are required to sign in at the front office.  This includes parent helpers.

 Although this procedure may appear a burden, it will ensure that the school can account for all individuals in the event of an emergency and it will help us increase our ability to protect any student, staff or parent on the site. The sign-in iPad is situated in the front office.


EXTREME HEAT POLICY – As the heatwave persists in Perth, I wish to assure our Christ the King families that we are reminding students to apply sunscreen before each break and children are encouraged to take food, water and shade breaks. On extremely hot days, we have had lunch and play indoors.



Year 6 students clowning around in their Circus Challenge Incursion. They had a blast learning new skills, took part in team-building activities and positive risk-taking. For lunch, they were treated to a decadent Dominos lunch followed by an afternoon of water fun.


ASH WEDNESDAY – We will celebrate a Liturgy of the Word in each classroom. The teachers will distribute the ashes, blessed by Father Liam following the Covid regulations from CEWA. The ashes will be sprinkled with cotton wool, on the forehead of each child.

Ash Wednesday begins our forty-day season of Lent that leads to Easter. On Ash Wednesday, we come together like the people of the Old Testament to remind ourselves that we do not always follow God’s ways and that we need to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Like God’s people in the time of the prophets, we wear ashes to show that we want to turn away from whatever keeps us from God, and to have a change of heart, so that we can live in peace and in joy with God and with each other.


WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP – If you have any concerns about your child’s education, the first point of call is the class teacher. Sometimes a message on Seesaw or email is not enough. If you require a meeting, our teachers are very obliging, and this can be arranged at a mutual convenient time over the phone. As I will state in all my enrolment meetings, we want to work in partnership with you, for the benefit of your child’s whole education.


COVID UPDATE – Thank you to all families and children in Years 3-6 for responding so diligently with the restrictions that have been placed on schools by The Chief Health Officer and Premier. The conditions of entry to schools have become quite restrictive and I am aware of the difficulties this can cause. As your child’s educators, we rely on our partnership with parents to help us care for children during this challenging and confusing time. A huge thank you also to children and parents in Years 3-6 for trialling mask wearing this week at school. Children are most welcome to continue wearing their mask, however, it is not compulsory. As parents, you can discuss this with your child if you wish to wear a mask or not (until they become mandatory).

Our paramount consideration in all we do is the safety and well-being of the children in our care. Our expert advice is that the steps we have taken will help keep our school open, and our children, families, and community well. I think you will agree that our mutual child-focused purpose should take precedence over all other inconveniences and adjustments to routines. Once again thank you to all the wonderful families who are adhering to the new restriction’s requirements by being agile and flexible.


VENTILATION AUDIT – At the beginning of this year an assigned company came through the school to test the ventilation of every room in an audit arranged by CEWA. We are yet to receive the report, however, it should arrive by the end of this week. Any room that does not meet the ventilation requirements has been clearly marked with a red dot, like my office. Our classrooms have been marked with green dots. If required, air purifiers will be purchased and placed in rooms that the audit identifies. A CO2 monitor will be delivered to our school sometime next week. The health and well-being of all our students and staff is our top priority.

Andrew Kelly

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