Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

Dear Parents and Guardians

Lord Jesus,

Bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion
for the first time this Saturday and Sunday.
May it be an initial step into a life-long love of the Eucharist.
Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to
you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full
Thank you for their innocence and goodness.
May their hands, extended in anticipation of your Body and
Blood, inspire all of us to cherish this sacred sacrament.


A reminder to all families that the last day of Term Two for students will be Thursday, 30 June as staff are completing their First Aid course on Friday, 1 July.

First Eucharist is the beginning of a lifetime of full and frequent participation in the Eucharist, where we are continually challenged, encouraged and nourished in the journey of faith that began with Baptism.

Next Thursday, 23 June is the Parent/Child Workshop in the Hall. Next weekend June 25 and June 26, children in Year 4 will be receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist. These wonderful young people are beginning a wonderful journey with the help of their family, school and the entire parish community.

In saying “Amen” for the first time to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the children will become one with Jesus in a new way, becoming joined more deeply to the Body of Christ, his Church. In faith they are bringing not just to the one moment of First Communion, but also to a new life with Christ.

The whole school and parish community walks with you on this journey in both prayer and practical support; teachers, catechists, parish staff, Ministry co-ordinators and other parishioners. However, your role as parents in this process is crucial.

The following are some simple things you can do as parents to lead your child to the Eucharist:

Model active participation in the Mass every week. Go to Reconciliation with your child.

Say a short prayer out loud for your child during grace at meals, at bedtime, or any time your family is gathered together. Involve younger siblings in this important work.

Reminisce with your child about your own First Communion, and share what you believe about the Eucharist. Include Godparents and Grandparents in discussions about the Sacrament.

Highlight not just the “milestone” aspects of the upcoming celebration of First Holy Communion, but the spiritual as well.

If you do not feel confident in teaching your child about the Sacrament, or in praying with and for them don’t forget to call on older generations amongst family and friends and to draw on their knowledge and faith.

Indigenous Incursion

Last Friday classes listened to Greg Wally an indigenous elder from the Nannup region in the South West. He talked about how aboriginal people used the flora and fauna to live off the land and told us a Dreamtime Story. It was a very enjoyable and educational experience.

Wellness Dog for Christ the King School

I wish to inform all families that through the wonderful work of our Student Council, they have presented their research on getting a Wellness Dog for our school. Staff and the Advisory Council have had a chance to listen to their proposal.

I can now let our school community know that we will be having a new addition to our staff with a Cavoodle puppy joining us some time in late term three or early term four. The owners and breeders from Peppertree Lane have very, very generously donated a cavoodle to our school. They will also help us with the wellness training. One of our staff will own the dog bringing her to school each day.

Cavoodles do not shed hair and are allergy free. They are very kind, placid and caring dogs and will benefit all children, staff and parents in our school. Having a Cavoodle also helps children who are unsure of dogs as building trust is vital.

If any parent wishes to discuss this further we me then please contact me if you have any concerns or general questions? I will be completing a risk assessment to ensure we meet high standards for our new staff member.

Semester One Reports

Currently our teaching staff are in the final stages of completing Semester Reports which will be available via SEQTA Engage from Tuesday, 28 June. This is a time for us to reflect on the progress made by children over the semester. I urge all parents to read the comments to fully understand your child’s progress.

If your child is on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for a specific learning area, please disregard the judging standards. Read this comment in conjunction aligned to your child’s IEP.

Times like this could be quite stressful for children and for parents. We all want to see our children achieve the very best they are capable of achieving. Our aim is to ensure that children are motivated to learn and achieve to their potential, then accept what they can do, because the important thing is for them to be happy, carefree and enjoying their learning.

I would like to acknowledge the professional efforts of our staff, who have put in many hours to assess the children’s learning and to ensure that the reporting to you, the parents, is as meaningful as it can be. I thank them for their professionalism, hard work and commitment in producing reports that clearly demonstrate the children’s learning.

I think it is always important to put the written report in context, focusing on the child and noting that:

Teachers and Parents can never
know all that a child knows.

A Report Card is merely a snapshot –
A tiny slice of a child’s learning over
a given period of time.

It is through talking with a child,
looking at what the child creates,
and watching the child in action
that we gain a clearer,
more comprehensive understanding
of a child’s progress.

Semester One Report Meeting Opportunity

On Wednesday, 29 June from 3:15-4:30pm, teachers and specialist teachers will be available to meet for an interview to discuss your child’s Semester One Report. This is NOT compulsory, merely an opportunity to discuss any aspects of the report if you feel the need to do so. Please email the teacher you wish to meet with directly to arrange a time on this day.

Andrew Kelly

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