Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

Dear Parents and Guardians


Western Australia (WA) Day

Western Australia (WA) Day is held on the first Monday in June each year and is a State holiday only. It commemorates the foundation of the Swan River Colony near Perth by European settlers – Captain James Stirling in 1829, although sightings and landings occurred as far back as 1616. Originally, Albany on the south coast, was to be the capital of WA, but better resources for shipping and farming were found on the Swan River and Perth became the capital.

WA Day was previously known as Foundation Day, but to recognise Aboriginal people as the original custodians of the land, the name was changed in April 2012.

WA was settled as a free colony, unlike some other parts of Australia like New South Wales and Port Arthur. It was the only British colony in Australia established with land grants to settlers. The settlers were given land in proportion to the quantity of people and goods they brought to the colony and were only given the full title to their land when it had been improved enough to be considered established and sustaining.

Pentecost Sunday

When the Day of Pentecost Came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.’

Pentecost Sunday, which marks the end of the Easter season in the Christian calendar, celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Pentecost 2022 falls 50 days after Easter 2022, which, is this Sunday, 5 June.

Confirmation Thanks and Congratulations

I wish to thank my dedicated Yr6 teachers Miss Kezic and Mr Albuquerque for preparing the children so well. Thank you for living the faith so you could share the faith with the students in your care. The amount of work you have done in preparation for both Masses was extraordinary. This doesn’t happen in other Parishes anymore. You are a real credit and asset to our school and community, well done.

My sincere congratulations to the newly Confirmed, may you over the coming years use the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit to support, help and guide you through the challenges and joys you will experience as part of life. You are the nicest Yr6 students I have had the joy of getting to know for many years; you are a true blessing to our school and Parish community. Congratulations!

National Simultaneous Story Time

Last Wednesday, it was National Simultaneous Story time. At 11am, schools across the nation had the same story read to the students. I was very fortunate to read the book to all classes. This year’s chosen novel was ‘Family Tree’, written by Josh Pyke and beautifully illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh. Family Tree is a heartfelt celebration of family, community, and the seasons of life to cherish and to share. I was so impressed with how our children engaged with the story and made personal connections with their own lives. Children understood the sadness of when children become older and move away from their mums and dads. We acknowledge and value diversity of our families. All families are different and should be celebrated.

Congratulations to The Interschool Cross Country Team

Congratulations to all the children who competed at the Interschool Cross Country last Friday. You represented CtK with a great deal of pride. Thank you to Mrs McLinden and Mr Geaney for taking the children to the carnival.

Running Club

This is now happening each Friday morning from 7:50pm on the school oval. Each lap will be recorded and as the kilometres increase, we will keep a tally so milestone distances will be acknowledged with badges being presented at the end of the year assembly.

Library Renovations and New Furniture

Our library renovations are now complete, and the new furniture looks fantastic. Many students and staff have said how spacious, inviting and cool the library looks. Thank you to Mrs Bafile for organising these super-duper changes for our school community. Parents are most welcome to visit the library to see the wonderful improvements.

New Science Lab

The new Science Lab renovations and new ceiling is now complete. We will wait for the new furniture to arrive in readiness for term three. Very exciting times ahead!

Staff Appointment Announcement

I wish to announce our new Music teacher for Christ the King School is Miss Larissa Paratore. She has been teaching music at St Jerome’s Catholic Primary School for the past three years winning many Performing Arts awards for chorale singing, bucket drums, ukulele and whole school musical productions. Miss Paratore will commence Monday, 18 July, start of term three. I have asked Mrs Caterina D’Angelo to teach Visual Art from term three for the whole school. Christ the King now offers specialist classes in Music, Physical Education, Visual Art, Italian, Science and Digital Technology. We aim to become the school of choice for families as we wish to educate the ‘whole child’; providing wonderful experiences and learning opportunities.

Just a friendly reminder, 3 Year Old Kindy places for 2023 is filling up fast with only 20 places in total. Please make sure you have completed an enrolment form for 3 Year Old Kindy and returned this to the office ASAP. Due to high demand for places at Christ the King, I am now taking enrolments for a second 4 Year Old Kindy class for 2023.

God Moments

  • At a recent Kindy interview, as I was talking, the dad started laughing. As I turned around, his child was going through my lunchbox trying to eat my lunch!
  • Watching the Year 6 students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Seeing children keeping our school clean and tidy by picking up rubbish that wasn’t theirs.

Have a wonderful, relaxing long weekend with family and friends.

Andrew Kelly

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