Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900

1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends

Dear Parents and Guardians

SLEEP – As we return to school, I take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of sleep. Sleep is the secret weapon of cognitive success. Across a range of activities, involving not just language but Mathematics, logic problems and spatial reasoning, sleep has been shown to enhance our brain power. That is why we are told to ‘sleep on it’ when we have a problem. The solution is often obvious in the morning. Young people need much more sleep than adults for the health of their bodies and their minds. Prioritise your sleep and your happy brain will help you get a lot more done and done well. Ensure your children have an abundance of sleep to organise their minds and you are I strongly encourage all parents to ensure your children have the adequate hours of sleep to support their learning at school. Tired children simply do not learn as well as rested children. Set sleep times, patterns and processes are required. E.g., go to bed at the same time every night, start by brushing teeth, preparing school bag and uniform for the next day. Try to read to your children every night, it really does improve a child’s reading if parents read to them at home regularly. Once children are in a pattern it is much easier to follow the routines and attain the correct amount of sleep.

EXTRA CURRICULA ACTIVITIES – Running Club, Dance Club, TinkerCad Club, Numero Club, Knitting Club and Lego Club. Our students are very fortunate to have such dedicated staff who provide this myriad of opportunities for our fabulous children.

STAFF PD – Friday, 19 August Claire Orange will be presenting her knowledge and passion to staff about mental health and wellbeing. We are all looking forward to Claire working with us.

SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM 2022 – Another successful year was achieved as we navigated our Sacramental program through Covid. Last Saturday saw the last group of children in Year 3 receive their certificates as well as four Year 4 students receiving Holy Communion for the first time, and three Year 6 students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Congratulations to you all.

I also wish to thank Father Liam our spiritual leader for his tremendous support over the course of this faith journey. I wish to thank my dedicated Yr3 teachers Mrs Gumina and Mrs Gummer, Yr4 teachers Mrs Hartley and Mrs Fanning and Yr6 teachers Miss Kezic and Mr Albuquerque for preparing the children so well for each of the Sacraments. Thank you to Trudy and Lisa for the contribution they have had in preparing and supporting our children. Their contribution to the life of the Parish was very much appreciated.

MATHS FOCUS  Last term, we had Ben Saulsman from CEWA model Maths lessons for our staff. This term, he will continue working with staff on their teaching and learning.

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR STUDENT COUNCIL: Riley, Espoir, Lucas and Alex who developed our school’s new Student Code of Conduct. Copies of this are now placed around the school and on our website.

CYBER SAFETY PARENT WORKSHOP – I strongly encourage as many parents as possible to attend the Cyber Safety Parent Workshop being help in the library on Wednesday, 17 August from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. This is for all parents in our school as no one should miss this important and educational presentation. The cost is being covered by the school. The presenter is Kaylene Kerr from eSafeKids. For more information, please use this link

On the same day, all the children in Years 4-6 will be having year level workshops with Kaylene learning about Cyber Safety.

FATHERING PROJECT – Calling all CtK dads to attend our first Fathering Project gathering, which is taking place on Wednesday, 10 August at 6:30pm in the library. I have asked the founders of the Fathering Project to come along and help present this very important initiative for the children in our school. I would love to see as many dads attend this presentation as possible. Mr Damian Geaney and I will be leading this for our school, and we will require a group of dads to help us setup a committee.

FREE DRESS DAY – Friday, 12 August our Year 6 students are organising a ‘Wear Your Footy Colours’ to school as the derby between Fremantle and West Coast Eagles is being played that weekend. For $5.00, children can wear their footy or sporting club colours and have a sausage sizzle, drink and ice cream for lunch as the canteen will be closed that day. All money raised will go to the P&F and some of that money will be donated to the upkeep of our Wellness Dog, Patch.

BISHOPS’ RELIGIOUS LITERACY ASSESSMENT – For Years 3 and 5 was today. This is a curriculum based assessment which reflects and supports the progressive nature of the K-12 Religious Education Units. It focuses on students’ ability to recall content about the Catholic religion and to assess students’ knowledge and understanding of Religious Education it does not measure students’ faith. The intended purpose of the assessment is to provide individual schools with a snapshot of student performance in Religious Education.

P&F NEWS – A reminder that the Golden Ravioli forms and money are due this coming Monday the 8th. To be put in the P&F drop box.

OPEN NIGHT – Put it in your diaries as we showcase the learning happening in classrooms. The library, Music Room, Learning Hub and Science Lab will be ready to showcase everything new and wonderful. This will run from 5:30-7:00pm on Wednesday, 31 August. A sausage sizzle and soft drink will be available from the canteen. Remember, the Lego competition will also be running.

COVID UPDATE – Masks are encouraged where physical distancing is not possible. Please continue to register your child’s COVID-19 results via the CEWA Self-Reporting Portal and any positive COVID-19 RAT results on the WA Health RAT Register, as is required by the WA Government.

The school will receive another delivery of RATs for students. Primary students will once again, NOT BE ALLOWED to have RATS issued, directly to them. We have been advised that the RATs will primarily be nasal swab tests; there is an allocation of lollipop RATs for those children in the Early Learning Centres. We will inform families when they have arrived and create collection points.

The cold wet days can challenge our positive outlook on life. Whilst we have faith in the inevitable arrival of spring, let’s pray for the strength to welcome each new day as a gift from God. It has been said that there are two kinds of people –

Those that wake up with a smile and say, “Good morning, God.”
And those that wake with bleary eyes and say, “Good God, morning!”

Andrew Kelly

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