Dear Parents and Guardians
End of Term Prayer
We thank you Lord, for this term.
For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith.
Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others
do for us, to give time and effort to help others.
To be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.
We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents
And a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives.
What a wonderful term this has been!
Thank You Staff As we approach the end of Semester One, I thank the staff of Christ the King who are an exceptional group of dedicated professionals. I am constantly in awe of their commitment. The depths of their conversations reflect professionals who have a highly developed understanding of good pedagogical practice. I wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge all their wonderful work. May God bless each and every one of them and may they find comfort in the knowledge their vocations as teacher, sages and educators are a lofty and most honourable calling.
I wish to congratulate our students on their commitment to learning in the most challenging of times. Their resiliency and tenacity are certainly a wonderful example to us all. I sincerely thank our parent community for their support and encouragement throughout this semester. It is one that we will never forget and take many learnings from. It has been a privilege to learn more about this wonderful school when faced with adversity and the people inside it have defined our TRUE values throughout the journey.
A very big thank you also to our P&F who have worked tirelessly even though for a large part of this semester we have been restricted by Covid. I really enjoy our meetings as the discussions are always around improving school resources and the learning journey of all children in our school.
Thank you to the Advisory Council for their support in my endeavours to have a future focus for our school. All our SAC members do a tremendous job in making many important financial decisions and keeping our school financially viable. It is exciting to see the SAC now involving themselves in sub-committees like Risk Audit and Maintenance, Marketing and Capital Development. More information will be shared in the coming months with our school community.
NAIDOC Week is a time for Aboriginal people to come together in different ways to connect to culture and country. NAIDOC Week is also an opportunity for non-Aboriginal Australians to grow their cultural awareness, knowledge and skills, by participating in Aboriginal community events in a respectful way.
Congratulations to Ruby Yr2 and Jessica Yr6 for winning the NAIDOC Colouring-in Competition. They received a $5 canteen voucher, which can be used in term three. Thank you to everyone for participating as it was a very difficult decision to find two winners. Thank you to Mrs Philp and Mr Geaney for coordinating this competition and NAIDOC Week, awesome job!
Christ the King Wellness Dog
Introducing our Wellness Dog who is 5 weeks old! From some time in term three, she will be joining our staff and be trained as a Wellness Dog.
The Student Council has setup a Microsoft Form where you as a family can choose the most appropriate name for her. The Form will be open until Tuesday, 19 July. Please go to the following link to vote!
I leave you with these thoughts for the holidays. A time when you may need a little more patience and understanding of your children.
Always remember to:
Listen with love
Listen with eyes as well as ears
Listen with understanding and
Listen often and God will ensure your family has a wonderful time together for the holiday and always.
I wish all staff, parents and children a wonderful holiday and pray that the next two weeks will be a beautiful chance for all parents to spend time together with their children. We look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for Term 3.
We wish to advise the school dates for the start of Term 3, are as follows:
MONDAY 18 July 2020 School Starts for Staff and Students
THURSDAY 22 September 2020 Last day of Term Three for Students and Staff
God Moments:
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Andrew Kelly