Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,
Person of Peace
“Love one another as I have loved you”,
May seem impossible to do,
But if you try to trust and believe,
great are the joys that you will receive.
For love makes us patient, understanding and kind,
And we judge with our heart
and not with our mind.
For as soon as love enters
the heart’s opened door, the faults we once saw are not there anymore,
And the things that seemed wrong
begin to look right,
When viewed in the softness of love’s gentle light.
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
And all that God promised will someday come true,
When you love one another the way He loved you.
Congratulations to Mrs Seaward and the children who presented a cheque to Telethon last Sunday raising $3333.30 from cupcake sales and the Year 6 MasterChef extravaganza. Thank you to our school community for supporting this wonderful event. Bravo!
Tomorrow is World Teachers’ Day for all staff at Christ the King School. As a staff, we will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day. At CtK, all staff are believed to be ‘teachers’ as they have interactions with the students in a variety of ways. We are very fortunate at Christ the King School to have a high performing, collaborative team of staff whose focus is on the growth and development of every child. As a school community we are appreciative of all that our staff do for our students. The hours can be long, the demands continue to grow but one thing I know is that the staff do know well and care for your sons and daughters. Thank you to our wonderful P&F for treating us to a lovely after school treat!
A reminder to all parents that Friday, 8 November is a Pupil Free Day.
Our Annual Community Meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday 13 November from 5.00pm in the hall. This is an opportunity to hear reports on the progress of the school in the past twelve months and to spend time together celebrating a successful school year and strong, trusting and collaborative partnerships. All adult community members are invited and welcome to attend.
All Saints Day, November 1, the day on which Catholics celebrate all the saints, known and unknown, is a surprisingly old feast. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints on the anniversary of their martyrdom. When martyrdoms increased during the persecutions of the late Roman Empire, local dioceses instituted a common feast day in order to ensure that all martyrs, known and unknown, were properly honoured.
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. In November, it is the Holy Souls. Praying for the dead, especially for those loved ones we have known, is a requirement of Christian charity. At school we will recall those loved ones who have passed away during our prayers throughout November. There will be a Book of Remembrance in the Church, in which you can write the names of those loved ones for whom families would like us to pray.
As a member of Christ the King School there is an expectation that all students will show pride in their school by:
- being an active and involved learner,
- being caring and considerate towards their teachers and peers,
- being punctual to school each day and to their classes,
- being properly prepared for class and up to date with their school commitments,
- seeking assistance from their teachers, when necessary,
- wearing their uniform with pride,
- being positively involved in the various aspects of the school’s life as a ‘participant’ rather than a ‘spectator’!
Finally, we need to remind ourselves from time to time that staff and parents also have a personal responsibility for making Christ the King School a happy and safe place in which to learn.
Grandparent’s Day Wednesday will start with classroom visits followed by a special morning tea in the hall. Things get underway from 9am by visiting classes. Thank you to the P&F for organising morning tea.
We wish selected children from Years 4, 5 and 6 who will be representing our school this Tuesday at the Spelling Bee Competition at Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Hilton.
There are ‘good things’ happening in our school due to the efforts of so many people; seek to be one of those people in the coming week!
Andrew Kelly