Christ the King School


87 York Street,
Beaconsfield WA 6162
PO Box 213
South Fremantle WA 6162
P: (08) 9487 9900


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,



As a school community we came together last Wednesday to commemorate ANZAC Day and to pray for those who have given their lives in wars to protect our country and also for those who are still serving around the world. This was a beautiful occasion and the students were most respectful throughout the service. A huge thank you to our Year 6 students for leading this ceremony with the readings and singing.

Praying the Rosary – Month of May

The month of May has traditionally been a time when we pray to Mary. The Rosary is often prayed during this time. The Rosary tells of some of the very important events in Mary’s life. Mary’s life begins joyfully, then experiences sorrow and is finally glorious. The Yr6 Communications Team will be leading the Rosary in our school from next week for the month of May.

We send lots of prayers and blessings to the children in Yr3 as they participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Saturday 4 May at Christ the King Church between 3pm and 5pm. We wish the children and their parents the very best! Many thanks in advance to Mrs Gumina and Miss Letizia for preparing the children. Thank you to Mrs Reardon for her support, guidance and help. Thank you, Mrs Darch for creating the certificates and thank you, Mrs Urbano for completing the administrative duties to ensure everything is in readiness for this Saturday.

Year Six Camp

On Tuesday the Year Six children and teachers left for their Year Six Camp at Nanga Bush, Dwellingup. We wish them well and hope they experience the joy of being together as a group and grow in appreciation, whilst experiencing the many challenges they will face over the next four days. The children have settled in well and are enjoying the many activities and experiences presented to them. We do look forward to their return tomorrow and hearing the many stories they have to share with us.

Playgroup at Christ the King School

This wonderful new initiative led by Melissa Fiocco and Alison Reddyhough began Monday as parents and children gathered in the PreKindy classroom to experience play in a casual setting. Playgroup provides opportunities for families and children to learn and playfully prepare for school together, to bond, share and build brains!

Playgroup typically meets for two hours per week for families and children to come together to socialise and learn through play. At playgroup you can have fun playing and learning with your child and meet other local parents. Your child can make friends and become familiar with the school environment ready for future school years. To register your interest please contact Melissa. Email:

Play-Based Learners

At Christ the King School, we believe in the development of the whole child and that our children must be equipped for the future. We understand that the children of today do not live in the world of yesterday and as such believe in an innovative, curiosity driven education based upon traditional and new pedagogy and understanding.

Christ the King School offers so many exciting opportunities and I encourage students and parents to attend relevant events and to be as involved as possible in the life of the school. Our aspiration, at Christ the King School, is to provide a world-class Catholic school where students and staff flourish.

Early Childhood Education lays the foundation for further schooling and provides the initial interface between home and school in a child’s life. Recognising parents as the first educators of their children, early childhood education seeks to build upon home learning. In establishing programs for young children, it is important to remember that Catholic schooling is intentionally directed to the holistic development of children from within, assisting them to become fully integrated human persons.

Our program:

  • Recognises, values and builds upon the child’s prior knowledge.
  • Understands the importance of developing problem solving and thinking strategies through play.
  • Listens to children and their families, respecting their values, cultures and experiences to provide opportunities which support learning.
  • Closely observes, describes and records the children’s efforts and achievements by monitoring progress and planning experiences which build on their knowledge, understandings, skills, attitudes and values.
  • Facilitates a challenging environment which motivates and enriches learning and gives the child the opportunity to experience:
  • Independence and guidance.
  • Free choice and direction.
  • Incidental moments and planned activities.
  • Child initiated, and teacher navigated.
  • Individual and group work.
  • Free inquiry and explicit teaching.


The aims of our Early Childhood Education Program are to encourage children to:

  • Develop a positive self-image.
  • Love learning and value their individual learning styles.
  • Be responsible for their learning.
  • Build oral language skills.
  • Respect their own knowledge, background and culture.
  • Take risks, persist and be self-paced with their learning.
  • Know, understand and use their personality, talents, and personal ways of being creative.
  • Learn through problem-based play activities by doing and being actively involved.
  • Learn through adults and others who scaffold their endeavours.
  • Respect, value and accept all people.
  • Experience the joy in the mystery and wonder of the universe through inquiry.
  • Feel valued and safe.


School Attendance

We want to make sure all children get the best education possible which is why attending school every day is so important. Western Australian law stipulates that all school-aged children must go to and attend school every day. As a school we are required to keep accurate attendance records for all of our students. This includes taking attendance:

  • In the morning and afternoon for students in Pre-Kindy to Year 6
  • At every lesson for secondary school students.

Developing the habit of going to school every day is vital so children do not miss out on important Ideas and skills they need for future learning.

The impact on the child’s learning when they continuously miss school is quite significant. We certainly do not want parents sending their child to school when they are unwell. This serves no purpose and can have a detrimental effect on the child, other members of the class and the teacher. However, children who stay home for less legitimate reasons, can be habit forming, as well as impacting on their learning. For example:

Missing half a day of school each week equates to one month of missed learning each year.

The attendance habits set by children when they first start school continue throughout their school life.

If children miss half a day of school each week between Pre-Primary and Year 10, they would miss almost one full year of learning. Learning is cumulative – if children miss a day, it is harder for them to catch up.

You can help by arriving and collecting your children on time; making sure they get nutritious meals and enough sleep; and making appointments with doctors, dentists and specialists after school hours, and making holiday plans during school holidays and not during the school term.

As Principal, I certainly understand that this cannot always be the case, as sometimes you can only get into specialists at certain times and holidays can be a ‘once in a life-time’ opportunity for the child and the family.

If your child is unwell and unable to go to school, let the school know straight away by telephone or by the website. If they miss a day it is important you talk with their teacher to find out how you can help them catch up. If your child cannot attend school because of their mental or physical health, speak to your child’s teacher or make an appointment to speak with me to see what options are available for your child. As the year progresses and we move into the colder months, it is hard to get out of bed and get ready for school. It is important that we remind our children the importance of attending school every day.

Did you know?

  • Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
  • Food can only be tasted if it is mixed with saliva.
  • A hardboiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft boiled egg will not.


There are ‘great things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!


Andrew Kelly

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